


 dict_t *
get_new_dict (void)
return get_new_dict_full ();


 dict_t *
get_new_dict_full (int size_hint)
dict_t *dict = mem_get0 (THIS->ctx->dict_pool); if (!dict) {
return NULL;
} dict->hash_size = size_hint;
if (size_hint == ) {
* This is the only case we ever see currently. If we ever
* need to support resizing the hash table, the resize function
* will have to take into account the possibility that
* "members" is not separately allocated (i.e. don't just call
* realloc() blindly.
dict->members = &dict->members_internal;
else {
* We actually need to allocate space for size_hint *pointers*
* but we actually allocate space for one *structure*. Since
* a data_pair_t consists of five pointers, we're wasting four
* pointers' worth for N=1, and will overrun what we allocated
* for N>5. If anybody ever starts using size_hint, we'll need
* to fix this.
GF_ASSERT (size_hint <=
(sizeof(data_pair_t) / sizeof(data_pair_t *)));
dict->members = mem_get0 (THIS->ctx->dict_pair_pool);
if (!dict->members) {
mem_put (dict);
return NULL;
} LOCK_INIT (&dict->lock); return dict;

  size_hint是要分配的字典的大小。当 size_hint为1时,字典内的数据将是一个链表(用链表解决HASH冲突问题)。

  接下来看看程序又将是如何向字典中添加一项数据的呢?首先还是来看看dict_t 的数据结构吧:

 struct _dict {
unsigned char is_static:;
int32_t hash_size;
int32_t count;
int32_t refcount;
data_pair_t **members;
data_pair_t *members_list;
char *extra_free;
char *extra_stdfree;
gf_lock_t lock;
data_pair_t *members_internal;
data_pair_t free_pair;
gf_boolean_t free_pair_in_use;


dict_add (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value)
int32_t ret; if (!this || !value) {
gf_log_callingfn ("dict", GF_LOG_WARNING,
"!this || !value for key=%s", key);
return -;
} LOCK (&this->lock); ret = _dict_set (this, key, value, ); UNLOCK (&this->lock); return ret;


 static int32_t
_dict_set (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value, gf_boolean_t replace)
int hashval;
data_pair_t *pair;
char key_free = ;
int tmp = ;
int ret = ; if (!key) {
ret = gf_asprintf (&key, "ref:%p", value);
if (- == ret) {
gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_WARNING, "asprintf failed %s", key);
return -;
key_free = ;
} tmp = SuperFastHash (key, strlen (key));
hashval = (tmp % this->hash_size); /* Search for a existing key if 'replace' is asked for */
if (replace) {
pair = _dict_lookup (this, key); if (pair) {
data_t *unref_data = pair->value;
pair->value = data_ref (value);
data_unref (unref_data);
if (key_free)
GF_FREE (key);
/* Indicates duplicate key */
return ;
} if (this->free_pair_in_use) {
pair = mem_get0 (THIS->ctx->dict_pair_pool);
if (!pair) {
if (key_free)
GF_FREE (key);
return -;
else {
pair = &this->free_pair;
this->free_pair_in_use = _gf_true;
} if (key_free) {
/* It's ours. Use it. */
pair->key = key;
key_free = ;
else {
pair->key = (char *) GF_CALLOC (, strlen (key) + ,
if (!pair->key) {
if (pair == &this->free_pair) {
this->free_pair_in_use = _gf_false;
else {
mem_put (pair);
return -;
strcpy (pair->key, key);
pair->value = data_ref (value); pair->hash_next = this->members[hashval];
this->members[hashval] = pair; pair->next = this->members_list;
pair->prev = NULL;
if (this->members_list)
this->members_list->prev = pair;
this->members_list = pair;
this->count++; if (key_free)
GF_FREE (key);
return ;



 data_t *
dict_get (dict_t *this, char *key)
data_pair_t *pair; if (!this || !key) {
gf_log_callingfn ("dict", GF_LOG_INFO,
"!this || key=%s", (key) ? key : "()");
return NULL;
} LOCK (&this->lock); pair = _dict_lookup (this, key); UNLOCK (&this->lock); if (pair)
return pair->value; return NULL;


 static data_pair_t *
_dict_lookup (dict_t *this, char *key)
if (!this || !key) {
gf_log_callingfn ("dict", GF_LOG_WARNING,
"!this || !key (%s)", key);
return NULL;
} int hashval = SuperFastHash (key, strlen (key)) % this->hash_size;
data_pair_t *pair; for (pair = this->members[hashval]; pair != NULL; pair = pair->hash_next) {
if (pair->key && !strcmp (pair->key, key))
return pair;
} return NULL;



 dict_t *
dict_copy (dict_t *dict,
dict_t *new)
if (!dict) {
gf_log_callingfn ("dict", GF_LOG_WARNING, "dict is NULL");
return NULL;
} if (!new)
new = get_new_dict_full (dict->hash_size); dict_foreach (dict, _copy, new); return new;



  1. 【C语言训练】尼科彻斯定理
  2. ODAC学习地址
  3. Apache开发模块
  4. ACM 田忌赛马
  5. Windows出现BOOT\BCD错误的解决办法
  6. Comparable与Comparator
  7. LA 3263 (平面图的欧拉定理) That Nice Euler Circuit
  8. MYSQL查询数据库表索引的硬盘空间占用
  9. (转载)SQL Server 2005 日志文件过大处理
  10. 用soaplib的django webserver
  11. webgl开发第一道坎——矩阵与坐标变换
  12. windows环境中利用NMake工具编译连接C++源代码
  13. springmvc +mybatis 配置多数据源
  14. SQL常用语句,随时用随时更新
  15. python标准库:collections和heapq模块
  16. clipboardjs复制到粘贴板
  17. 第36节:Java当中的线程
  18. php经典算法实现(转)
  19. javaee 架构师之路
  20. lldb和gdb命令映射


  1. iOS 页面显示在键盘之上
  2. python中转义用法 r&#39;&#39;
  3. ubuntu 安装MTK 移动终端usb驱动
  4. 学习Find函数和select
  5. KTV项目 SQL数据库的应用 结合C#应用窗体
  6. 第一个structs+spring+hibernate的web程序
  7. 【转】IP协议详解之子网寻址、子网掩码、构造超网
  8. web页面放到手机页面,缩放问题
  9. Vector Calculus
  10. 分布式blog系统 TFS总结