
ibatis中Dao继承SqlMapClientDaoSupport类的queryForMap(String statement, Object param, String key, String value)方法可直接实现;

MyBatis的SqlSession中只有selectMap(String statement, Object parameter, String mapKey),此方法将结果集中指定字段作为key,value则是结果集列表的元素对象们;源码如下:

* The selectMap is a special case in that it is designed to convert a list
* of results into a Map based on one of the properties in the resulting
* objects.
* @param <K> the returned Map keys type
* @param <V> the returned Map values type
* @param statement Unique identifier matching the statement to use.
* @param parameter A parameter object to pass to the statement.
* @param mapKey The property to use as key for each value in the list.
* @return Map containing key pair data.
<K, V> Map<K, V> selectMap(String statement, Object parameter, String mapKey);


主要思想是:重写ResultHandler接口,,然后用SqlSession 的select方法,将xml里面的映射文件的返回值配置成 HashMap 就可以了。


<resultMap id="ipDeptResult" type="java.util.HashMap">
<result property="key" column="ip"/>
<result property="value" column="dept"/>



public class MapResultHandler implements ResultHandler {
private final Map mappedResults = new HashMap(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void handleResult(ResultContext context) {
Map map = (Map)context.getResultObject();
mappedResults.put(map.get("key"), map.get("value")); // xml 配置里面的property的值,对应的列
public Map getMappedResults() {
return mappedResults;


public <K,V> Map<K,V> queryForMap(String statement, Object params) {
MapResultHandler handler = new MapResultHandler();
sqlSession.select(statement, params, handler);
return handler.getMappedResults();


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