Perfection has no place in love.


Perfection has no place in love, and we should always try to accept the imperfect parts of our lovers, to make ourself as perfect as we can to make up for those imperfections.

And innovation would be the same, there would be no place in innovation.

Sometimes it would be too late if we want to make the results, or the answers, or the solutions perfect, for we will lose the advantage if someone else make the same solutiions public earlier than us.

If we are only after the perfect answers, chances will have long passed by the time we share it.

So, please be brave to share some half-baked idea, even though we know it would be not perfect, but it could be part of the solution, as long as we can show it can run as we have planned, we will win lots of supports from others and make it better.

In youth we learn, in age we understand.


From Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach.

In some cases of my career, I would have the feeling which goes as following:

How things will be if I had already learned these things?

And I had expected that I could make some little changes by improving the ways of learning and practising.

However, things always ended with the same results, not so good as I had wished.

The main reason, in my own opinion, would be the lack of directions and actions.

Maybe things will change if I have implemented concrete actions, for example, reading the articles thoroughly and making efforts to practise with what I have learned.

Don't complain, try to accept the reality and spend the time on solving problems and improving skills, please live the life more efficiently.


  1. BigCouch资料整理
  2. mysql order by 优化 |order by 索引的应用
  3. NOIP2015子串[序列DP]
  4. enum,struct,union类型使用和长度
  5. js中的计时器
  6. PostgreSQL的prepare 和 execute 动作背后
  7. Hicharts弄个样例
  8. 如何把textfield或者textview中长按出现的(全选,复制,粘贴)显示成中文
  9. SQL server 2008数据库的备份与还原、分离(转)
  10. windows系统下搭建Python开发环境
  11. python常用正则表达式
  12. kmalloc、vmalloc、__get_free_pages()的区别
  13. Javascript学习--烟花
  14. svn与cvs的一些比较
  15. AutoCompleteExtender 使用示例
  16. Python中的鸡肋多线程
  17. highcharts之柱状图
  18. PAT基础6-8
  19. Beta 冲刺 (5/7)
  20. android 短信拦截


  1. JS基础-正则
  2. k8s 开船记:升级为豪华邮轮(高可用集群)与遇到奇怪故障(dns解析异常)
  3. Rabbit安装(单机及集群,阿里云)
  4. Atmel Studio 7.0 的使用方法
  5. 我的第一次面试 —— 腾讯 AI安全 一面总结
  6. [译]C# 7系列,Part 9: ref structs ref结构
  7. SpringCloud分布式配置中心
  8. Python面向对象-概念、类、实例
  9. Winform中实现批量文件复制(附代码下载)
  10. SpringCloud-使用路由网关统一访问接口(附代码下载)