
UPDATE (May 06, 2012): I apologize for mentioning it supports encryption. Pool version 28 is the latest source that the Free Software community has. Encryption was not added until pool version 30. So, encryption is not supported natively with the ZFS on Linux project. However, you can use LUKS containers underneath, or you can use Ecryptfs for the entire filesystem, which would still give you all the checksum, scrubbing and data integrity benefits of ZFS. Until Oracle gets their act together, and releases the current sources of ZFS, crypto is not implemented.

更 新(2012-05-06):对于提到的zfs支持加密的部分,我感到很抱歉。zfs pool 版本28 是目前开源社区的最新版本。加密要到zfs pool 30 版本才会添加。因此,原生的linux项目zfs是不支持加密的。然而,你可以使用LUKS集成下的或是针对整个操作系统的Ecryptfs工具进行加 密,于此同时你仍然可以享用来自zfs的数据校验,数据擦除和数据完整性的好处。直到oracle将它们整合到一块,当前发行的zfs,加密还没实现。

Quick post on installing ZFS as a kernel module, not FUSE, on Debian GNU/Linux. The documents already exist for getting this going, I'm just hoping to spread this to a larger audience, in case you are unaware that it exists.

在这里的快速浏览的文章,是讲在Debian GNU/Linux上,将zfs作为内核模块安装,而不是作为FUSE(用户空间文件系统)使用的。这些文档是早已经存在的,我这里只是希望能够被更多的读者可以看到。以免你不知道这些文档已存在所以在此提一下。

First, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has been working on porting the native Solaris ZFS source to the Linux kernel as a kernel module. So long as the project remains under contract by the Department of Defense in the United States, I'm confident there will be continuous updates. You can track the progress of that porting at http://zfsonlinux.org.

首先,Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory一直在为将原生的 Solaris ZFS移植到linux内核,使之作为linux内核模块而努力着。只要该项目仍然在美国防部的协议之下,我就有信心继续更新。你也可以在 http://zfsonlinux.org 上跟踪移植进程。

UPDATE (May 05, 2013): I've updated the installation instructions. The old instructions included downloading the source and installing from there. At the time, that was all that was available. Since then, the ZFS on Linux project has created a proper Debian repository that you can use to install ZFS. Here is how you would do that:


$ su -
# wget http://archive.zfsonlinux.org/debian/pool/main/z/zfsonlinux/zfsonlinux_2%7Ewheezy_all.deb
# dpkg -i zfsonlinux_2~wheezy_all.deb
# apt-get update
# apt-get install debian-zfs

And that's it!


If you're running Ubuntu, which I know most of you are, you can install the packages from the Launchpad PPAhttps://launchpad.net/~zfs-native.


UPDATE (May 05, 2013): The following instructions may not be relevant for fixing the manpages. If they are, I've left them in this post, just struck out.


Now, make your zpool, and start playing:

$ sudo zpool create test raidz sdd sde sdf sdg sdh sdi

It is stable enough to run a ZFS root filesystem on a GNU/Linux installation for your workstation as something to play around with. It is copy-on-write, supports compression, deduplication, file atomicity, off-disk caching, encryption, and much more. At this point, unfortunately, I'm convinced that ZFS as a Linux kernel module will become "stable" long before Btrfs will be stable in the mainline kernel. Either way, it doesn't matter to me. Both are Free Software, and both provide the long needed features we've needed with today's storage needs. Competition is healthy, and I love having choice. Right now, that choice might just be ZFS.

在 GNU/Linux上安装的ZFS root文件系统对于你的工作环境是非常稳定的。它有copy-on-write,支持压缩,删除重复数据,文件原子操作,off-disk 缓存等特性。在这一点上,可惜的是,我坚信ZFS会比Btrfs稳定前加入到linux内核模块中。也无所谓,这个和我又没关系。他们两个都是开源软件, 并且又都提供我们当今的存储所需要的一长列特性。竞争是健康的,并且我喜欢有选择。现在的选择,只是ZFS罢了。







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