C# List

Following examples show how to create and manipulate with .NET strongly typed list List<T>.


List is a generic type, so you can create list of any type (it can be reference type such asCustomer or value type such as int)

var list1 = new List<object>(); var list2 = new List<Customer>(); var list3 = new List<int>();

All the following examples use list of integer values List<int>.

List Constructor

Creates an empty list (of integer values).

var list = new List<int>();
list: (empty)

Creates a list and initializes it with some items (integer values).

var list = new List<int>() { 8, 3, 2 };
list: 8 3 2

Creates a list and initializes it with items of another list (or array or anything which implements IEnumerable interface).

var listA = new List<int>() { 8, 3, 2 };
var listB = new List<int>(listA);
listB: 8 3 2

Creates a list with specified capacity.

var list = new List<int>(16);
list.Count: 0
list.Capacity: 16


Gets an item at the specified zero-based index.

list: 8 3 2
int item = list[1];
item: 3

Sets the item at the specified zero-based index.

list: 8 3 2
list[1] = 4;
list: 8 4 2


Adds an item to the end of the list.

list: 8 3 2
list: 8 3 2 5


Adds items of another list (or an IEnumerable collection) to the end of the list.

listA: 8 3 2
listB: 5 7
listA: 8 3 2 5 7


Returns the zero-based index of the item in the sorted list. If the items is not found, returns a negative number. See MSDN for more info.

This List<T> method works only if the type T implements IComparable<T> or IComparable interface.

list: 1 3 4 6 7 9
int index = list.BinarySearch(6);
index: 3

This BinarySearch method overload uses specified comparer.

list: 1 3 4 6 7 9
int index = list.BinarySearch(item: 6,comparer: new MyComparer() );
index: 3

This BinarySearch method overload uses specified comparer and search in specified range.

list: 1 3 4 6 7 9
int index = list.BinarySearch(index: 1, count: 3, item: 6,comparer: new MyComparer() );
index: 3

This example shows the case when the item was not found in the list. The result is negative number.

list: 1 3 4 6 7 9
int index = list.BinarySearch(index: 1, count: 2, item: 6,comparer: new MyComparer() );
index: -4
public class MyComparer : IComparer<int>
public int Compare(int x, int y) { return x.CompareTo(y); }


Removes all items from the list. Count is zero, Capacity is unchanged.

list: 8 3 2
list: (empty)


Returns true if the list contains the specified item.

list: 8 3 2
bool result = list.Contains(3);
result: true

Returns false if the list doesn't contain the specified item.

list: 8 3 2
bool result = list.Contains(6);
result: false


Converts items using specified delegate. Items can be converted to another type.

listA: 8 3 2
var conv = new Converter<int,decimal>(x => (decimal)(x+1));

var listB = listA.ConvertAll<decimal>(conv);

listB: 9.0 4.0 3.0


Copies all list items into the beginning of the specified array.

list: 8 3 2
array: 0 0 0 0 0
array: 8 3 2 0 0

Copies all list items into the array, starting from the specified array index.

list: 8 3 2
array: 0 0 0 0 0
list.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex: 2);
array: 0 0 8 3 2

Copies a range of list items into the array, starting from the specified array index.

list: 8 3 2
array: 0 0 0 0 0
list.CopyTo(index: 1, array: array,arrayIndex: 3, count: 1);
array: 0 0 0 3 0


Returns true if the list contains items matching the specified predicate.

list: 8 3 2
bool result = list.Exists(x => x == 3);
result: true

Returns false if the list doesn't contain items matching the specified predicate.

list: 8 3 2
bool result = list.Exists(x => x > 10);
result: false


Returns true if the two specified lists are reference equal (are the same instance).

var listA = new List<int>() { 8, 3, 2 };
var listB = listA;
bool result = listA.Equals(listB);
result: true

Returns false if the specified two lists are not the same instance. To determine whether all items of the two lists are equal use LINQ method SequenceEqual.

var listA = new List<int>() { 8, 3, 2 };
var listB = new List<int>() { 8, 3, 2 };
bool result = listA.Equals(listB);
result: false


Returns the first occurrence of item matching the specified predicate.

list: 8 3 2
int item = list.Find(x => x > 2);
item: 3

For List<T> returns the default value of type T if no item matches the predicate. In this case the default value of int is 0.

list: 8 3 2
int item = list.Find(x => x > 10);
item: 0 (default value)


Returns list with items matching the specified predicate.

listA: 8 3 2
var listB = listA.FindAll(x => x > 2);
listB: 8 3

Returns empty list, if no item matches the specified predicate.

listA: 8 3 2
var listB = listA.FindAll(x => x > 10);
listB: (empty)


Returns zero-based index of the first item which matches the specified predicate.

list: 8 3 6 4 2
int index = list.FindIndex(x => x < 5);
index: 1

Returns index of the first item which matches the specified predicate. It searches the list from startIndex to the end of the list.

list: 8 3 6 4 2
int index = list.FindIndex(startIndex: 2, match: x => x < 5);
index: 3

Returns index of the first item which matches the specified predicate. It searches the list in the range specified by startIndex and count.

list: 8 3 6 4 2
int index = list.FindIndex(startIndex: 2, count: 2,match: x => x < 5);
index: 3

Returns -1 if no item matches the specified predicate.

list: 8 3 6 4 2
int index = list.FindIndex(startIndex: 2, count: 2,match: x => x < 3);
index: -1


Returns the last occurrence of item matching the specified predicate.

list: 8 3 2
int item = list.FindLast(x => x < 5);
item: 2

For List<T> returns the default value of type T if no item matches the predicate. In this case the default value of int is 0.

list: 8 3 2
int item = list.FindLast(x => x > 10);
item: 0 (default value)


Returns zero-based index of the last item which matches the specified predicate.

list: 2 4 6 3 8
int index = list.FindLastIndex(x => x < 5);
index: 3

Returns index of the last item which matches the specified predicate. It searches the list from the beginning to the specified startIndex.

list: 2 4 6 3 8
int index = list.FindLastIndex(startIndex: 2, match: x => x < 5);
index: 1

Returns index of the last item which matches the specified predicate in the range specified by count and the end index surprisingly called startIndex.

list: 2 4 6 3 8
int index = list.FindLastIndex(startIndex: 2, count: 2,match: x => x < 5);
index: 1

Returns -1 if no item matches the specified predicate.

list: 2 4 6 3 8
int index = list.FindLastIndex(startIndex: 2, count: 2,match: x => x < 3);
index: -1


Executes the specified action for each item in the list. It does the same as standardC# foreach statement.

list: 8 3 2
list.ForEach(x => {Console.Write(x); });
output: 832


Returns a list with a range of items of the source list.

listA: 8 3 6 4 2
var listB = listA.GetRange(index: 1, count: 3);
listB: 3 6 4


Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the item in the list.

list: 8 3 2 6 8
int index = list.IndexOf(8);
index: 0

Returns the index of the first occurrence of the item in the list. It searches the list from the specified index to the end of the list.

list: 8 3 2 6 8
int index = list.IndexOf(item: 8,index: 1);
index: 4

Returns the index of the first occurrence of the item in the list. It searches the list in the range specified by index and count.

list: 8 3 2 6 8
int index = list.IndexOf(item: 3,index: 1, count: 2);
index: 1

Returns -1 if the item is not found in the specified range.

list: 8 3 2 6 8
int index = list.IndexOf(item: 8,index: 1, count: 2);
index: -1


Inserts an item into the list at the specified index.

list: 8 3 2
list.Insert(index: 1, item: 5);
list: 8 5 3 2


Inserts items of another list (or object implementing IEnumerable) into the list at the specified index.

listA: 8 3 2
listB: 5 7
listA.InsertRange(index: 1,collection: listB);
listA: 8 5 7 3 2


Returns the zero-based index of the last occurrence of the item in the list.

list: 8 3 2 6 8
int index = list.LastIndexOf(8);
index: 4

Returns the index of the last occurrence of the item in the list. It searches the list from the beginning of the list to the specified index.

list: 8 3 2 6 8
int index = list.LastIndexOf(item: 8, index: 3);
index: 0

Returns the index of the last occurrence of the item in the list. It searches in the range specified by count and the end index.

list: 8 3 2 6 8
int index = list.LastIndexOf(item: 6, index: 3, count: 2);
index: 3

Returns -1 if the item is not found in the specified range.

list: 8 3 2 6 8
int index = list.LastIndexOf(item: 8, index: 3, count: 2);
index: -1


Removes the first occurence of the specified item from the list.

list: 8 4 2 4
list.Remove(item: 4);
list: 8 2 4


Removes all items matching the specified predicate.

list: 8 3 6 2
list.RemoveAll(x => x < 4);
list: 8 6


Removes the item at the specified index.

list: 8 3 6 2
list.RemoveAt(index: 2);
list: 8 3 2


Removes items from the specified range.

list: 8 3 6 2 4 5
list.RemoveRange(index: 2,count: 3);
list: 8 3 5


Reverses the order of all items in the list.

list: 8 3 2
list: 2 3 8

Reverses the order of the items in the specified range.

list: 8 3 6 2
list.Reverse(index: 1, count: 2);
list: 8 6 3 2


Sorts all items in the list.

This List<T> method works only if the type T implements IComparable<T> or IComparable interface.

list: 8 3 6 2
list: 2 3 6 8

Sorts list using comparison delegate.

list: 8 3 6 2
list.Sort((x, y) => x.CompareTo(y));
list: 2 3 6 8

Sorts list using comparison delegate (in descending order).

list: 8 3 6 2
list.Sort((x, y) => y.CompareTo(x));
list: 8 6 3 2

Sorts the list using custom comparer.

list: 8 3 6 2
list.Sort(new MyComparer());
list: 2 3 6 8

Sorts the specified range of the list using custom comparer.

list: 8 3 6 2 4 5
list.Sort(index: 2, count: 3,comparer: new MyComparer());
list: 8 3 2 4 6 5
public class MyComparer : IComparer<int>
public int Compare(int x, int y) { return x.CompareTo(y); }


Creates new array and copies all items into it.

list: 8 3 2
int[] array = list.ToArray();
array: 8 3 2

Returns empty array for empty list.

list: (empty)
int[] array = list.ToArray();
array: (empty)


Trims the list capacity to reduce memory usage if it's reasonable. It sets Capacity to the same value as Count but only if the Count is less than about 90 % of Capacity.

list: 1 2 3 4 5
list.Count: 5
list.Capacity: 8
list.Count: 5
list.Capacity: 5

If the Count is almost the same as the list Capacity it does nothing.

list: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
list.Count: 7
list.Capacity: 8
list.Count: 7
list.Capacity: 8


Returns true if all items in the list match the specified predicate.

list: 8 3 2
bool result = list.TrueForAll(x => x < 10);
result: true

Returns false if not all items in the list match the specified predicate.

list: 8 3 2
bool result = list.TrueForAll(x => x < 5);
result: false


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