
  1 select * from TblProduct
2 where (@proName='' or chvProName like '%'+@proName+'%')
3 and (@minPrice='' or mnyProPrice>=@minPrice)
4 and (@maxPrice='' or mnyProPrice<=@maxPrice);
7 --测试
8 select * from TblProduct
9 where (''='' or chvProName like '%'+''+'%')
10 and (''='' or mnyProPrice>=null)
11 and (''='' or mnyProPrice<=null);

注:' ' is null  返回的false

--如果更改成下面代码:会报【从数据类型 varchar 转换为 numeric 时出错。】的错
select * from TblProduct
where (' '=' ' or chvProName like '%'+''+'%')
and (' ' is null or mnyProPrice>='')
and (' ' is null or mnyProPrice<='');

如果将mnyProPrice>='' 改为mnyProPrice>=null则不会报错,但因为条件不满足,检索不到任何数据


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