#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class class1 { public:
class1(){ }
class1(int i ){ }
void show(){ cout<<"this is output by class1 ! \n ";
int main(){
// static allocation :
/* class1 oneclass(); oneclass.show(); error : request show() function of non-class oneclass . because : compile thinks of oneclass1 oneclass() as of function declaration with name 'oneclass' and the return type class1 */
class1 secondclass(1); secondclass.show();
//dynamic allocation : class1 * thirdclass = new class1(); thirdclass->show(); return 0;



1. 当使用类的无参构造函数来实例化对象时,有两种方法:

   类名  * x = new 类名();

  类名  x;

2 . 当使用有参的构造函数时,有两种方法:

  类名 * x = new 类名(参数列表);

  类名 x(参数列表);

注 :编译器版本 : 


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