Programing python 4th page 228

import os,time
import threading def child(pipeout):
zzz = 0
while True:
time.sleep(zzz) # make parent wait
msg=('spam %03d \n' % zzz).encode() # pipes are binary bytes
os.write(pipeout,msg) # send to parent
zzz = (zzz+1)%5 def parent(pipein):
while True:
line =,32) # blocks until data sent
print('parent %d got [%s] at [%s]'%(os.getpid(),line,time.ctime())) pipein,pipeout = os.pipe()
threading.Thread(target = child,args=(pipeout,)).start()

2.Bidirectional IPC

location: programing python 4td page 229
spawn a child process/program,connect my stdin/stdput to child process's stdout/stdin
my reads and writes map to output and input streams of the spawn program;much like typing
together streams with subprocess module
import os,sys
def spawn(prog,*args):
stdinFd = sys.stdin.fileno() #pass progname,cmdline args
stdoutFd =sys.stdin.fileno() # get desciptors for streams,normally stdin =0,stdout =1 parentStdin,childStdout = os.pipe() # make two IPC pipe changels
childStdin,parentStdout = os.pipe() # pipe returns(inputfd,outputfd)
pid = os.fork() #make a copy of this process
if pid:
os.close(childStdout) # in parent process after fork
os.close(childStdin) # close child ends in parent
os.dump2(parentStdin,stdinFd) # my sys.stdin copy = pipe1[0]
os.dump2(parentStdout,stdoutFd) # my sys.stdout copy = pipe2[1]
os.close(parentStdin) # in child process afte fork:
os.close(parentStdout) # close parent ends in child
os.dump2(childStdin,stdinFd) # my sys.stdin copy = pipe2[0]
os.dump2(childStdout,stdoutFd) # my sysout copu = pipe1[1]
args = (prog,)+args
os.execvo(prog,args) # new program in this process
assert False,'execvp failed' # os.exec call never returns here if __name__=='__main__':
mypid = os.getpid()
spawn('python','','spawm') # fork child program print('hello 1 from parent',mypid) # to child's stdin sys.stdout.flush() # subvert stdio buffering
reply = input() # from child's stdout
sys.stderr.write('parent got: "%s"\n' % reply) # stderr not tied to pipe print('hello 2 from parent',mypid)
reply = sys.stdin.readline()
sys.stderr.write('parent got:"%s"\n' % reply[:-1])

3.Named Pipes(Fifos)pages 234

Create a long-lived pipe that exists as a real named file in the filesystem. such files are called named pipes(or sometime,fifos).


name pipes;os.mkfifo is not available on windown
thare is no reason to fork here ,since fifo file ipes
are external to proceses--shared fds in parent/child processes
are irrelevent;
import os,time,sys
fifoname ='/tmp/pipefifo'
def child():
pipeout =,os.O_WRONLY) # open fifo pipe as fd
zzz = 0
while True:
msg =('spam %03d\n' %zzz).encode()
zzz =(zzz+1)%5
def parent():
pipein = open(fifoname,'r') # open file as text file object
while True:
line = pipein.readline()[:-1] #block until data sent
print('parent %d got "%s" at %s' % (os.getpid(),line,time.ctime())) if __name__ =='__main__':
if not os.path.exits(filename):
os.mkfifo(fifename) #create a named pipe file
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
parent() # run as parent if no args
child() # else run as child process


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