
I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a bagger knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs. I gave him a meal. He ate the food and drank the beer. Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. Later a neighbour told me about him. Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.


  1. beg for: 乞求 -> beggar: 乞丐

  2. ask for :请求
    ask sb. for sth. -> ask (sb.) for sth. 省略

  3. inner pocket: 内口袋
    jacket pocket: 夹克衫的口袋
    pocket book: 袖珍书
    pocket dictionary: 袖珍字典
    pocket money: 零花钱(小孩子的)
    beer money: (大人的)零花钱
    get exact change: 准备好的零钱
    pocket pick: 车上的小偷

  4. call sb. 给某人打电话 = call up sb.
    call back: 回电话
    call on:拜访某人
    call at: (at一般加地点)拜访某地 = visit
    call out: 大声喊 = shout
    call in sb: 召集;邀请

  5. in return:作为回报
    in return for this: 作为……的回报
    He doesn't want anything in return.
    I'll buy a present in return for his hospitality.(热情)

  6. stand on his head: 倒立
    stand on one's hands: 用手着地
    stand on one's knee: 跪着
    lie in bed, lie on one's back: 仰面躺着
    lie on one's side: 侧躺
    lie on one's stomach: 趴着

  7. in the street(英) on the street (美)

  8. 30 miles/h: 30 miles an hour.

  9. 有些动词后面加上副词或介词以后就会改变词义。这种新组合被称作为短语动词。
    • I put your book on the shelf. 我把你的书放在书架上。
    • I put on my hat and left the house. 我戴上帽子,离开了屋子。
    • Who took my umbrella? 谁拿走了我的伞?
    • It was very hot, so I took off my coat. 天很热,所以我脱掉了外套。
    • Come and look at my photograph album. 过来,看看我的相册。
    • I am looking for my pen. I lost it this morning. 我正在找我的钢笔,我今天早上把它弄丢了。
    • Will you look after the children for me please? 请你帮我照看一下孩子们,好吗?

    • A beggar knocked at my door.
    • I knocked the vase off the table and broke it. 我把花瓶从桌子上碰掉,把它打碎了。
    • He always knocks off at six o'clock.(He finishes his work).
    • The shop assistant knocked 10% off the bill. (He reduced the price by 10%)
    • A car knocked the boy over. (It hit him hard and made him fall)
    • In the fight, the thief knocked the policeman out. (The policeman was unconscious for three minutes.)
    • Knock out! (拳击场专用术语)击倒


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