
列表  索引  删除时索引
 item1 0  0
 item2 1  0
 item3 2  
 item4 3  1


void CListBox::_DeletSelectedItem() {   CArray<int,int> ar;   int nCount = CListBox::GetSelCount();   ar.SetSize(nCount);   if (CListBox::GetSelItems(nCount,ar.GetData())==LB_ERR)       return;   for (int i=0; i<nCount; i++){      ItemData* rf = (ItemData*)(CListBox::GetItemData(ar[i]-i));      if (rf != NULL)          delete rf;      CListBox::SetItemData(ar[i]-i,0);      CListBox::DeleteString(ar[i]-i);  } }

ar数组是存储选中内容的索引,CListBox::DeleteString(INT nItem)删除的机制是从0往后删除每删除一项所有列的索引减一。故要得到正确的索引应为(ar[i]-i)


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