

首先 数据手动导入命名class;
然后 数据按某一列降序排列;
proc sort data=class  out=class2;
by descending VAR2;
最后 新加一列占比,并且算出累积占比;
data class1;
set class2;
format _all_;
retain getpost_sumzb;
retain sumbytes_sumzb;
proc sort data=class1  out=class3;
by descending chazhi;
data class_80;
set class1;
if getpost_sumzb<=0.8;
data a;
input date :yymmn6.
format date yymmn6.;
201101    100 
201102    200
201103    300
201104    400
201105    500
 data result1;
  do until(last);
    set a end=last;
 proc sql;
    create table result2 as
      select distinct (a.date),a.amt, sum(b.amt) as ytd_amt
            from (select a.*,monotonic() as n from a) a
                  join  (select a.*,monotonic() as n from a) b
                    on a.n ge b.n
                      group by a.n;
错误: ERROR: Width specified for format F is invalid
    或 ERROR: 为输出格式“F”指定的宽度无效

The following errors occur after you try to import an SPSS file into a SAS data set:

ERROR: The decimal specification of 2 must be less than the width specification of 2. ERROR: The decimal specification of 2 must be less than the width specification of 2. ERROR: The decimal specification of 2 must be less than the width specification of 2. ERROR: Width specified for format F is invalid. ERROR: Width specified for format F is invalid. ERROR: Width specified for format F is invalid.

For example, these errors occur when you submit an IMPORT procedure similar to the following:

proc import datafile="c:\temp\test.sav" out=xyz dbms=sav; run; data test1; set xyz; run;

The errors occur when the lengths of the SPSS fields are read into the SAS® System as negative values.

To circumvent this error, use FORMAT _ALL_ statement in the DATA step, as shown in the following output:

data test1; set xyz; format _all_; run; NOTE: There were 6 observations read from the data set WORK.XYZ. NOTE: The data set WORK.TEST1 has 6 observations and 642 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds


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