Welcome to the FindBugs Eclipse plugin update site.

This web page provides automatic distribution and updates for the Eclipse plugin for FindBugs.

Plugin requirements

This plugin has primarily been tested with Eclipse 3.3 and 3.4 It should work with 3.x releases, but let us know if you have any problems. The plugin is not compatible with versions of Eclipse preceding 3.3. The plugin runs under Java 1.5/5.0, or newer.

Plugin installation

If you have previously installed a version of the FindBugs plugin prior to mid-May, 2006, then you should remove it first. Simply remove the de.tobject.findbugs_0.0.n directory from Eclipse's plugins directory.

To install the FindBugs plugin:

    1. In Eclipse, click on Help -> Software Update -> Find and Install...
    2. Choose the Search for new features to install option, and click Next.
    3. Click New Remote Site.
    4. Enter the following:
      • Name: FindBugs update site
      • URL: one of the following (note: no final slash on the url)
        • http://findbugs.cs.umd.edu/eclipse for official releases
        • http://findbugs.cs.umd.edu/eclipse-candidate for candidate releases and official releases
        • http://findbugs.cs.umd.edu/eclipse-daily for all releases, including developmental ones

      and click OK.

    5. "FindBugs update site" should appear under Sites to include in search
      Click the checkbox next to it to select it, and click Finish.
    6. You should see FindBugs Feature under Select features to install
      (You may have to click on one or two triangles to make it visible in the tree.)
      Select the checkbox next to it and click next.
    7. Select the I accept option to accept the license and click Next.
    8. Make sure the location is correct where you're installing it. The default (your workspace) should be fine. Click Finish.
    9. The plugin is not digitally signed. Go ahead and install it anyway.
    10. Click Yes to make Eclipse restart itself.



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