翻译:王鹏程张原 王伟
Getting Started with SubSonic
By Scott Kuhl (http://www.geekswithblogs.net/scottkuhl)
SubSonic is an open-source toolset, created by Rob Conery, as an attempt to put the fun
back into programming and just get the job done. Inspired by Ruby on Rails, SubSonic
takes a minimalist approach to coding and emphasizes convention over configuration.
While it takes its inspiration from Ruby on Rails, it is not a port of it. (Check out MonoRail it
that's what you're looking for.) Instead, SubSonic takes the best ideas of Ruby on Rails
and adapts them into the already existing ASP.NET framework. Currently SubSonic,
version 1.05, implements two core features:
SubSonic是一种开源工具,由Rob Conery创造,作为一种尝试把乐趣带入计划并且完成
这项工作。灵感来自Ruby on Rails,SubSonic采取了最低限度的办法,编码,并且强调结
构上的惯例。虽然它的灵感来自Ruby on Rails,但是这并不是它的一种端口。(查看单轨这
是您要找的内容。)相反,SubSonic 继承了Ruby on Rails最好的思想,并且使它们融入已
This design pattern in its simplest form is one class per database table, one object per
database row. SubSonic includes a build-time code generator to implement this
pattern that acts as an object-relational mapper eliminating the need to write SQL. It
also includes a dynamic query tool and simple store procedure support to extend the
model when needed.
Admin pages are a chore that scaffolding helps remove. Simply point a scaffold
control at a table and you get the standard grid view and detail view to find and update
data in the underlying table. While not meant to ever be shown to users, it makes a
nice, quick and easy developer tool.
管理的网页是件scaffolding 帮助删除的苦差事。只要在表格中指点棚架控制,你得到
Requirements 需求
SubSonic will work fine with VisualWeb Developer 2005 Express Edition and SQL Server
2005 Express Edition, so you can get started without dropping a dime. You can also use
MySQL or any database that can be accessed through Enterprise Library for .NET
Framework 2.0, but SQL Server is probably the most likely setup. Note: The sample web
site included with the SubSonic source code includes an SQL script to create the
Northwind database. This article will use that database when examples are needed.
SubSonic可以与Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition和SQL Server 2005 Express
Enterprise Library可读取的数据库用于.NET Framework 2.0,但SQL Server的也许是最有
Setup 安装
Setup is easy, just download SubSonic from CodePlex and reference SubSonic.dll
found in the bin directory. Alternatively, you can open the solution and compile a
release build yourself.
(You will need Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition to open the solution because it also
includes a sample web site or you can use Visual C# 2005 Express Edition to open just
the project.)
(您需要的Visual Studio 2005标准版开来打开解决方案,因为它也包括一个范例网站
或您可以使用Visual C# 2005 Express Edition仅仅来打来项目。)
Configuration 配置
SubSonic requires a minimal amount of configuration to get going.
SubSonic Configuration Section SubSonic配置节
Start by adding a SubSonic configuration section inside the configuration tag in the
web.config file. This default configuration should work for most projects.
<section name="SubSonicService" type="SubSonic.SubSonicSection, SubSonic"
allowDefinition="MachineToApplication" restartOnExternalChanges="true"
Data Provider 数据供给者
Second, you will need to setup a data provider. Three are currently supported by
SubSonic: SQL Server, MySQL and Enterprise Library. The following are sample
configurations for each of these. This information is also added inside the
configuration tag.
第二,您将需要设置一个数据提供者。目前被SubSonic支持的有三个: SQL Server,
MySQL和Enterprise Library。下面是这三个的示例配置。这些信息也添加在
<SubSonicService defaultProvider="SqlDataProvider" spClassName="SPs"
<add name="SqlDataProvider" type="SubSonic.SqlDataProvider, SubSonic"
<add name="ELib2DataProvider" type="ActionPack.ELib2DataProvider,
ActionPack" connectionStringName="NorthwindSQL"/>
<add name="MySqlDataProvider" type="ActionPack.MySqlDataProvider,
ActionPack" connectionStringName="NorthwindMySQLConnection"/>
There are five values that can be set in the SubSonicService tag.
Ÿ defaultProvider - Multiple providers can be setup in the configuration. This value
indicates which provider to use.
n 多个供应者可以在配置内设置。这个值表示使用的是哪个供应者。
Ÿ fixPluralClassNames - SubSonic can remove the plural characters from the end
of table names to make class names more consistent. For example, the Products
table would produce a Product class.
n SubSonic可以从表名末尾删除复数字符,以使类别名一致。例如,产品表会显
Ÿ generatedNamespace - By default all classes generated will be part of the
project's global namespace. This value overrides that behavior and includes all
classes in the given namespace. For example, by setting this to Northwind you
would get Northwind.Product.
n 默认情况下产生的所有类别将是该项目的全局命名空间的一部分。这个值忽略
Northwind你会获得Northwind.Product 。
Ÿ spClassName - Each stored procedure will generate a method of the same
name. The value will be the class these methods are included under. For
example, by setting this to SPs the CustOrderHist stored procedure would be
SPs.CustOrderHist. Using the above namespace example in conjunction with this
value would produce Northwind.SPs.CustOrderHist.
n 每个存储过程会产生相同名称的一种方法。这个值是将这些方法包含在其中的
SPs.CustOrderHist 。使用上述命名空间例子与这个值相结合将会产生
Northwind.SPs.CustOrderHist 。
Ÿ templateDirectory - It is possible to override the code generated by SubSonic.
This directory would contain the code templates to override the default templates
supplied. This will be covered in greater detail later when discussing Code
Generation Templates.
n 有可能覆盖SubSonic产生的代码。此目录将包含的代码模板,以取代默认模板
Ÿ useSPs - If you do not want a class generated for stored procedures, set this
value to false.
n 如果你不想要一个为存储程序而产生的类,设置此值为false。
Database Connection String 数据库连接字符串
Third, you need to define a database connection string.
<add name="NorthwindConnection" connectionString="Data
Source=localhost\SQLExpress; Database=Northwind; Integrated Security=true;"/>
Build Provider Configuration 建立供应商配置
Fourth, you need to setup a build provider to create the auto generated classes. This
needs to be added to the compilation tag.
<add extension=".abp" type="SubSonic.BuildProvider, SubSonic"/>
Build Provider Definition 建立供应商的定义
Last, you need to create an .abp file for this build provider to use. You do this by
adding a text file named Builder.abp to the App_Code folder. Inside this file you
indicate which database tables should have auto generate classes. If you want all
tables, just enter *, otherwise, list the tables one per line.
最后,您需要创建一个.abp 文件供此建立供应商使用。通过在App_Code 文件夹中增
加一个命名为Builder.abp 的文本文件来这样做。在这个文件中你说明哪些数据库表应
Summary 总结
In summary, these are the items you need to configure.
Ÿ SubSonic Configuration Section 配置节
Ÿ Data Provider 数据供应者
Ÿ Database Connection String 数据库连接字符串
Ÿ Build Provider Configuration 建立供应商配置
Ÿ Build Provider Definition 建立供应商定义
Here is a sample web.config with all the SubSonic required values defined. You can
also use the web.config included in the sample web site downloaded along with the
SubSonic source code as a starting point, which is where these sample values are
derived from.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<section name="SubSonicService" type="SubSonic.SubSonicSection,
SubSonic" allowDefinition="MachineToApplication"
restartOnExternalChanges="true" requirePermission="false"/>
<add name="NorthwindConnection" connectionString="Data
Source=localhost\SQLExpress; Database=Northwind; Integrated
<SubSonicService defaultProvider="SqlDataProvider" spClassName="SPs"
<add name="SqlDataProvider" type="SubSonic.SqlDataProvider,
SubSonic" connectionStringName="NorthwindConnection"/>
<compilation debug="true" defaultLanguage="C#">
<add extension=".abp" type="SubSonic.BuildProvider, SubSonic"/>
<add assembly="System.Management, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A"/>
<add assembly="System.Data.OracleClient, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/>
<add assembly="System.Configuration.Install, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A"/>
<add assembly="MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral,
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
To make sure everything is working, build the web site, then open up the Class View
window and you should see class names that match your tables. For example, using
the Northwind database, you should now see classes named Category, Customer
and Employee.
Trust Level 信任水平
Build providers will not work in a medium trust environment, they need full trust. This
could be a problem if you plan on having someone else host your web application.
Most hosting providers are not set up to run in a full trust environment. As a work
around, there are two class generators provided in the SubSonic Starter Kit, which will
be covered in detail later, which output code in text form that can be included and
compiled directly into your application.
Two current exceptions to this hosting rule are Ultima Hosts and Discount ASP.net. It's
a good idea to check with your hosting provider before beginning a SubSonic project.
目前两个对于主办规则的例外是Ultima Hosts和Discount ASP.net 。在SubSonic项目开
Classes 类
At its heart, the most useful feature of SubSonic is the auto generated classes. As stated
earlier, there will be one class for each table in the database. The next several sections
will take an in-depth look at the functionality provided. The examples in the section will
use the Products table from the Northwind database as their foundation.
SubSonic 的核心,最实用的特征便是自动生成出来的类。正如之前的叙述,会有一个关于
将会用到Northwind 数据库中的Products 数据表作为基础。
Extending the Model 扩展模型
The creator of SubSonic anticipated that not any one model would accommodate
everyone's needs. Beyond providing the source code for you to change, there is another
way you can adapt and extend the generated model without altering the core code base.
SubSonic creates partial classes, a feature introduced in .NET 2.0 to make code
generation tools more accessible. Partial classes allows you to add additional properties
and methods without altering generated code and worrying about the generation process
overwriting your changes.
SubSonic 的创造者意识到没有任何一个模型能够容纳每个人的需求。除了为你提供源代码
SubSonic 创建了分部类,它是在.NET 2.0 中被引进使代码生成工具更容易实现的机制。分
Constructors 构造函数
Creating a new object is straight forward.
Product product = new Product();
There are also two overloaded constructors that are used to load an existing object from
the database. These are covered below when discussing the many ways SubSonic has of
retrieving data.
Product product = new Product();
还有两个被重载的构造函数用于载入在数据库中已经存在的对象。在探讨SubSonic 的多种
Properties 属性名
Each object will have one property for each column in the table it is derived from. So a
Product object would contain the following properties: CategoryID, Discontinued,
ProductID, ProductName, QuantityPerUnit, ReorderLevel, SupplierID, UnitPrice,
UnitsInStock and UnitsOnOrder.
Rules Enforcement 强制性规则
None of the properties enforce any authorization, validation or business rules. That is
left up to you. How to implement these rules effectively is discussed later under
Business Rules.
Object Key 对象主键
Each object will have a key property, in the case of Product that key is ProductID.
SubSonic uses this property as the object ID because ProductID is defined as the primary
key in the database. (SubSonic will not work with tables that do not have a primary key.)
Generally tables will have one of three different types of primary keys: GUID, an auto
incrementing integer or a natural key. Any key that can be represented as a GUID,
integer or string is supported, so all of these are covered. The one thing that is missing is
support for multiple column primary keys.
每个对象会有一个主键属性,比如在Product数据表中那个主键是ProductID。SubSonic 利
用这个属性名作为对象ID 因为ProductID 在数据库中被定义为主键。(SubSonic 对没有主键
数或自然数的键。能够代表GUID 的任何键,包括整型或字符串型,都涵盖其中。还未交代
State 状态
There are three properties that help you manage the current state of an object:
l IsDirty - Does the object have changes that have not yet been saved to the
l IsLoaded - Was the object loaded from the database?
l IsNew - Was the object created in memory? In other words, this object does not exist
in the database.
l IsDirty – 是否对象已经改变却没有存入到数据库中?
l IsLoaded – 对象从数据库中读取出来了么?
l IsNew – 对象在存储体中创建了么?换句话说,这个对象在数据库中不存在。
Columns 列
Sometimes you will need to pass in the name of a column in string format as a parameter
to a method, as you will see later in the FetchByParameter methods. Instead of using a
string literal, you use the static Columns collection found on each class.
Its also possible to get the column value by calling the GetColumnValue method found on
each object, passing in the column name.
方法。不必逐字输入字符串,您可以使用每个类建造的静态Columns collection。
Retrieving a Single Object 检索单个对象
It is possible to load data at the object level using one of three overloaded Load methods
by passing in either a DataRow, DataTable or DataReader. But you are more likely to use
the static FetchByID method or an overloaded constructor.
可以通过使用三种重载的读取方法中的一种,传入DataRow、DataTable 或DataReader之
一在对象级读取数据。然而您更有可能使用静态的FetchByID 方法或者重载的构造函数。
FetchByID FetchByID 函数
FetchByID takes has one parameter, the primary key value of the object in GUID, integer
or string format, and returns a populated object.
Product product = Product.FetchByID(id);
If the object is not found, SubSonic will not throw an error. Instead you should check to
see if the key property matches the passed in ID to determine if the object was found.
int id = 1;
Product product = Product.FetchByID(id);
if (product.ProductID == id)
// Success
// Not Found
FetchByID 有一个参数,在GUID 中对象主键的值,整型或字符串型,并且返回一个限定的
Product product = Product.FetchByID(id);
如果对象没有找到,SubSonic 也不会抛出错误。取而代之的是您应该查看下主键属性是否
int id = 1;
Product product = Product.FetchByID(id);
if (product.ProductID == id)
// Success
// Not Found
Constructor 构造函数
To do the same thing using the overloaded constructor method that takes the primary
key looks like this.
Product product = new Product(id);
By using another overloaded constructor that takes a column name and value as the
parameters, it is possible to load the object based on another uniquely identifying
column instead of the primary key.
Product product = new Product(Product.Columns.ProductName, "Chai");
Be careful when using the last form. If you use a column that does not have a unique
constraint and more than one record is returned by the database, your object will be
populated with the first one.
Product product = new Product(id);
Product product = new Product(Product.Columns.ProductName, "Chai");
Loading and Saving State 读取和存储状态
There is one other way to load an object. Each object has a method called NewFromXML
which creates an object from an XML string. This method is meant to be used with the
ToXML method to write the object's state to a temporary location such as Session state.
Session["Product"] = product.ToXML();
product = (Product)product.NewFromXML(Session["Product"].ToString());
Session["Product"] = product.ToXML();
product = (Product)product.NewFromXML(Session["Product"].ToString());
Retrieving Multiple Objects 检索多个对象
FetchAll FetchAll 函数
The easiest way to return a list of objects is the FetchAll static method. It does just what
the name says, returning a list of every object of that type in the database in
DataReader format, making it easily bindable to data controls like the GridView.
GridView1.DataSource = Product.FetchAll();
You can also pass the FetchAll method a SubSonic OrderBy.
GridView1.DataSource =
GridView1.DataSource =
DataReader 形式返回在数据库中相应类型的每一个对象,使得它很容易实现对数据操控的
GridView1.DataSource = Product.FetchAll();
你也可以把SubSonic 的排序传入FetchAll 方法。
FetchByParameter FetchByParameter 函数
If you want to list a subset of data rather than the entire list you can use
FetchByParameter instead. At a minimum you only need to supply a column name and
value to match.
GridView1.DataSource =
Product.FetchByParameter(Product.Columns.SupplierID, 1);
Just like the FetchAll, you can apply an OrderBy.
GridView1.DataSource =
Product.FetchByParameter(Product.Columns.SupplierID, 1,
If you would rather find a range of objects, you can use the overloaded
FetchByParameter that takes a SubSonic Comparison. Again you could also choose to
append an OrderBy.
GridView1.DataSource =
SubSonic.Comparison.GreaterThan, 1);
GridView1.DataSource = Product.FetchByParameter(Product.Columns.SupplierID, 1);
与FetchAll 方法类似,您可以使用排序。
GridView1.DataSource = Product.FetchByParameter(Product.Columns.SupplierID, 1,
如果您就想找出一定范围内的对象,您可以使用重载的具有SubSonic 比较的
GridView1.DataSource = Product.FetchByParameter(Product.Columns.SupplierID,
SubSonic.Comparison.GreaterThan, 1);
FetchByQuery FetchByQuery 函数
There is also a FetchByQuery method that takes a SubSonic Query.
GridView1.DataSource = Product.FetchByQuery(query);
Queries will be discussed later along with more information on comparisons.
还有个具有SubSonic 查询的FetchByQuery 方法。
GridView1.DataSource = Product.FetchByQuery(query);
Find Find 函数
The Find static method allows you to retrieve matching records based on an existing
object. For example, if you want to find all Products with SupplierID of 1 and CategoryID
of 1 you can create a new Product object with those values and pass it into the Find
Product product = new Product();
product.SupplierID = 1;
product.CategoryID = 1;
GridView1.DataSource = Product.Find(product);
The Find method also has the option of passing an OrderBy.
静态方法Find 允许您检索基于已经存在对象的匹配记录。例如,如果您需要找出所有
SupplierID 为1 并且CategoryID 为1 的Products,您可以创建一个写入那些值的新对象,
并把它传入Find 方法。
Product product = new Product();
product.SupplierID = 1;
product.CategoryID = 1;
GridView1.DataSource = Product.Find(product);
Querying 查询
If none of the Fetch or Find methods will work for a particular situation, you can still fall
back on SubSonic querying or stored procedures which are discusses later.
如果没有一种Fetch或Find 方法能够在实践中起作用,您仍然可以回归到SubSonic 查询或
Updating the Database 数据库更新
Saving your changes to the database is as easy as calling the Save method on the object.
But it's important to know what is happening when you call this method. The above
example does not pass the current user information. As you'll see later when discussing
conventions, SubSonic has the ability to keep some basic history information. If your
tables are setup to record this information, you need to pass either the User ID in integer
or GUID format, or the User Name in string format.
If the primary key is a GUID or auto incrementing integer and the object is new, the save
process will update the key property in the object. The save process will also set the
IsNew and IsDirty properties to false.
的信息。正如您会在之后探讨协定时看到,SubSonic 拥有保持一些基本历史信息的能力。
如果您的数据表被设定去记录这条信息,您需要传递整型或者GUID 型的User ID,或者字
符串格式的User Name。
存过程也会把IsNew和IsDirty 属性设为否。
Insert and Update 插入和更新
It is also possible to insert or update data through static class methods.
Product.Insert("Product Name", 1, 1, "10", 10.00, 10, 10, 1, false);
Product.Update("Product Name", 1, 1, "10", 10.00, 10, 10, 1, false);
These methods do all the work of instantiating the object, setting the properties and
calling the Save method. The downside is that neither method returns an auto generated
primary key value.
Product.Insert("Product Name", 1, 1, "10", 10.00, 10, 10, 1, false);
Product.Update("Product Name", 1, 1, "10", 10.00, 10, 10, 1, false);
Deleting 删除
There are two types of deletes: logical and permanent. A logical delete does not remove
the record from the database, rather a column is used to mark the record as deleted.
SubSonic will treat a column named "Deleted" or "IsDeleted" as this flag. To perform a
logical delete, your table must have one of those columns defined as a BIT, then the
IsDeleted property will show up on the object that can be set to true. When the Save
method is called, the object will be marked as deleted. There is also a static method
called Delete that takes an object key value and does the same thing.
Note that this example will not work with the default Northwind database since the
Products table does not have either type of delete column. You need to add a "Deleted"
column to make it work.
Unfortunately, SubSonic treats this purely as convention when retrieving data. You will
need to filter out deleted records, for example, by using a FetchByParameter method.
Permanent deletes are easier. Just call the static Destroy method.
识记录被删除。SubSonic 会把这个称作“Deleted”或者“IsDeleted”的列作为标志位。为
了实现逻辑删除,您的数据表必须其中有一列定义为1比特,之后IsDeleted 属性才能够在
注意这个例子将不会对默认的Northwind 数据库起作用由于Products 数据表没有任何格式
不幸的是,在检索数据时SubSonic 仅仅把它当作协定。您需要过滤掉被删除的记录,例如,
永久性删除更加容易。只需要调用静态的Destroy 方法。
Business Rules 商业规则
There are two places that business rules can be injected into the Save process. A
PreUpdate method is called at the beginning of the Save process and a PostUpdate
method is called at the end. Both of these methods are virtual methods defined in each
class that take no parameters and have no return value. To define these methods, create
a partial class file with the same name as the class.
public partial class Product
protected override void PreUpdate()
// Do something
protected override void PostUpdate()
// Do something
This is an easy way to add simple authorization, validation and business rules. If you
need more flexibility, check out the Controller pattern implementation discussed later in
保存过程中有两处商业规则能够插入进来。保存过程开始时,PreUpdate 方法被调用并且结
束时PostUpdate 方法被调用。这些方法都是定义在每个类中不需要任何参数也没有返回值
public partial class Product
protected override void PreUpdate()
// Do something
protected override void PostUpdate()
// Do something
Underlying Data 下层数据
Auto generated classes may expose a simple object based interface, but below the
surface the data is being held in ADO.NET DataTables. SubSonic exposes a few methods
that allow you to get at the underlying structure. The TableName property returns the
name of the actual table associated with the object.
The static class method GetTableSchema returns the underlying table.
SubSonic.TableSchema.Table tableSchema = Product.GetTableSchema();
Note: There is also a static property Schema that returns the same information. For the
property to work, the class must be instantiated at least once. The GetTableSchema
takes care of this for you. Both of these methods will be used later when examining
Queries. The Inspect method returns an HTML representation of the object using <table>
markup tags. There is an overloaded version of the method that takes a single boolean
parameter, useHtml, that can be set to false to return plain text.
string html = product.Inspect();
自动生成类也许给出基于接口的简单对象,但是表面之下数据存在于ADO.NET 数据表里面。
SubSonic 给出一些方法允许您获取下层的结构。TableName 属性返回关系到这个对象的实
静态类的方法GetTableSchema 返回下层数据表。
SubSonic.TableSchema.Table tableSchema = Product.GetTableSchema();
string html = product.Inspect();
For a more traditional object-oriented approach to multiple objects you can use the
auto-generated collections. Just like classes, SubSonic will also generate a
collection for every table. (The naming convention for collections is ClassCollection.)
These collections are implemented as Generic Lists that include some additional
对象。就像根据表名生成的类一样,SubSonic 也会为每一张表生成一个集合类。(生成的集
Loading a Collection
The simplest way to load a collection is by calling the Load method with no
parameters to retrieve every record.
ProductCollection products = new ProductCollection();
You can also pass the Load method an IDataReader, DataTable or SubSonic Query.
IDataReader reader = Product.FetchAll();
(Make sure you close the reader. The Load method will not do this for you.)
最简单的载入一个集合到内存的方法就是调用Load 方法,在不给出任何参数的情况下,
ProductCollection products = new ProductCollection();
也可以给Load 方法一个参数,这个参数可以是IDataReader, DataTable, 或者SubSonic
Query 类型的。
IDataReader reader = Product.FetchAll();
(要确保在使用完之后写代码关闭reader, 记住, Load 方法不会帮你关闭这个reader.)
Ordering a Collection
You can order a collection based on a single column by calling OrderByAsc or
OrderByDesc before calling the Load method.
ProductCollection products = new ProductCollection();
你可以根据某个单一行来排序集合。这样需要在调用Load 方法之前使用OrderByAsc 或
OrderByDesc 方法来说明要进行升序或者降序的排序。
ProductCollection products = new ProductCollection();
Filtering a Collection
You can filter a collection by calling BetweenAnd, Where or WhereDatesBetween
before calling the Load method.
OrderCollection orders = new OrderCollection();
orders.BetweenAnd(Order.Columns.OrderDate, new DateTime(1980, 1, 12),
The Where method works just like the SubSonic Query Where which is covered in the
next section.
可以在调用Load方法之前通过使用BetweenAnd, Where 或者WhereDatesBetween方法,
OrderCollection orders = new OrderCollection();
orders.BetweenAnd(Order.Columns.OrderDate, new DateTime(1980, 1, 12),
在这里的Where方法作用的结果类似于SubSonic Query Where 方法(这个方法将在下面的
Beyond all the basic filtering available in Fetch methods and collection filtering,
SubSonic also provides a way to dynamically build SQL queries. To get started, create
a new Query object, using the CreateQuery method.
SubSonic.Query query = Product.CreateQuery();
or pass it the table name
SubSonic.Query query = new SubSonic.Query(product.TableName);
or pass it the table schema
SubSonic.Query query = new SubSonic.Query(Product.GetTableSchema());
The last option will prevent SubSonic from loading the table information from the
database, eliminating an extra call.
Note: You can also get the table schema by calling the static method
BuildTableSchema or the property Schema.
使用的过滤方法外,SubSonic 同时提供了一种方式用于动态的生成SQL 查询。这种情
SubSonic.Query query = Product.CreateQuery();
SubSonic.Query query = new SubSonic.Query(product.TableName);
SubSonic.Query query = new SubSonic.Query(Product.GetTableSchema());
最后一种方法可以放置SubSonic 从数据库中读入表的具体信息,免除了再调用一个另外的
注释:也可以通过调用静态方法BuildTableSchema或者使用Schema 属性来获取数据表对
Running the Query
Executing the query follows the same rules as executing ADO.NET queries. The
Execute method runs the query and returns nothing.
The ExecuteDataSet method returns a DataSet.
GridView1.DataSource = query.ExecuteDataSet();
The ExecuteReader method returns a DataReader.
GridView1.DataSource = query.ExecuteReader();
And finally, the ExecuteScalar returns a single value.
Label1.Text = query.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
在 SubSonic 中执行query 查询与在ADO.NET 中执行query查询所遵循的要求是相同的。当
使用Execute 方法执行query 查询时运行查询但不返回任何值。
GridView1.DataSource = query.ExecuteDataSet();
GridView1.DataSource = query.ExecuteReader();
Label1.Text = query.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
You can order a query by setting the OrderBy property to either ascending or
descending and providing a column name.
query.OrderBy = SubSonic.OrderBy.Asc(Product.Columns.ProductName);
query.OrderBy = SubSonic.OrderBy.Desc(Product.Columns.ProductName);
Unfortunately at this time there is no way to order by multiple columns.
可以通过设置query 的OrderBy 属性为升序或者降序来对query 的查询结果进行排序。当
query.OrderBy = SubSonic.OrderBy.Asc(Product.Columns.ProductName);
query.OrderBy = SubSonic.OrderBy.Desc(Product.Columns.ProductName);
By default, the query will return all columns in the table. This can be changed by
supplying a comma delimited list of columns to the SelectList property.
query.SelectList = Product.Columns.ProductName + ", " +
The query will also return all rows in the table. This can be changed several ways,
the easiest of which is the Top property, which can be set to return only the given
number of rows.
query.Top = "10";
(I'm not sure the reasoning, but this value needs to be a string instead of an integer.)
Filtering by a date range is possible with the AddBetweenAnd method which takes a
column name, start date, and end date. This method can be called multiple times to
limit by more than one column.
query.AddBetweenAnd(Order.Columns.OrderDate, new DateTime(1980, 1, 1),
Or you can do the same thing with non-date values using AddBetweenValues.
query.AddBetweenValues(Product.Columns.ProductName, "A", "F");
The final and most powerful method is AddWhere. Like the AddBetween methods it
can be called multiple times to create a complete WHERE clause. AddWhere has
several different constructors, the simplest of which takes a column name and
matching value.
query.AddWhere(Product.Columns.SupplierID, 2);
You can also supply a Comparison instead of doing an exact match. (The complete
comparison possibilities are Blank, Equals, GreaterOrEquals, GreaterThan,
LessOrEquals, LessThan, Like, NotEquals, and NotLike.)
SubSonic.Comparison.GreaterThan, 2);
SubSonic also supports the concept of paging data by setting the PageSize and
PageIndex properties.
query.PageIndex = 2;
query.PageSize = 5;

在默认情况下,query 将会返回查询结果的所有行。如果只想要得到过滤查询结果某几列的
query.SelectList = Product.Columns.ProductName + ", " +

query.Top = "10";
可以通过使用AddBetweenAnd 方法来限制查询结果中某列的值在某个日期的范围之内。需
query.AddBetweenAnd(Order.Columns.OrderDate, new DateTime(1980, 1, 1),
query.AddBetweenValues(Product.Columns.ProductName, "A", "F");
最后的一个,也是功能最强大的一个方法是AddWhere.就像是AddBetween 方法一样,它
可以被多次调用,以形成一个完整的Where 句型约束。AddWhere 类有几个重载的构造函
query.AddWhere(Product.Columns.SupplierID, 2);
rThan, 2);
SubSonic 也支持对查询结果的分页处理,如果要进行分页,需要设置相应的PageIndex 和
PageSize 属性。
query.PageIndex = 2;
query.PageSize = 5;
Updating and Deleting
It is possible to issue insert, update and delete commands through the query object
by setting the QueryType property. (Your options are Delete, Insert, Select, Update).
query.QueryType = SubSonic.QueryType.Insert;
If you want to add a specific update setting, such as setting all records to a specific
value, you can use the AddUpdateSetting method, which can be called multiple
query.AddUpdateSetting(Product.Columns.UnitsInStock, 100);
可选项包括Delete, Insert, Select, Update).
query.QueryType = SubSonic.QueryType.Insert;
query.AddUpdateSetting(Product.Columns.UnitsInStock, 100);
Aggregate Functions
Three aggregate functions are included as static methods. To get a column average
call GetAverage with the table and column name, and an optional Where object.
SubSonic.Query.GetAverage(Product.Schema.Name, Product.Columns.UnitPrice.ToString());
You can also do the same for GetCount and GetSum.
Query 类包含了3 个静态方法,用于集合方法的调用。如果要求得一列的平均值,要调用
GetAverage 方法,将表和列名作为方法的参数出入。同时,可以加入一个可选的Where 对
SubSonic.Query.GetAverage(Product.Schema.Name, Product.Columns.UnitPrice.ToString());
If the querying power of SubSonic falls short for your needs, you can still use the
existing functionality and extend it by accessing the commands that are being built
before execution. (These can also be very helpful when debugging.) The query
object has four commands: BuildCommand, BuildDeleteCommand,
BuildSelectCommand and BuildUpdate that all return QueryCommand objects, as
well as the GetSql method that returns the raw SQL.
string sql = query.GetSql();
Each auto-generated object also has the ability to return a QueryCommand by
calling one of four methods: GetInsertCommand, GetSelectCommand,
GetUpdateCommand and GetDeleteCommand.
SubSonic.QueryCommand cmd =
如果你觉得SubSonic 的query 类的查询能力还不能满足需求,你可以在使用现有的方法之
对象有四个命令可以被利用,他们是:BuildCommand, BuildDeleteCommand,
BuildSelectCommand, BuildUpdate.这些命令都会返回一个QueryCommand对象。GetSql
string sql = query.GetSql();
GetSelectCommand, GetUpdateCommand, GetDeleteCommand 来返回一个
QueryCommand 对象。
SubSonic.QueryCommand cmd =
Stored Procedures
Some tasks are just too complicated for dynamic query building and/or require a
greater level of control. To handle this, SubSonic supports stored procedures. Each
stored procedure will produce an equivalent static method in the class defined in
the configuration file. By default this is SPs. Each method will have one parameter
for each stored procedure parameter and return a StoredProcedure object.
SubSonic.StoredProcedure sp = SPs.CustOrderHist(customerID);
The stored procedure can then either call Execute, ExecuteScalar, GetDataSet or
GetReader to execute and return the data.
GridView1.DataSource = sp.GetReader();
Or combining the two statements into one:
GridView1.DataSource = SPs.CustOrderHist(customerID).GetReader();
You can also work with the QueryCommand by referencing the Command property.
一些数据库的任务对于动态生成的query 查询过于复杂。为了解决这个问题,SubSonic 提
的一个对应的参数,同时会返回一个StoredProcedure 对象。
SubSonic.StoredProcedure sp = SPs.CustOrderHist(customerID);
之后就可以调用生成的存储过程对象中的Excute, ExcuteScalar, GetDataSet, GetReader
GridView1.DataSource = sp.GetReader();
GridView1.DataSource = SPs.CustOrderHist(customerID).GetReader();
可以通过设置Command 属性来实现各种QueryCommand 的功能。
The scaffold control is used to quickly create developer level admin pages. By
dropping a single control on the page, you get a GridView and update controls. This
control should appear in your Toolbox under SubSonic Components. Just set the
TableName property and you're ready to go.
<cc1:Scaffold ID="Scaffold1" runat="server" TableName="Products"></cc1:Scaffold>
It is also possible to apply some visual formatting through the EditTableCSSClass,
EditTableItemCSSClass, EditTableLabelCSSClass and GridViewSkinID properties. And
you can set the delete confirm message with the DeleteConfirm property.
这种控制方法是为了快速的创建开发人员一级的管理页面。当托一个control 控件到你
的页面上时,你会得到一个GridView 和Update 控件。这个控件会出现在你的vs 中的
工具箱中,在SubSonic 控件的列表中。使用这个控件,你只需要设置一下TableName
<cc1:Scaffold ID="Scaffold1" runat="server" TableName="Products"></cc1:Scaffold>
一些可视化的格式的调整可以通过EditTableCSSClass, EditTableItemCSSClass,
Code Generation Templates
There is one more way you can tweak SubSonic without changing the code. SubSonic
creates the auto-generated classes by using standard text. By adding alternate text
files to the templateDirectory defined in the configuration file, you can change this
behavior. For a full sample list of these files, check out the CodeTemplates directory
in the sample web site.
本生成类的结构的。通过增加标准文件到配置文件的模板库中,你可以改变SubSonic 生成代码
的结构。你可以到实例网站的CodeTemplates directory 中查询这些标准文件。
Instead of accessing the data functions directly, the Controller design pattern is
recommended. To implement this, create a Controller class in the App_Code
public class ProductController
Then add methods to retrieve the data using collections.
public ProductCollection GetAllProducts()
And to update the data.
public void UpdateProduct(Product product)
While there is nothing enforcing these rules, it will make it easier to insert business
rules and re-use methods from a single location.
控制类 Controllers
制器类Controller 类的方法。如果要实现这种方法,可以在App_Code 文件夹中创建的
public class ProductController
public ProductCollection GetAllProducts()
public void UpdateProduct(Product product)
These conventions are pulled directly from the SubSonic documentation.
Every database table needs to have a primary key. You can't use SubSonic if this
isn't the case.
Integer-based keys are preferable, for performance. I personally use GUIDs only
as identifiers and not keys. This isn't required.
Every table should have some auditing ability built in, but this is not required.
These fields are:
o CreatedOn (datetime)
o CreatedBy (nvarchar(50))
o ModifiedOn (datetime)
o ModifiedBy (nvarchar(50))
If you want to use logical deletes, you can by adding a field called "Deleted" or
· Table names should be singular
Column names should never contain reserved words (system, string, int, etc)
Column names should not be the same as table names
在使用SubSonic 之前,首先要确保数据库中每一张表都有一个主键。如果不符合这
从程序的运行效率角度来讲,最好能使用整数型的主键。我个人只会将GUID 型用于
o CreatedOn (datetime)
o CreatedBy (nvarchar(50))
o ModifiedOn (datetime)
o ModifiedBy (nvarchar(50))
·表名应为单数,列名不应该与表名相同,也不能将保留字作为列名,如system, string,
Sample Web
The sample web that is downloaded along with the SubSonic source has been
discussed periodically throughout this guide. The following is a list of what is
App_Code\Utility.cs - Miscellaneous functions commonly needed when building
web applications.
App_Themes - A default theme to get you started.
Dev\CodeTemplates - Text file representations of the templates used to generate
classes. Use these as a starting point if you need to create custom templates.
Dev\DB - Sample database scripts for schema and data loading.
Dev\BatchClassGenerator.aspx - If your environment does not allow running in
Full Trust mode, run this page to generate classes that can be compiled into the
build. Add these classes to your project's App_Code folder and remove the build
provider settings from the configuration file.
Dev\BatchScaffoldGenerator.aspx - Create scaffold pages automatically for each
Dev\ClassGenerator.aspx - Similar to BatchClassGenerator, but only creates code
for a single class that is meant to be copy and pasted into a class file.
Scripts - SQL file for Northwind.
这个示例已经通过这个指南被多次的讨论过了。他将和SubSonic 被捆绑下载。下面的
App_Code\Utility.cs – 建立Web Application项目通常要使用到的各种方法。
App_Themes – 帮助你开始建立项目的默认的主题
Dev\CodeTemplates – 对自动生成类的模板的描述文件。如果你需要定制生成类的模
Dev\DB – 用于操作schema和数据下载的示例数据库脚本。
Dev\BatchClassGenerator.aspx – 如果你的系统环境不能设置为在完全信任的模式下
除build provider settings节点。
Dev\BatchScaffoldGenerator.aspx – 可以为每张表自动的建立scaffold管理页面
Dev\ClassGenerator.aspx – 作用和BatchClassGenerator 类似,但是这个页面是用于
Scripts – Northwind数据库的SQL建立语句。
Starter Kits 启动套件
SubSonic Starter Kit 启动套件
From the CodePlex site, you can also download the SubSonic Starter Kit. To use this,
from Visual Studio, select New -> Web Site and pick SubSonic Starter Site. This will give
you a good starting template for your own site that includes the following.
你也可以从CodePlex网站下载SubSonic启动套件。若要使用此,从Visual Studio ,选择
New ->Web Site,并选择SubSonic入门网站。这将给你的网站一个包括以下内容良好的开
Ÿ _Dev\ASPNET_Membership - Web pages for user and role membership editing.
n 用户和任务成员编辑的网页。
Ÿ _Dev\Generators - The same generators found in the sample web site plus a
MigrationGenerator page. Run this page and it will create SQL scripts containing your
database schema, data or both.
n 建立在示例网站加上MigrationGenerator 页的相同的产生器。运行此网页,它会
Ÿ _Dev\SampleQueries.aspx - Some SubSonic code samples.
n 一些SubSonic代码样本。
Ÿ App_Code\TestCondition.cs - Some simple data validation.
n 一些简单的数据验证。
Ÿ App_Code\Utility.cs - Same as the sample web.
n 相同的样本网页。
Ÿ App_Themes\Default - Same as the sample web.
n 相同的样本网页。
Ÿ images - Some useful, generic sample images such as a loading item and processing
n 一些有用的,普通的样品图片,例如加载项目和加工微调。
Ÿ js - JavaScript helper files from Scriptaculous.
n Scriptaculous 中的JavaScript帮助文件。
Ÿ Modules\ResultMessage.ascx - Format result message control.
n 格式信息控制的结果。
Ÿ Default.aspx - Three column CSS formatted starting page.
n 三栏的CSS格式化的开始页面。
Ÿ Login.aspx - Sample login page.
n 示例的登录页面。
Ÿ PasswordRecover.aspx - Sample password recovery page.
n 示例密码恢复页。
Ÿ Web.config - Pre-configured for SubSonic and Atlas (AJAX.NET).
n SubSonic和Atlas(AJAX.NET)的预先设定。
Commerce Starter Kit 商务入门套件
The Commerce Starter Kit 2.0 is now available which also uses SubSonic.


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  3. jQuery Filterizr 筛选过滤
  4. Web Service和WCF的到底有什么区别
  5. Twos Complement Representation
  6. Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability
  7. c++ 名字粉碎(name mangling)
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  10. [Ext.Net]TreePanel+gridPanel实例
  11. django数据查询之F查询和Q查询
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  18. 07_Java基础语法_第7天(练习)_讲义
  19. Python基本数据类型详细介绍(转)
  20. linux nohup命令使程序在后台运行的方法


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  3. 10月27日PHP加载类、设计模式(单例模式和工厂模式)、面向对象的六大原则
  4. 20145204&amp;20145212实验二报告
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  6. MathType 6.9 介绍安装
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