*文件类型参考http://www.w3school.com.cn/media/media_mimeref.asp mime手册
*@author Tele
public class Demo {
public void test() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { ByteArrayDataSource img1 = new ByteArrayDataSource(new FileInputStream("./src/main/resources/a.jpg"),"image/png"); ByteArrayDataSource img2 = new ByteArrayDataSource(new FileInputStream("./src/main/resources/b.jpg"),"image/png"); //发送多张图片
AttachmentResource attachmentResource1 = new AttachmentResource("image1.jpg",img1);
AttachmentResource attachmentResource2 = new AttachmentResource("image2.jpg",img2); List<AttachmentResource> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(attachmentResource2); //发送附件
ByteArrayDataSource zip = new ByteArrayDataSource(new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\image.zip"),"application/zip"); Email email = EmailBuilder.startingBlank()
.to("二狗", "账号")
.withHeader("X-Priority", 5)
// .withAttachment("image.zip", zip)
.buildEmail(); Mailer mailer = MailerBuilder
.withSMTPServer("smtp.163.com", 25, "账号", "smtp授权码")
.withSessionTimeout(10 * 1000)
// .clearEmailAddressCriteria() // turns off email validation
.withProperty("mail.smtp.sendpartial", "true")
// .withDebugLogging(true)
.buildMailer(); mailer.sendMail(email);
} @Test
public void test2() throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
} } }



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