1) Append a slice b to an existing slice a: a = append(a, b...)
2) Copy a slice a to a new slice b: b = make([]T, len(a))
copy(b, a)
3) Delete item at index i: a = append(a[:i], a[i+1:]...)
4) Cut from index i till j out of slice a: a = append(a[:i], a[j:]...)
5) Extend slice a with a new slice of length j: a = append(a, make([]T, j)...)
6) Insert item x at index i: a = append(a[:i], append([]T{x},
7) Insert a new slice of length j at index i: a = append(a[:i], append(make([]T,
j), a[i:]...)...)
8) Insert an existing slice b at index i: a = append(a[:i], append(b,
9) Pop highest element from stack: x, a = a[len(a)-1], a[:len(a)-1]
10) Push an element x on a stack: a = append(a, x)


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