

 function isEmail(str) {
if (str.indexOf("@") > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//绑定自动补全事件 function autoCompleBind() {
var nowid; //当前索引
var totalid; //邮箱总数
var can1press = false; //
var emailafter;
var emailbefor;
var width;
$("#account_login").focus(function() { //文本框获得焦点,插入Email提示层
width = $(this).width();
$(this).after("<div id='email_list' style='width:"+width+"px; height:auto; background:#fff; color:#6B6B6B; position:absolute; left:" + $(this).get(0).offsetLeft + "px; top:" + ($(this).get(0).offsetTop + $(this).height() + 2) + "px; border:1px solid #ccc;z-index:5px; '></div>");
if ($("#email_list").html()) {
$("#email_list").css("display", "block");
$(".newemail").css("width", $("#email_list").width());
can1press = true;
} else {
$("#email_list").css("display", "none");
can1press = false;
}).keyup(function() { //文本框输入文字时,显示Email提示层和常用Email
var press = $("#account_login").val();
if (press != "" || press != null) {
var emailtxt = "";
var emailvar = new Array("@163.com", "@126.com", "@yahoo.com", "@qq.com", "@sina.com", "@sina.cn", "@sohu.com", "@gmail.com", "@hotmail.com", "@foxmail.com");
totalid = emailvar.length;
var emailmy = "<div style='width:"+width+"px; height:15px; color:#6B6B6B; overflow:hidden;'><font color='#aaa'>请选择邮箱类型</font></div> <div class='newemail' style='width:"+width+"px; height:15px; color:#6B6B6B; overflow:hidden;'><font color='#D33022' style='padding-left: 8px;'>" + press + "</font></div>";
if (!(isEmail(press))) {
for (var i = 0; i < emailvar.length; i++) {
emailtxt = emailtxt + "<div class='newemail' style='width:"+width+"px; height:15px; color:#6B6B6B; overflow:hidden;'><font color='#D33022' style='padding-left: 8px;'>" + press + "</font>" + emailvar[i] + "</div>"
} else {
emailbefor = press.split("@")[0];
emailafter = "@" + press.split("@")[1];
for (var i = 0; i < emailvar.length; i++) {
var theemail = emailvar[i];
if (theemail.indexOf(emailafter) == 0) {
emailtxt = emailtxt + "<div class='newemail' style='width:"+width+"px; height:15px; color:#6B6B6B; overflow:hidden;'><font color='#D33022' style='padding-left: 8px;'>" + emailbefor + "</font>" + emailvar[i] + "</div>"
$("#email_list").html(emailmy + emailtxt);
if ($("#email_list").html()) {
$("#email_list").css("display", "block");
$(".newemail").css("width", $("#email_list").width());
can1press = true;
} else {
$("#email_list").css("display", "none");
can1press = false;
beforepress = press;
$(".newemail").eq(nowid).css("background", "#CACACA").focus(); }
if (press == "" || press == null) {
$("#email_list").css("display", "none");
$(document).click(function() { //文本框失焦时删除层
if (can1press) {
can1press = false;
if ($("#account_login").focus()) {
can1press = false;
$(".newemail").live("mouseover", function() { //鼠标经过提示Email时,高亮该条Email
$(".newemail").css("background", "#FFF");
$(this).css("background", "#CACACA");
nowid = $(this).index();
}).live("click", function() { //鼠标点击Email时,文本框内容替换成该条Email,并删除提示层
var newhtml = $(this).html();
newhtml = newhtml.replace(/<.*?>/g, "");
$(document).bind("keydown", function(e) {
if (can1press) {
switch (e.which) {
case 38: //向上按钮
if (nowid > 0) {
nowid = nowid - 1;
$(".newemail").css("background", "#FFF");
$(".newemail").eq(nowid).css("background", "#CACACA").focus();
if (!nowid) {
nowid = 0;
$(".newemail").css("background", "#FFF");
$(".newemail").eq(nowid).css("background", "#CACACA");
break; case 40: //向下按钮
if (nowid < totalid) {
$(".newemail").css("background", "#FFF");
$(".newemail").eq(nowid).next().css("background", "#CACACA").focus();
nowid = nowid + 1;
if (!nowid) {
nowid = 0;
$(".newemail").css("background", "#FFF");
$(".newemail").eq(nowid).css("background", "#CACACA");
break; case 13:
var newhtml = $(".newemail").eq(nowid).html();
newhtml = newhtml.replace(/<.*?>/g, "");

在firefox/chrome/IE6+ 都正常,唯独IE6上定位失效。经过调试,发现IE6下获取的offsetLeft与其他浏览器下不一致,在FF中obj.offsetLeft是当前对象的position:relative的父级元素的偏移, 



 function isEmail(str) {
if (str.indexOf("@") > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//绑定自动补全事件 function autoCompleBind() {
var nowid; //当前索引
var totalid; //邮箱总数
var can1press = false; //
var emailafter;
var emailbefor;
var width;
$("#account_login").focus(function() { //文本框获得焦点,插入Email提示层
width = $(this).width();
$(this).after("<ul id='email_list' style='width:"+width+"px; height:auto; background:#fff; color:#6B6B6B; position:absolute; left:" + $(this).position().left + "px; top:" + ($(this).position().top + $(this).height() + 2) + "px; border:1px solid #ccc;z-index:5px; '></li>");
if ($("#email_list").html()) {
$("#email_list").css("display", "block");
$(".newemail").css("width", $("#email_list").width());
can1press = true;
} else {
$("#email_list").css("display", "none");
can1press = false;
.keyup(function() { //文本框输入文字时,显示Email提示层和常用Email
var press = $("#account_login").val();
if (press != "" || press != null) {
var emailtxt = "";
var emailvar = new Array("@163.com", "@126.com", "@yahoo.com", "@qq.com", "@sina.com", "@sina.cn", "@sohu.com", "@gmail.com", "@hotmail.com", "@foxmail.com");
totalid = emailvar.length;
var emailmy = "<li style='width:"+width+"px; height:15px; color:#6B6B6B; overflow:hidden;'><font color='#aaa'>请选择邮箱类型</font></li> <li class='newemail' style='width:"+width+"px; height:15px; color:#6B6B6B; overflow:hidden;'><font color='#D33022' style='padding-left: 8px;'>" + press + "</font></li>";
if (!(isEmail(press))) {
for (var i = 0; i < emailvar.length; i++) {
emailtxt = emailtxt + "<li class='newemail' style='width:"+width+"px; height:15px; color:#6B6B6B; overflow:hidden;'><font color='#D33022' style='padding-left: 8px;'>" + press + "</font>" + emailvar[i] + "</li>"
} else {
emailbefor = press.split("@")[0];
emailafter = "@" + press.split("@")[1];
for (var i = 0; i < emailvar.length; i++) {
var theemail = emailvar[i];
if (theemail.indexOf(emailafter) == 0) {
emailtxt = emailtxt + "<li class='newemail' style='width:"+width+"px; height:15px; color:#6B6B6B; overflow:hidden;'><font color='#D33022' style='padding-left: 8px;'>" + emailbefor + "</font>" + emailvar[i] + "</li>"
$("#email_list").html(emailmy + emailtxt);
if ($("#email_list").html()) {
$("#email_list").css("display", "block");
$(".newemail").css("width", $("#email_list").width());
can1press = true;
} else {
$("#email_list").css("display", "none");
can1press = false;
beforepress = press;
$(".newemail").eq(nowid).css("background", "#CACACA").focus(); }
if (press == "" || press == null) {
$("#email_list").css("display", "none");
can1press = false;
}) $(".newemail").live("mouseover", function() { //鼠标经过提示Email时,高亮该条Email
$(".newemail").css("background", "#FFF");
$(this).css("background", "#CACACA");
nowid = $(this).index();
}).live("click", function() { //鼠标点击Email时,文本框内容替换成该条Email,并删除提示层
var newhtml = $(this).html();
newhtml = newhtml.replace(/<.*?>/g, "");
$("form #login_field").bind("keydown", function(e) {
if (can1press) {
switch (e.which) {
case 38: //向上按钮
if (nowid > 0) {
nowid = nowid - 1;
$(".newemail").css("background", "#FFF");
$(".newemail").eq(nowid).css("background", "#CACACA").focus();
if (!nowid) {
nowid = 0;
$(".newemail").css("background", "#FFF");
$(".newemail").eq(nowid).css("background", "#CACACA");
break; case 40: //向下按钮
if (nowid < totalid) {
$(".newemail").css("background", "#FFF");
$(".newemail").eq(nowid).next().css("background", "#CACACA").focus();
nowid = nowid + 1;
if (!nowid) {
nowid = 0;
$(".newemail").css("background", "#FFF");
$(".newemail").eq(nowid).css("background", "#CACACA");
break; case 13:
var newhtml = $(".newemail").eq(nowid).html();
newhtml = newhtml.replace(/<.*?>/g, "");

为了防止在点击回车选择email选项的时候 直接提交表单,故对回车事件做了处理。当当前input元素不是submmit时,索引到下一个input元素,如果是 则直接提交表单。

function autoEnterDown(){
$("form input").keypress(function (e) {
var keyCode = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which ? e.which : e.charCode;
var length = this.form.elements.length;
if (keyCode == 13){
if (this == this.form.elements[length-2]){
return true;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (this == this.form.elements[i])
i = (i + 1) % length;
return false;
return true;

在查阅资料时,发现JS中的的offsetLeft与jquery的offset().left 是不同的。在JS中,offsetLeft表示与父标签的左边距的距离;而在JQUERY中,offset().top表示与距窗口最左侧的距离,相当于将JS中此标签所有的父结点、父父结点……的offsetLeft相加起来的值;


 function getClientLeftTop(el){
var temp=el;
var left = temp.offsetLeft, top = temp.offsetTop;
top +=temp.offsetTop;
} //得到DIV窗口的绝对距离;
var a={
return a;

上述代码中,返回的两个值a.left相当于jquery的offset().left 而a.top相当于jquery的offset().top


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  2. matlab 假设检验
  3. 搭建DAO层和Service层代码
  4. 两个不等式(Nopier)
  5. pouchdb Conflicts
  6. 直播开始:&#39;云榨汁机&#39;诞生记--聊聊JavaScript中的&#39;业务建模&#39;
  7. 部署 外网 ASP.NET程序时, IIS安全性 配置 -摘自网络
  8. &lt;经验杂谈&gt;C#/.Net中xml的Serialization序列化与DeSerializetion反序列化
  9. JavaScript之面向对象学习七(动态原型模式、寄生构造函数模式、稳妥构造函数模式创建自定义类型)
  10. JavaSE_ 反射 目录(27)
  11. 删CentOS / RHEL库和配置文件(Repositories and configuraiton files)
  12. 使用Core Animation对象来实现动画
  13. Java 8新特性:新语法方法引用和Lambda表达式及全新的Stream API
  14. AE二次开发中几个功能速成归纳(符号设计器、创建要素、图形编辑、属性表编辑、缓冲区分析)
  15. Java中集合删除元素时候关于ConcurrentModificationException的迷惑点
  16. nyoj 0325 zb的生日(dp)
  17. Linux下zip命令
  18. http方式传递参数值转义或乱码的处理(base64)
  19. java基础20 StringBuffer缓冲类
  20. Android中Intent的显示和隐式使用


  1. JS实现页面加载完毕之前loading提示效果
  2. 显示图片的(自定义)吐司Toast
  3. IOS --- OC与Swift混编
  4. Selenium的延迟等待
  5. MFC之鼠标消息处理
  6. code of C/C++(3) - 从 《Accelerated C++》源码学习句柄类
  7. Tomcat容器虚拟路径设置
  8. 基于Flask的Web应用部署到SAE上遇到的问题
  10. JS刷新父窗口的几种方式