
 public ActionResult Index(string titleName, string nickName, int pageIndex = )
var data = from m in _db.AppArticleComment
join o in _db.AppArticle on m.ArticleId equals o.ArticleId
where (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nickName) ? true : m.NickName == nickName)//在此判断加条件,当变量值null需要转为整型时会抱异常
select new AppArticleCommentModel()
Id = m.Id,
OId = m.OId,
MId = m.MId,
NickName = m.NickName,
Comment = m.Comment,
Good = m.Good,
Created = m.Created,
IsHorizontal = m.IsHorizontal,
Version = m.Version,
From = m.From,
ArticleName = o.Title }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleName))
data = data.Where(m => m.ArticleName.Contains(titleName));
} int total = ;
int pageSize = ;
var query = data.OrderByDescending(m => m.Created)
.Skip(pageSize * (pageIndex - )).Take(pageSize); var list = query.ToList();
total = data.Count(); PagingHelper<AppArticleCommentModel> dataPaging = new PagingHelper<AppArticleCommentModel>(, list);//初始化分页器
dataPaging.PageIndex = pageIndex;//指定当前页
dataPaging.PageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(total / (double)pageSize);
dataPaging.PageSize = pageSize;
dataPaging.TotalCount = total; return View(dataPaging);//返回分页器实例到视图


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