
JSBinding is a tool enabling you to run actual javascript in Unity3D. It contains Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine version 33 library.

JSBinding's target users are people who would like to develop Unity applications with existing or writing javascripts or to use javascript to do anything else.

It's very easy for javascript and c# to interact with each other. Unity's script serialization, GameObject->Components relationship are specially supported.

Memory management is a tough stuff because javascript and c# both have garbage collection. JSBinding has overcame it. Users don't need to do any work.

Version 2.0 is a very stable version.

The package contains full source code! Feel free to customize you own needs!

Does JSBinding need Unity Pro? Unity 4 documents say using native dll is pro/mobile-only feature, but Unity 5 documents don't.

See User Guide section below for more information.


Supported platforms

  • Windows Editor (32 and 64)
  • Windows Executable (32 and 64)
  • Mac OS X Editor (32 and 64)
  • Mac OS X Executable (32 and 64)
  • Android
  • iOS (32 and 64, works great with IL2CPP)


  • Simply config c# types you need and with a single click, c# classes are available in javascript!
  • Full calling stack will be printed out whenever error occurs in JavaScript or C#.
  • Support Unity serialization: int(i), string(s), double(f), UnityEngine.Object(o), JavaScript MonoBehaviour(k)
  • Almost all c# methods are available in javascript: struct/class, instance variables/methods, static variables/methods, properties, generic methods/parameters, ref/out, delegate, array, overloaded methods, indexers, operators, ...,  COROUTINE!

User Guide




  1. DataSet装换为泛型集合 222
  2. Redis主-从部署实践
  3. scrollLeft的相关问题(js横向无缝滚动)
  4. C++学习之开发环境搭建篇(一)
  5. bt协议详解 DHT篇(上)
  6. jQuery事件绑定和委托
  7. 表单验证提交——submit与button
  8. HDU 3743 Frosh Week(归并排序求逆序数)
  9. VS2017 Cordova 出现错误 @ionic/app-scripts 未安装
  10. C语言中关于运算符优先级别
  11. 小程序组件 scroll-view 滑动
  12. lua的文件管理
  13. 使用qmlscene预览qml文件
  14. cogs 539. 牛棚的灯
  15. nowcoder(牛客网)提高组模拟赛第四场 解题报告
  16. 记一次JVM调优之旅(斗争full gc)
  17. ssh访问跳过RSA key"yes/no"验证
  18. OnExit事件 OnChange事件
  19. PHP error_get_last() 函数
  20. 【Microsoft Azure学习之旅】测试消息队列(Service Bus Queue)是否会丢消息


  1. Java Web基础:JSP基础概念
  2. windows docker安装方式的比较小结
  3. Java 并发和多线程(二) 多线程的优点 [转]
  4. CSS3制作漂亮的照片墙
  5. PhoneGap与Jquery Mobile组合开发android应用的配置
  6. cocos2d-x 开头配置(Windows 平台)
  7. Liquid基础语法
  8. log4net.config 单独文件
  9. 关于edoc程序tomcat post提交中文乱码解决办法
  10. 【转】Nginx+Tomcat+Memcached集群