
require(["dojo/query!sizzle"], function(query){


  1. 如何查询,查询的原理?
  2. 查询结果是什么,如何处理查询结果?



  前端的工作必然涉及到与DOM节点打交道,我们经常需要对一个DOM节点进行一系列的操作。但我们如何找到这个DOM节点呢,为此我们需要一种语言来告诉浏览器我们想要就是这个语言描述的dom节点,这种语言就是CSS选择器。比如我们想浏览器描述一个dom节点:div > p + .bodhi input[type="checkbox"],它的意思是在div元素下的直接子元素p的下一个class特性中含有bodhi的兄弟节点下的type属性是checkbox的input元素。


  • 元素选择符:通配符*、类型选择符E、类选择符E.class、ID选择符E#id
  • 关系选择符:包含(E F)、子选择符(E>F)、相邻选择符(E+F)、兄弟选择符(E~F)
  • 属性选择符: E[att]、E[att="val"]、E[att~="val"]、E[att^="val"]、E[att$="val"]、E[att*="val"]
  • 伪类选择符
  • 伪对象选择符:E:first-letter、E:first-line、E:before、E:after、E::placehoser、E::selection



  但需要知道的一点是:解析css选择器的时候,都是按照从右到左的顺序来的,目的就是为了提高效率。比如“div p span.bodhi”;如果按照正向查询,我们首先要找到div元素集合,从集合中拿出一个元素,再找其中的p集合,p集合中拿出一个元素找class属性是bodhi的span元素,如果没找到重新回到开头的div元素,继续查找。这样的效率是极低的。相反,如果按照逆向查询,我们首先找出class为bodhi的span元素集合,在一直向上回溯看看祖先元素中有没有选择符内的元素即可,孩子找父亲很容易,但父亲找孩子是困难的。

  选择器引擎为了优化效率,每一个选择器都可以被分割为好多部分,每一部分都会涉及到标签名(tag)、特性(attr)、css类(class)、伪节点(persudo)等,分割的方法与选择器引擎有关。比如选择器 div > p + .bodhi input[type="checkbox"]如果按照空格来分割,那它会被分割成以下几部分:

  • div
  • >
  • p
  • +
  • .bodhi
  • input[type="checkbox"]


query: null, // the full text of the part's rule
pseudos: [], // CSS supports multiple pseud-class matches in a single rule
attrs: [], // CSS supports multi-attribute match, so we need an array
classes: [], // class matches may be additive, e.g.: .thinger.blah.howdy
tag: null, // only one tag...
oper: null, // ...or operator per component. Note that these wind up being exclusive.
id: null, // the id component of a rule
getTag: function(){
return caseSensitive ? this.otag : this.tag;



 define(["../has", "require"],
function(has, require){ "use strict";
var testDiv = document.createElement("div");
has.add("dom-qsa2.1", !!testDiv.querySelectorAll);
has.add("dom-qsa3", function(){
// test to see if we have a reasonable native selector engine available
testDiv.innerHTML = "<p class='TEST'></p>"; // test kind of from sizzle
// Safari can't handle uppercase or unicode characters when
// in quirks mode, IE8 can't handle pseudos like :empty
return testDiv.querySelectorAll(".TEST:empty").length == 1;
var fullEngine;
var acme = "./acme", lite = "./lite";
return {
// summary:
// This module handles loading the appropriate selector engine for the given browser load: function(id, parentRequire, loaded, config){
var req = require;
// here we implement the default logic for choosing a selector engine
id = id == "default" ? has("config-selectorEngine") || "css3" : id;
id = id == "css2" || id == "lite" ? lite :
id == "css2.1" ? has("dom-qsa2.1") ? lite : acme :
id == "css3" ? has("dom-qsa3") ? lite : acme :
id == "acme" ? acme : (req = parentRequire) && id;
if(id.charAt(id.length-1) == '?'){
id = id.substring(0,id.length - 1);
var optionalLoad = true;
// the query engine is optional, only load it if a native one is not available or existing one has not been loaded
if(optionalLoad && (has("dom-compliant-qsa") || fullEngine)){
return loaded(fullEngine);
// load the referenced selector engine
req([id], function(engine){
if(id != "./lite"){
fullEngine = engine;



query = function(/*String*/ query, /*String|DOMNode?*/ root)
query.filter = function(/*Node[]*/ nodeList, /*String*/ filter, /*String|DOMNode?*/ root)
return query;


liteEngine = function(selector, root)
liteEngine.match = function(node, selector, root)
.............. return liteEngine

  NodeList objects are collections of nodes such as those returned by Node.childNodes and the document.querySelectorAll method.
  In other cases, the NodeList is a static collection, meaning any subsequent change in the DOM does not affect the content of the collection. document.querySelectorAll returns a static NodeList.
  1. dojo中的NodeList就是扩展了能力的Array实例。所以需要一个函数将原生array包装起来
  2. NodeList的任何方法返回的还是NodeList实例。就像Array的slice、splice还是返回一个array一样



var nl = NodeList, nlp = nl.prototype =
has("array-extensible") ? [] : {};// extend an array if it is extensible


var NodeList = function(array){
var isNew = this instanceof nl && has("array-extensible"); // 是不是通过new运算符模式调用

  new的作用等于如下函数: = function(){
// this指向的new运算符所作用的构造函数
var that = Object.create(this.prototype); var other = this.apply(that, arguments); return (other && typeof other === 'object') || that;


var nl = new NodeList(array);
//等于一下操作 var that = Object.create(NodeList.prototype);
var other = NodeList.apply(that, array); nl = (other && typeof other === 'object') || that;



var NodeList = function(array){
var isNew = this instanceof nl && has("array-extensible"); // 是不是通过new运算符模式调用
if(typeof array == "number"){
array = Array(array); // 如果array是数字,就创建一个array数量的数组
var nodeArray = (array && "length" in array) ? array : arguments;
if(isNew || !nodeArray.sort){
// make sure it's a real array before we pass it on to be wrapped
var target = isNew ? this : [],
l = target.length = nodeArray.length;
for(var i = 0; i < l; i++){
target[i] = nodeArray[i];
return target;
nodeArray = target;
// called without new operator, use a real array and copy prototype properties,
// this is slower and exists for back-compat. Should be removed in 2.0.
lang._mixin(nodeArray, nlp);
// _NodeListCtor指向一个将array包装成NodeList的函数
nodeArray._NodeListCtor = function(array){
// call without new operator to preserve back-compat behavior
return nl(array);
return nodeArray;



 // add array redirectors
forEach(["slice", "splice"], function(name){
var f = ap[name];
//Use a copy of the this array via this.slice() to allow .end() to work right in the splice case.
// CANNOT apply ._stash()/end() to splice since it currently modifies
// the existing this array -- it would break backward compatibility if we copy the array before
// the splice so that we can use .end(). So only doing the stash option to this._wrap for slice.
//类似于:this._wrap(this.slice(parameter), this);
nlp[name] = function(){ return this._wrap(f.apply(this, arguments), name == "slice" ? this : null); };
// concat should be here but some browsers with native NodeList have problems with it // add array.js redirectors
forEach(["indexOf", "lastIndexOf", "every", "some"], function(name){
var f = array[name];
//类似于:dojo.indexOf(this, parameter)
nlp[name] = function(){ return f.apply(dojo, [this].concat(, 0))); };
}); lang.extend(NodeList, {//将属性扩展至原型链
// copy the constructors
constructor: nl,
_NodeListCtor: nl,
toString: function(){
// Array.prototype.toString can't be applied to objects, so we use join
return this.join(",");
_stash: function(parent){//保存parent,parent应当也是nl的一个实例
// summary:
// private function to hold to a parent NodeList. end() to return the parent NodeList.
// example:
// How to make a `dojo/NodeList` method that only returns the third node in
// the dojo/NodeList but allows access to the original NodeList by using this._stash:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/NodeList", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query, lang){
// | lang.extend(NodeList, {
// | third: function(){
// | var newNodeList = NodeList(this[2]);
// | return newNodeList._stash(this);
// | }
// | });
// | // then see how _stash applies a sub-list, to be .end()'ed out of
// | query(".foo")
// | .third()
// | .addClass("thirdFoo")
// | .end()
// | // access to the orig .foo list
// | .removeClass("foo")
// | });
this._parent = parent;
return this; // dojo/NodeList
}, on: function(eventName, listener){//绑定事件
// summary:
// Listen for events on the nodes in the NodeList. Basic usage is:
// example:
// | require(["dojo/query"
// | ], function(query){
// | query(".my-class").on("click", listener);
// This supports event delegation by using selectors as the first argument with the event names as
// pseudo selectors. For example:
// | query("#my-list").on("li:click", listener);
// This will listen for click events within `<li>` elements that are inside the `#my-list` element.
// Because on supports CSS selector syntax, we can use comma-delimited events as well:
// | query("#my-list").on("li button:mouseover, li:click", listener);
// | });
var handles ={
return on(node, eventName, listener); // TODO: apply to the NodeList so the same selector engine is used for matches
handles.remove = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < handles.length; i++){
return handles;
}, end: function(){//由当前的nl返回父nl
// summary:
// Ends use of the current `NodeList` by returning the previous NodeList
// that generated the current NodeList.
// description:
// Returns the `NodeList` that generated the current `NodeList`. If there
// is no parent NodeList, an empty NodeList is returned.
// example:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("a")
// | .filter(".disabled")
// | // operate on the anchors that only have a disabled class
// | .style("color", "grey")
// | .end()
// | // jump back to the list of anchors
// | .style(...)
// | });
return this._parent;
//Just return empty list.
return new this._NodeListCtor(0);
}, concat: function(item){
// summary:
// Returns a new NodeList comprised of items in this NodeList
// as well as items passed in as parameters
// description:
// This method behaves exactly like the Array.concat method
// with the caveat that it returns a `NodeList` and not a
// raw Array. For more details, see the [Array.concat
// docs](
// item: Object?
// Any number of optional parameters may be passed in to be
// spliced into the NodeList //return this._wrap(apc.apply(this, arguments));
// the line above won't work for the native NodeList, or for Dojo NodeLists either :-( // implementation notes:
// Array.concat() doesn't recognize native NodeLists or Dojo NodeLists
// as arrays, and so does not inline them into a unioned array, but
// appends them as single entities. Both the original NodeList and the
// items passed in as parameters must be converted to raw Arrays
// and then the concatenation result may be re-_wrap()ed as a Dojo NodeList. var t =, 0),
m =, function(a){//array.concat方法不会将原始的NodeList和dojo的NodeList作为数组来处理,所以在这之前将他们转化成普通的数组
return, 0);
return this._wrap(apc.apply(t, m), this); // dojo/NodeList
}, map: function(/*Function*/ func, /*Function?*/ obj){
// summary:
// see `dojo/_base/`. The primary difference is that the acted-on
// array is implicitly this NodeList and the return is a
// NodeList (a subclass of Array)
return this._wrap(, func, obj), this); // dojo/NodeList
}, forEach: function(callback, thisObj){
// summary:
// see `dojo/_base/array.forEach()`. The primary difference is that the acted-on
// array is implicitly this NodeList. If you want the option to break out
// of the forEach loop, use every() or some() instead.
forEach(this, callback, thisObj);
// non-standard return to allow easier chaining
return this; // dojo/NodeList
filter: function(/*String|Function*/ filter){
// summary:
// "masks" the built-in javascript filter() method (supported
// in Dojo via `dojo/_base/array.filter`) to support passing a simple
// string filter in addition to supporting filtering function
// objects.
// filter:
// If a string, a CSS rule like ".thinger" or "div > span".
// example:
// "regular" JS filter syntax as exposed in `dojo/_base/array.filter`:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("*").filter(function(item){
// | // highlight every paragraph
// | return (item.nodeName == "p");
// | }).style("backgroundColor", "yellow");
// | });
// example:
// the same filtering using a CSS selector
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("*").filter("p").styles("backgroundColor", "yellow");
// | }); var a = arguments, items = this, start = 0;
if(typeof filter == "string"){ // inline'd type check
items = query._filterResult(this, a[0]);//如果filter是css选择器,调用query的filter方法从已有集合中选择合适的元素
if(a.length == 1){
// if we only got a string query, pass back the filtered results
return items._stash(this); // dojo/NodeList
// if we got a callback, run it over the filtered items
start = 1;
return this._wrap(array.filter(items, a[start], a[start + 1]), this); // dojo/NodeList
instantiate: function(/*String|Object*/ declaredClass, /*Object?*/ properties){
// summary:
// Create a new instance of a specified class, using the
// specified properties and each node in the NodeList as a
// srcNodeRef.
// example:
// Grabs all buttons in the page and converts them to dijit/form/Button's.
// | var buttons = query("button").instantiate(Button, {showLabel: true});
var c = lang.isFunction(declaredClass) ? declaredClass : lang.getObject(declaredClass);
properties = properties || {};
return this.forEach(function(node){
new c(properties, node);
}); // dojo/NodeList
at: function(/*===== index =====*/){
// summary:
// Returns a new NodeList comprised of items in this NodeList
// at the given index or indices.
// index: Integer...
// One or more 0-based indices of items in the current
// NodeList. A negative index will start at the end of the
// list and go backwards.
// example:
// Shorten the list to the first, second, and third elements
// | require(["dojo/query"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("a").at(0, 1, 2).forEach(fn);
// | });
// example:
// Retrieve the first and last elements of a unordered list:
// | require(["dojo/query"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("ul > li").at(0, -1).forEach(cb);
// | });
// example:
// Do something for the first element only, but end() out back to
// the original list and continue chaining:
// | require(["dojo/query"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("a").at(0).onclick(fn).end().forEach(function(n){
// | console.log(n); // all anchors on the page.
// | })
// | });
//与array中的位置选择器类似 var t = new this._NodeListCtor(0);
forEach(arguments, function(i){
if(i < 0){ i = this.length + i; }
if(this[i]){ t.push(this[i]); }
}, this);
return t._stash(this); // dojo/NodeList




nl._wrap = nlp._wrap = tnl;
var tnl = function(/*Array*/ a, /*dojo/NodeList?*/ parent, /*Function?*/ NodeListCtor){
var nodeList = new (NodeListCtor || this._NodeListCtor || nl)(a);
//设置nodeList._parent = parent;方便在end函数中返回原始nodeList
return parent ? nodeList._stash(parent) : nodeList;
end: function(){//由最近的nl返回父nl
return this._parent;
return new this._NodeListCtor(0);



function queryForEngine(engine, NodeList){
var query = function(/*String*/ query, /*String|DOMNode?*/ root){
if(typeof root == "string"){
root = dom.byId(root);
return new NodeList([]);
var results = typeof query == "string" ? engine(query, root) : query ? (query.end && query.on) ? query : [query] : [];
if(results.end && results.on){//有end和on方法则认为query已经是一个NodeList对象
// already wrapped
return results;
return new NodeList(results);
query.matches = engine.match || function(node, selector, root){
// summary:
// Test to see if a node matches a selector
return query.filter([node], selector, root).length > 0;
// the engine provides a filtering function, use it to for matching
query.filter = engine.filter || function(nodes, selector, root){
// summary:
// Filters an array of nodes. Note that this does not guarantee to return a NodeList, just an array.
return query(selector, root).filter(function(node){
return array.indexOf(nodes, node) > -1;
if(typeof engine != "function"){
var search =;
engine = function(selector, root){
// Slick does it backwards (or everyone else does it backwards, probably the latter)
return search(root || document, selector);
return query;
var query = queryForEngine(defaultEngine, NodeList);





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