
  1. The Newbie Routine

    1. 5 minutes hot wrap
    2. 5 minutes manual stretch (ten 30-second stretches)
    3. 10 minutes of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes)
    4. 5 minutes hot wrap
    5. 50 kegels of five second holds each

    Schedule:2 days ON / 1 day REST.

Gradually increase to 10 min total of stretches and 30 min of jelqing over about 6 weeks time.


Sizemeister's routine

A regimen of hanging and variations of the Jelq stroke. I choose the schedule I'm posting because that's the only way I can squeeze everything into a week.

"HOT" wrap penis and testicles, 10 minutes. I love the way the heat stimulates my testicles, it seems to prep me for the task at hand.

Monday: 1 hour of jelqing using strokes 1 and 2 (listed below), hot shower in lieu of hot wrap
Tuesday: 1.5 hours of hanging (20 min on, 10 off), 30-45 minutes jelq, hot shower in lieu of hot wrap
Wed: same as Monday
Thursday: same as Tuesday
Friday: same as Monday except some hang time added in the evening
Saturday: OFF (complete rest day)
Sunday: Hanging, however long I have time to do it

And I throw in sets of Ulis just about every day.

This puts me with 5 jelq days and 4 hanging days a week, with one day of nothing but rest.

Jelq stroke #1: standard OK, usually thumb, index, and middle fingers, alternating hands with each stroke. I prefer the longer more powerful strokes to the faster ones.

Jelq stroke #2:
Perhaps some of you have tried this. If not, I suggest you try it. While you are partially erect, after you have been jelqing for a few minutes and your member is limber (ooo I made a rhymie!!!) do a strong kegel and grab your shaft at the base with your left hand using the standard OK grip, You can keep kegeling then holding the squeeze on the base until you have your desired level of engorgement. It's like having your penis at it's erect size, but having it be more flexible, not truly erect as in the Uli#3. You may want to pull the left hand (the one holding the base) forward a bit to engorge the rest of the penis more.

Then milk your member forward using your right hand, and keep going with your right hand while clamping down with your left hand. My head becomes HUGE after doing this exercise. I usually do it when I start to lose sufficient engorgement due to fatigue. When I finish my flaccid flopper is much bigger (for now it's temporary, hopefully later permanent gains will occur) than with regular jelq alone. You just have to be careful not to milk TOO hard.

I feel very tingly down there when I am rinsing it in the shower when I'm done. I am usually sore (this is only my second week back into PE) maybe that will go away soon.


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