polynote 是netflix 开源的一个notebook 工具(支持scala,python,sql 。。。)



安装python 依赖

  • 基本
pip3 install jep jedi pyspark virtualenv
  • 其他依赖安装(建议为安装)
numpy pandas


默认配置config-template.yml 可以拷贝修改为config.yml




java -cp polynote.jar:polynote.jar:/Users/dalong/Downloads/polynote/deps/portable-scala-reflect_2.12-0.1.0.jar:/Users/dalong/Downloads/polynote/deps/scala-reflect-2.12.10.jar:/Users/dalong/Downloads/polynote/deps/polynote-runtime.jar:/Users/dalong/Downloads/polynote/deps/scala-collection-compat_2.12-2.1.1.jar:/Users/dalong/Downloads/polynote/deps/polynote-spark-runtime.jar:/Users/dalong/Downloads/polynote/deps/scala-compiler-2.12.10.jar:/Users/dalong/Downloads/polynote/deps/scala-library-2.12.10.jar:/Users/dalong/Downloads/polynote/deps/scala-xml_2.12-1.2.0.jar -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jep polynote.Main 
[INFO] Loading configuration from config.yml
[INFO] Loaded configuration: PolynoteConfig(Listen(8192,,Storage(tmp,notebooks,Map()),List(),List(),Map(),Map(),Behavior(true,Always,List()),Security(None),UI(/))
[WARN] Polynote allows arbitrary remote code execution, which is necessary for a notebook tool to function.
        While we'll try to improve safety by adding security measures, it will never be completely safe to
        run Polynote on your personal computer. For example:
        - It's possible that other websites you visit could use Polynote as an attack vector. Browsing the web
          while running Polynote is unsafe.
        - It's possible that remote attackers could use Polynote as an attack vector. Running Polynote on a
          computer that's accessible from the internet is unsafe.
        - Even running Polynote inside a container doesn't guarantee safety, as there will always be
          privilege escalation and container escape vulnerabilities which an attacker could leverage.
        Please be diligent about checking for new releases, as they could contain fixes for critical security
        Please be mindful of the security issues that Polynote causes; consult your company's security team
        before running Polynote. You are solely responsible for any breach, loss, or damage caused by running
        this software insecurely.
[zio-default-async-8-795372831] INFO org.http4s.blaze.channel.nio1.NIO1SocketServerGroup - Service bound to address /
[zio-default-async-8-795372831] INFO org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder - 
  _____ _ _
 | __ \ | | | |
 | |__) |__ | |_ _ _ __ ___ | |_ ___
 | ___/ _ \| | | | | '_ \ / _ \| __/ _ \
 | | | (_) | | |_| | | | | (_) | || __/
 |_| \___/|_|\__, |_| |_|\___/ \__\___|
                __/ |
Server running at
[zio-default-async-8-795372831] INFO org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder - http4s v0.20.6 on blaze v0.14.6 started at 




  • 界面

  • 执行效果


  • No matplotlib support: No module named 'matplotlib'
pip3 install matplotlib
  • Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openblas
    这个应该属于我系统的问题(brew 安装的软件包有损坏),解决方法,删除重新安装
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies openblas
brew  install openblas




  1. java的poi技术读取Excel数据到MySQL
  2. iOS之9.3真机适配-Could not find Developer Disk Image问题
  3. word2007
  4. Android模拟器操作快捷键
  5. contentInset,contentsize和contentOffset区别
  6. 一位IT牛人的十年经验之谈
  7. 虚拟机中ubuntu-16.04 Linux系统下配置mysql数据库,并在windows下使用navicat远程连接
  8. setTimeout和setInterval和单线程
  9. javascript如何自动去除所有空格?
  10. (一二九)获取文件的MineType、利用SSZipArchive进行压缩解压
  11. SpringBoot2.0+ DataSourceInitializer不生效的问题
  12. 待解决new int(i*j)
  13. CentOS 添加 Oracle YUM 源
  14. Hadoop HBase概念学习系列之行、行键(十一)
  15. mysqlbinlog- 处理二进制日志文件的实用工具 学习笔记
  16. Docker部署Tomcat实例
  17. hdu 4531 bfs(略难)
  18. windows电脑使用技巧及常用CMD
  19. C++11之std::future和std::promise
  20. reset password for local admin on Windows2016 by Powershell


  1. 剑指offer:二叉树打印成多行(层次遍历)
  2. 宝塔面板+djiango+mod wsgi +apache 配置多项目站点
  3. 如何编写一个 SendFile 服务器
  4. R语言- 实验报告 - 利用R语言脚本与Java相互调用
  5. Python之Flask框架项目Demo入门
  6. laravel报错:SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' (SQL: insert into `cart` (`uid`, `gid`, `gname`, `price`) values (3, 21, 夏季日系复古工装短袖衬衫男士印花潮流宽松五分
  7. 面向对象的六大原则之 接口隔离原则——ISP
  8. vue中nextTick的理解
  9. SharpGL之Viewport
  10. jmeter连接并使用mysql数据