在python语言中,用丰富的函数库来从文件中提取数据,这篇博客讲解怎么从csv, xls文件中得到想要的数据。



#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import csv
DIR = 'data/'
fname = 'AwardsManagers.csv'
fpath = DIR+fname ## 用 with open() as filename 的结构非常优美, 而且不需要写代码来关文件
## 省去了fileobj.close(), 省去写try-finally的麻烦来出来exception with open(fpath, 'rb') as csvfile:
## delimiter是csv文件每行中数据间隔开的符号,常用是comma逗号,
## quotechar之间包括特殊字符
mreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') ## 读出每一行都是一个list
first_row = mreader.next()
print first_row
print type(first_row)
## 目前的行数
print mreader.line_num
for row in mreader:
print ', '.join(row) ## 另外一个读取数据的方法是用DictReader
names = ['playerID','awardID','yearID','lgID','tie','notes']
with open(fpath) as csvfile:
## fieldnames指明了csv文件的列名称
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=names,
delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
for row in reader:
## 每一行都是一个dict对象
print(row[names[0]], row[names[1], row[names[2])


sheet.cell(row_index, col_index)
sheet.col_values(col_index, start_row_index, end_row_index)
sheet.row_values(row_index, start_col_index, end_col_index)
sheet.col_slice(col_index, start_row_index, end_row_index)
sheet.row_slice(row_index, start_col_index, end_col_index)

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import xlrd DIR = 'C:/Users/Lucas/Downloads/'
fname = '33010do001_2009.xls' # 首先建立workbook
mworkbook = xlrd.open_workbook(DIR+fname) # 打印出所有sheetnames
sheet_names = mworkbook.sheet_names()
print('Sheet Names', sheet_names) # 选取第二个sheet
msheet = mworkbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_names[1]) # 或者通过index得到sheet
nsheet = mworkbook.sheet_by_index(1)
print ('Sheet name: %s' % nsheet.name) # Pull the first row by index
row = msheet.row(0) # Pull the first row by index
row = msheet.row(4)
# Print 1st row values and types
for cell in row:
print cell.value # Print all values, iterating through rows and columns
num_cols = msheet.ncols # Number of columns
num_rows = msheet.nrows # Number of rows
for row_idx in range(0, num_rows): # Iterate through rows
row_values = []
for col_idx in range(0, num_cols): # Iterate through columns
row_values.append([msheet.cell(row_idx, col_idx).value]) ## 输出每行数据
print row_values ## 用col_slice得到某一列的数据
col_cells = msheet.col_slice(2, 4, num_rows)
for cell in col_cells:
print cell.value ## 用col_valeus得到某一列的数据
col_values = msheet.col_values(2, 4, num_rows)
print col_values


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