基于版本:Guava 22.0


0. EventBus简介




1. EventBus类图



2. 代码实例

        EventBus eventBus = new EventBus();

        eventBus.register(new Object() {
public void listen(Object subReport) throws Exception {
System.out.println("receive object event!");
} @Subscribe
public void listen(Integer subReport) throws Exception {
System.out.println("receive integer event!");
}); eventBus.post(Integer.valueOf(1));


receive integer event!
receive object event!




3. EventBus.register()

* Registers all subscriber methods on {@code object} to receive events.
* @param object object whose subscriber methods should be registered.
public void register(Object object) {
} SubscriberRegistry.register
* Registers all subscriber methods on the given listener object.
void register(Object listener) {
Multimap<Class<?>, Subscriber> listenerMethods = findAllSubscribers(listener);//获取传入的listener中含有的所有的订阅者 for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, Collection<Subscriber>> entry : listenerMethods.asMap().entrySet()) {
Class<?> eventType = entry.getKey();//订阅的事件类型
Collection<Subscriber> eventMethodsInListener = entry.getValue();//对应的订阅者本身 CopyOnWriteArraySet<Subscriber> eventSubscribers = subscribers.get(eventType); if (eventSubscribers == null) {
CopyOnWriteArraySet<Subscriber> newSet = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<Subscriber>();
eventSubscribers =
MoreObjects.firstNonNull(subscribers.putIfAbsent(eventType, newSet), newSet);//线程安全的修改subscribers对象
} eventSubscribers.addAll(eventMethodsInListener);
} /**
* Returns all subscribers for the given listener grouped by the type of event they subscribe to.
private Multimap<Class<?>, Subscriber> findAllSubscribers(Object listener) {
Multimap<Class<?>, Subscriber> methodsInListener = HashMultimap.create();
Class<?> clazz = listener.getClass();
for (Method method : getAnnotatedMethods(clazz)) {//getAnnotatedMethods方法最终会调用到下面的SubscriberRegistry.getAnnotatedMethodsNotCached方法,这个方法会用反射处理传入的clazz及其所有的父类,提取出含有Subscribe注解并且有且只有一个参数的方法
Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
Class<?> eventType = parameterTypes[0];//获取这个方法的唯一参数的Class
methodsInListener.put(eventType, Subscriber.create(bus, listener, method));//将EventBus,订阅者对象,订阅者方法包装一下并放入map,后续触发事件的时候会用到
return methodsInListener;
} SubscriberRegistry.getAnnotatedMethodsNotCached
private static ImmutableList<Method> getAnnotatedMethodsNotCached(Class<?> clazz) {
Set<? extends Class<?>> supertypes = TypeToken.of(clazz).getTypes().rawTypes();//连clazz的父类也会处理
Map<MethodIdentifier, Method> identifiers = Maps.newHashMap();
for (Class<?> supertype : supertypes) {
for (Method method : supertype.getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Subscribe.class) && !method.isSynthetic()) {//含有Subscribe注解,而且不是合成的方法
// TODO(cgdecker): Should check for a generic parameter type and error out
Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
parameterTypes.length == 1,
"Method %s has @Subscribe annotation but has %s parameters."
+ "Subscriber methods must have exactly 1 parameter.",
parameterTypes.length);//方法必须有且只有一个参数 MethodIdentifier ident = new MethodIdentifier(method);
if (!identifiers.containsKey(ident)) {
identifiers.put(ident, method);
return ImmutableList.copyOf(identifiers.values());



a. 解析传入的Object对象,用反射分析对应的class及其所有父类,找到所有用Subscribe注解修饰,而且只有一个参数的方法。由这个方法可以生成订阅者对象。

b. 解析这个方法的参数(订阅者订阅的事件类型)

c. 每个EventBus在初始化时都会与一个SubscriberRegistry关联,这个SubscriberRegistry内部维护了一个名为subscribers的ConcurrentMap,这个ConcurrentMap的 key是EventBus关心的事件类型,value是订阅了这些事件的订阅者的集合,subscribers在后续发布事件的流程中非常有用(可以通过发布的事件类型,找到这个事件所关联的所有订阅者,并通知这些相关的订阅者)。现在用a,b中的信息来更新subscribers,由于subscribers可能被并发操作,所以用到了ConcurrentMap.putIfAbsent方法以保证线程安全。


4. EventBus.post()

public void post(Object event) {
Iterator<Subscriber> eventSubscribers = subscribers.getSubscribers(event);//获取发布事件所关联的所有订阅者(包括event的所有父类/接口所关联的订阅者)
if (eventSubscribers.hasNext()) {
dispatcher.dispatch(event, eventSubscribers);//用分派器触发所有订阅者的订阅方法,分派器有同步/异步的不同实现
} else if (!(event instanceof DeadEvent)) {
// the event had no subscribers and was not itself a DeadEvent
post(new DeadEvent(this, event));//如果这个事件没有订阅者,则将这个事件包装为DeadEvent事件,然后重新触发post方法
} SubscriberRegistry.getSubscribers
* Gets an iterator representing an immutable snapshot of all subscribers to the given event at
* the time this method is called.
Iterator<Subscriber> getSubscribers(Object event) {
ImmutableSet<Class<?>> eventTypes = flattenHierarchy(event.getClass());//flattenHierarchy方法会解析出event的class,及其所有父类/接口的class List<Iterator<Subscriber>> subscriberIterators =
Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(eventTypes.size()); for (Class<?> eventType : eventTypes) {//遍历event关联的所有class,找到这些class关联的所有订阅者,添加到subscriberIterators中
CopyOnWriteArraySet<Subscriber> eventSubscribers = subscribers.get(eventType);
if (eventSubscribers != null) {
// eager no-copy snapshot
} return Iterators.concat(subscriberIterators.iterator());
} SubscriberRegistry.flattenHierarchy
* Flattens a class's type hierarchy into a set of {@code Class} objects including all
* superclasses (transitively) and all interfaces implemented by these superclasses.
static ImmutableSet<Class<?>> flattenHierarchy(Class<?> concreteClass) {
try {
return flattenHierarchyCache.getUnchecked(concreteClass);//这里会用Guava的TypeToken工具解析出concreteClass的class,以及所有父类/接口的class并返回
} catch (UncheckedExecutionException e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e.getCause());


a. 用Guava的TypeToken工具解析Event的class,以及Event的所有父类/接口的class,所有订阅了这些class的订阅者后续都会收到通知

b. 调用EventBus关联的Dispatcher的dispatcher方法,将Event发布给所有关联的订阅者。


5. EventBus的默认Dispatcher

* Creates a new EventBus named "default".
public EventBus() {
} /**
* Creates a new EventBus with the given {@code identifier}.
* @param identifier a brief name for this bus, for logging purposes. Should be a valid Java
* identifier.
public EventBus(String identifier) {
} Dispatcher.perThreadDispatchQueue()
static Dispatcher perThreadDispatchQueue() {
return new PerThreadQueuedDispatcher();
} Dispatcher.PerThreadQueuedDispatcher
* Implementation of a {@link #perThreadDispatchQueue()} dispatcher.
private static final class PerThreadQueuedDispatcher extends Dispatcher { // This dispatcher matches the original dispatch behavior of EventBus. /**
* Per-thread queue of events to dispatch.
private final ThreadLocal<Queue<Event>> queue =
new ThreadLocal<Queue<Event>>() {
protected Queue<Event> initialValue() {
return Queues.newArrayDeque();
};//为每个调用post方法的工作线程维护一个发布队列,工作线程独立操作这个队列完成时间发布流程,所以是线程安全的 /**
* Per-thread dispatch state, used to avoid reentrant event dispatching.
private final ThreadLocal<Boolean> dispatching =
new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() {
protected Boolean initialValue() {
return false;
}; @Override
void dispatch(Object event, Iterator<Subscriber> subscribers) {
Queue<Event> queueForThread = queue.get();
queueForThread.offer(new Event(event, subscribers));//将发布事件+事件所关联的所有订阅者包装成一个Event对象,并提交至发布队列 if (!dispatching.get()) {
try {
Event nextEvent;
while ((nextEvent = queueForThread.poll()) != null) {//尝试从发布队列中poll元素
while (nextEvent.subscribers.hasNext()) {//遍历发布事件的所有订阅者,向订阅者派发事件,由于EventBus默认使用的线程池是MoreExecutors.directExecutor(),所以实际上发布者会串行而且同步的向事件的所有订阅者派发事件,直到全部派发结束,post方法才会返回,所以EventBus在默认情况下是同步的。
} finally {
} private static final class Event {
private final Object event;
private final Iterator<Subscriber> subscribers; private Event(Object event, Iterator<Subscriber> subscribers) {
this.event = event;
this.subscribers = subscribers;
} Subscriber.dispatchEvent
* Dispatches {@code event} to this subscriber using the proper executor.
final void dispatchEvent(final Object event) {//向订阅者派发事件
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
bus.handleSubscriberException(e.getCause(), context(event));
} Subscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod
* Invokes the subscriber method. This method can be overridden to make the invocation
* synchronized.
void invokeSubscriberMethod(Object event) throws InvocationTargetException {
try {
method.invoke(target, checkNotNull(event));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new Error("Method rejected target/argument: " + event, e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new Error("Method became inaccessible: " + event, e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof Error) {
throw (Error) e.getCause();
throw e;


a. 使用的线程池为MoreExecutors.directExecutor(),这实际上不能算是一个真正的线程池,所有提交到这个池子里的任务,都是由提交任务的线程自身来执行的。

b. EventBus为每个调用post方法的线程维护了一个发布队列,工作线程会将事件提交到这个私有队列里,然后逐个通知事件所关联的订阅者,由于使用的线程池是MoreExecutors.directExecutor(),所以这个过程实际上是完全串行而且同步执行的,调用post方法的工作线程实际上会在将事件通知给所有订阅者后才会返回,从而实现了同步的EventBus语义。

6. AsyncEventBus的Dispatcher

public AsyncEventBus(Executor executor) {
super("default", executor, Dispatcher.legacyAsync(), LoggingHandler.INSTANCE); Dispatcher.legacyAsync()
static Dispatcher legacyAsync() {
return new LegacyAsyncDispatcher();
} Dispatcher.LegacyAsyncDispatcher
private static final class LegacyAsyncDispatcher extends Dispatcher { // This dispatcher matches the original dispatch behavior of AsyncEventBus.
// We can't really make any guarantees about the overall dispatch order for this dispatcher in
// a multithreaded environment for a couple reasons:
// 1. Subscribers to events posted on different threads can be interleaved with each other
// freely. (A event on one thread, B event on another could yield any of
// [a1, a2, a3, b1, b2], [a1, b2, a2, a3, b2], [a1, b2, b3, a2, a3], etc.)
// 2. It's possible for subscribers to actually be dispatched to in a different order than they
// were added to the queue. It's easily possible for one thread to take the head of the
// queue, immediately followed by another thread taking the next element in the queue. That
// second thread can then dispatch to the subscriber it took before the first thread does.
// All this makes me really wonder if there's any value in queueing here at all. A dispatcher
// that simply loops through the subscribers and dispatches the event to each would actually
// probably provide a stronger order guarantee, though that order would obviously be different
// in some cases. /**
* Global event queue.
private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<EventWithSubscriber> queue =
void dispatch(Object event, Iterator<Subscriber> subscribers) {
while (subscribers.hasNext()) {//将Event+订阅者包装成EventWithSubscriber,放入发布队列中
queue.add(new EventWithSubscriber(event, subscribers.next()));
} EventWithSubscriber e;
while ((e = queue.poll()) != null) {
} private static final class EventWithSubscriber {
private final Object event;
private final Subscriber subscriber; private EventWithSubscriber(Object event, Subscriber subscriber) {
this.event = event;
this.subscriber = subscriber;


a. 发布事件使用的线程池是创建AsyncEventBus时传入的线程池,一般来说都是正常的含有多个工作线程的线程池,提交到线程池里的任务可以被异步执行

b. LegacyAsyncDispatcher中维护了一个公用的ConcurrentLinkedQueue,这个AsyncEventBus收到的所有Event都会被put到这个队列中,put完Event的线程同时也会从这个队列中poll Event,然后submit这些Event到线程池中,如果这个线程池是普通的含有工作线程的线程池,那么submit完Event之后post方法即可立即返回,传递Event给订阅者的任务会由线程池里的工作线程完成。这样就实现了异步语义。



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