




// ------------------------------------
// STEP 1. Try to acquire as many locks as we can, and ensure
// we acquire at least one.
// ---------------------------------- // ------------------------------------
// STEP 2. Update any LATEST_TIMESTAMP timestamps
// ---------------------------------- // ------------------------------------
// STEP 3. Build WAL edit
// ---------------------------------- // -------------------------
// STEP 4. Append the final edit to WAL. Do not sync wal.
// ------------------------- // ------------------------------------
// STEP 5. Write back to memstore
// Write to memstore. It is ok to write to memstore
// first without syncing the WAL because we do not roll
// forward the memstore MVCC. The MVCC will be moved up when
// the complete operation is done. These changes are not yet
// visible to scanners till we update the MVCC. The MVCC is
// moved only when the sync is complete.
// ---------------------------------- // -------------------------------
// STEP 6. Release row locks, etc.
// ------------------------------- // -------------------------
// STEP 7. Sync wal.
// ------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
// STEP 8. Advance mvcc. This will make this put visible to scanners and getters.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------
// STEP 9. Run coprocessor post hooks. This should be done after the wal is
// synced so that the coprocessor contract is adhered to.
// ------------------------------------ // if the wal sync was unsuccessful, remove keys from memstore




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