

class CTest
void (CTest::*m_pFun)(); void CallFun()
(this->*m_pFun)(); //OK,对象指针和函数名一定要用括号括起来,函数名前面要加上*号
this->*m_pFun(); //error
(this->m_pFun)(); //error


编译器错误 C2064

term does not evaluate to a function taking N arguments

A call is made to a function through an expression.The expression does not evaluate to a pointer to a function that takes the specified number of arguments.

In this example, the code attempts to call non-functions as functions.The following sample generates C2064:

// C2064.cpp
int i, j;
char* p;
void func() {
j = i(); // C2064, i is not a function
p(); // C2064, p doesn't point to a function

You must call pointers to non-static member functions from the context of an object instance.The following sample generates C2064, and shows how to fix it:

// C2064b.cpp
struct C {
void func1() {}
void func2() {}
}; typedef void (C::*pFunc)(); int main() {
C c;
pFunc funcArray[2] = { &C::func1, &C::func2 };
(funcArray[0])(); // C2064
(c.*funcArray[0])(); // OK - function called in instance context

Within a class, member function pointers must also indicate the calling object context.The following sample generates C2064 and shows how to fix it:

// C2064d.cpp
// Compile by using: cl /c /W4 C2064d.cpp
struct C {
typedef void (C::*pFunc)();
pFunc funcArray[2];
void func1() {}
void func2() {}
C() {
funcArray[0] = &C::func1;
funcArray[1] = &C::func2;
void func3() {
(funcArray[0])(); // C2064
(this->*funcArray[0])(); // OK - called in this instance context


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