使用 JNA 调用 dll 库,因为 dll 库是32 位的,而 jvm 是 64位的,所以发生的错误:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'xxx': Native library (win32-x86-64/ID_Fpr.dll)

,必须使用 32 位的 Jvm 才行。

参见 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14286647/trying-to-use-dll-from-java-jna-unable-to-load-library-exception

I had exactly the same problem with loading a DLL, I solved it in this way:

  • As Christian Kuetbach said, check if the simpleDLL you are using is compatible with your processor's architecture, a 32-bit DLL won't work on a 64-bit machine, and also a 64-bit DLL won't work on a 32-bit machine.
  • If the DLL is compatible, then the problem may be in your java library path. I put my DLL into the user.dir directory and then I used this code:

    Set Java library path to user.dir or maybe another path you want:

    String myLibraryPath = System.getProperty("user.dir");//or another absolute or relative path
    System.setProperty("java.library.path", myLibraryPath);

    Load the library:


It worked for me, try it and tell me if it works for you.

Please check if the simpleDLL is 32 or 64 bit. Then check, if the JVM is also 32 or 64 bit. They have to be for the same platform.

You may also specify an absolute path, if you change loadLibrary() to load():http://www.chilkatsoft.com/p/p_499.asp


java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'ID_Fpr': Native library (win32-x86/ID_Fpr.dll)

表示 dll 库找不到,而不是 32 位 和 64位的冲突。


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