一,Win10 打开 MSDTC

1,Win+R 打开运行窗口,输入 dcomcnfg,打开组件服务窗口

2,在组件服务 catalog下找到 Distributed Transaction Coordinator下的本地DTC

3,打开本地DTC的属性,设置安全tab,选中“网络DTC访问”,勾选“允许远程客户端”,“允许远程管理”,“允许入站”,“允许出站”,“要求相互进行身份验证”,DTC登陆账户为:NT Authority\Network Service

二,恢复Windows TaskBar

1,Task bar 如下图,使用Windows OS的用户可能会遇到Task Bar 不见的情况


Ctrl+Alt+Delete 打开 Task Manager,在File菜单中,选择“Run new task”,输入 explorer.exe,执行这个命令即可


Windows Logs 集成在Event Viewer中,可以通过两种方式打开

1,通过Manage打开Windows Logs

打开路径:Computer->Manage->System tools

2,通过管理工具打开Event Viewer

打开路径:Control Panel->Admin Tools->Event Viewer,在Event Viewer中能够打开Windows Logs

四,打开Remote Desktop Connection

1,点击Win+R 打开运行窗口,输入 mstsc,打开

2,管理计算器的凭证(Credential Manager)

通过控制面板打开凭证管理:Control Panel->Credential Manager

点击windows Credentials,能够管理Remote Desktop Connection 使用的Windows凭证,存储这些凭证,在远程连接桌面时,只需要选择Server name,复杂的密码就会以暗文方式自动输入,无需记忆复杂的密码。


点击Win+R 打开运行窗口,输入 services.msc,打开Services

六,打开资源监控器(Resource Monitor)

Resource Monitor 是Real-Time 监控 CPU,Memory,Disk 和 Network 资源的Monitor


2,选择性监控Resource Usage

在应用程序列表中勾择 sqlservr.exe,实时查看SQL Server的资源使用情况。

附件: Memory Tab

  • Memory:Memory displays the current hard faults per second in green and displays the percentage of physical memory currently in use in blue.
  • Image: The application that is using memory resources.
  • PID: The process ID of the application instance.
  • Hard Faults/min:  The number of hard faults per minute that are currently resulting from the application instance.
  • Working set (KB):  The number of kilobytes of the application instance working set that may be available for other applications to use.
  • Private (KB): The number of kilobytes of the application instance working set that is dedicated to the process.

A hard fault (also known as a page fault) occurs when the page of the referenced address is no longer in physical memory and has been swapped out or is available from a backing file on disk. It is not an error. However, a high number of hard faults may explain the slow response time of an application if it must continually read data back from disk rather than from physical memory.


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