
‘/Users/**/Framework/SDKs/PolymerPay/Library/mobStat/lib**SDK.a(**ForSDK.o)’ does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. for architecture arm64

这个问题是由iOS9新特性 bitcode导致的,接下来介绍下这个bitcode,百度来的。

App Distribution Guide – App Thinning (iOS, watchOS)一节中,找到了下面这样一个定义:

Bitcode is an intermediate representation of a compiled program. Apps you upload to iTunes Connect that contain bitcode will be compiled and linked on the App Store. Including bitcode will allow Apple to re-optimize your app binary in the future without the need to submit a new version of your app to the store.

说的是bitcode是被编译程序的一种中间形式的代码。包含bitcode配置的程序将会在App store上被编译和链接。bitcode允许苹果在后期重新优化我们程序的二进制文件,而不需要我们重新提交一个新的版本到App store上。

继续看,在What’s New in Xcode-New Features in Xcode 7中,还有一段如下的描述

Bitcode. When you archive for submission to the App Store, Xcode will compile your app into an intermediate representation. The App Store will then compile the bitcode down into the 64 or 32 bit executables as necessary.

当我们提交程序到App store上时,Xcode会将程序编译为一个中间表现形式(bitcode)。然后App store会再将这个botcode编译为可执行的64位或32位程序。

再看看这两段描述都是放在App Thinning(App瘦身)一节中,可以看出其与包的优化有关了。喵大(@onevcat)在其博客开发者所需要知道的 iOS 9 SDK 新特性中也描述了iOS 9中苹果在App瘦身中所做的一些改进,大家可以转场到那去研读一下。



You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. for architecture arm64


实际上在Xcode 7中,我们新建一个iOS程序时,bitcode选项默认是设置为YES的。我们可以在”Build Settings”->”Enable Bitcode”选项中看到这个设置。







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