


1. 把不可变对象写成Copy:   如果把不可变对象赋值给此属性,内存中其实就是retain了一下。 如果把可变对象赋值给此属性,会生成新的不可变对象,避免值的变化

2. 把不可变对象写成Strong: 如果把不可变对象赋值给此属性,内存中其实就是retain了一下。 如果把可变对象赋值给此属性,会导致赋值后的内容依然可变

3. 把可变对象写成Strong:   如果把不可变对象赋值给此属性,调用此对象的addXX等增、删的方法时会崩溃。如果把可变对象赋值给此属性,内存中其实就是retain了一下。

4. 把可变对象写成Copy:     无论是谁赋值给此属性,都会调用Copy生成不可变对象,都会在调用此对象的addXX等增、删的方法时会崩溃

因此,我们的代码中一般都会  把不可变对象写成Copy  把可变对象写成Strong


* Returns a new copy of the receiver.<br />
* The default abstract implementation of a copy is to use the
* -initWithArray:copyItems: method with the flag set to YES.<br />
* Immutable subclasses generally simply retain and return the receiver.
- (id) copyWithZone: (NSZone*)zone
NSArray *copy = [NSArrayClass allocWithZone: zone]; return [copy initWithArray: self copyItems: YES];
} /**
* Returns an NSMutableArray instance containing the same objects as
* the receiver.<br />
* The default implementation does this by calling the
* -initWithArray:copyItems: method on a newly created object,
* and passing it NO to tell it just to retain the items.
- (id) mutableCopyWithZone: (NSZone*)zone
NSMutableArray *copy = [NSMutableArrayClass allocWithZone: zone]; return [copy initWithArray: self copyItems: NO];


-initWithArray:copyItems: method with the flag set to YES.<br />
* Immutable subclasses generally simply retain and return the receiver



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