
使用VS2010的WIF开发模板创建“Claims-aware ASP.NET Site”、“Claims-aware WCF Service”,下载安装后,创建网站时,报错"HRESULT: 0x80041FEB",其他模板“ASP.NET Security Token Service Web Site”、“WCF Security Token Service”的STS时无此问题;



The Template has a bug which can result in the error "HRESULT: 0x80041FEB" after trying to create a new project out of it. To resolve the problem follow these instructions:
After you have installed the template, open the file "%AppData%\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions\Microsoft\ASP.Net 3.5 Claims-aware Template\1.0\~PC\ProjectTemplates\csClaimsAwareASPNETSite.zip\ClaimsAwareASPNETSite.webproj" with Notepad++ or any similar advanced text-editor (it should be possible to display special characters/bytes). The content of the file is simply (without the "---" lines which mark beginning and end of the file content):
However, at the end of the second line (and therefor at the end of the file) there's a NUL byte/character (of the byte value 0x00) which will be displayed as such only in an advanced text-editor like Notepad++, in the standard Notepad editor it will be displayed as a space character. No matter in what editor you are and how it's displayed to you, delete this last character, so that the file will end with the $ sign, and save the file. Now you can use the template in Visual Studio without any more errors.

但在“"%AppData%\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions\Microsoft\”目录下未能找到文件夹“ASP.Net 3.5 Claims-aware Template”,故暂时无法采用去掉空格的办法。


以创建“Claims-aware ASP.NET Site”时遇到问题的解决方法为例:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplatesCache\Web\CSharp\0





PS:创建Claims-aware WCF Service时也会遇到同样问题,解决办法类似。

writen by Bob Pan@20140615


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