Part three

1.strategies for leadership

1)operational excellence:operational competence

2)performance superiority:product differentiation

3)customer intimacy:customer respinsiveness

product attributes? customer demand? customer expectations? what is delivering? short,long-term strategies?

2.positioning process (STP)

1)segementation (segment market by using different variables) --->

2)targeting (target segment: attractiveness) --->

3)positioning (position brand) segment: is the process of dividing a market into distinct subsets,where any subset may conceivable be selected as marketing target to be reached with a

distinct market mix.

1)segmenttation methods:

①characteristics of customer (objective,subjective)

②benefits sought (关注点)

③systematic,product-related (purchaseing behavior-by channel-)

a.cohort(同生群) analysis
b.geographic segmentation (reginal):zip clustering a target segment

what makes a segment attractive?

Balancing segment attractiveness with our capability.

Continuously monitoring whether the actual buyer match the target segment

1)segment selection criteria (most attractive segment)

segment size,growth of segment,value of segment,stability,current company position within segment,ease of entry into segment,
ease of competitive entry into segment,number and strength of competitors

2)market targeting:

a.develop measures of segment attractiveness among attractive segment based on business capabilities

Part four

brand positioning

1.what is brand?

1)a proprietary trademark for a specific product or service

2)a 'contact' from the company to its customers
a promise of specific benefits,quality,and value
a relationship between firm and its customers

"A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is -- it is what consumers tell each other it is."

"It's not about telling and selling.It's about bringing a relationship mind-set to everything we do."

2.Positioning statement:defines the value proposition of product to the target market

1)target segment:objective user? ---> for whom?

2)piont of difference:innovative? --->reason to buy?

3)frame of reference ---> piont of parity

Positioning is implemented through all elements of the marketing mix:product,price,promotion,place

Should focus on a few key benefits (unique selling proposition)

Position must be defensible.

Position requires making choices.

3.point of parity (POP)
Associations that are not unique to the brand; They are shared with other brands.

1)category POPs:associations consumer views as necessary to be considered credible
2)Competitive POPs:associations designed to negate competitors' point of difference

4.point of difference (POD):strong,favorable,unique brand associations

similar to notion of USP (unique selling proposition)

SCA:sustainable competitive advantage (achieve an advantage in the marketplace for a prolonged period of time)
May involve:performance attributes,benefits,imagery associtions

5.POD criteria:

1)Are POD desirable to the customer? Relevant? Distinctive?
2)Can you deliver the POD the customer?

Feasibility (afforfable? possible?)
Communicability (evidence or communicate?)
sustainability (internal commiment,difficult to attack,must be consistent at any point in time and over time)


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