



When the level of hungry goes into a new dimension, you are something more than just hungry: You’re hangry(hungry + angry). When you feel like this, you are bad-tempered and irritable—you are angry because you are so hungry.

hangry是因为饥饿(Hungry)而发怒(Angry)的组合字。Hangry 是由“angry 生气”和“hungry 饥饿”组合而成的。用于描述某人本来已经很饿了,但由于其它各种不顺感觉饿上加怒,特别想发火。


Hangry didn’t come into greater use until the Internet gave it new life. It showed up first on Usenet, then other Internet forums, and eventually joined the pantheon of The Giffed, cementing its place in our online lexicon.


It’s moved offline as well—and with good reason. Hangry is a concise way to describe a common feeling, so it’s no surprise that it’s shown up in sources like The New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, SELF Magazine, Ebony, and Bon Appetit, as well as in broadcasts on CNN and NBC. Scientists have weighed in on hanger and whether it’s real or imagined, and the adjective has even been applied to bears.

它也已经在线下广泛使用,这是有原因的。Hangry以一种简洁的方式来形容一种常见的情绪,所以它出现在各大报刊和节目也就不足为奇了,例如《纽约时报》、《芝加哥论坛报》、《SELF》杂志、《Ebony》和《祝你胃口好》(Bon Appetit)等报纸以及美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)和美国全国广播公司(NBC)等节目。科学家们对hanger以及它是真实的还是想象出来的展开了热烈讨论,这个形容词甚至被用来形容熊。

The rise in use of hangry makes it a good candidate for future entry—provided people stay hangry.



You are late! Where have you been for so long? The table is set and I am so hangry I could slap you right now! 你怎么这么晚才到!跑哪鬼混去了?一桌子菜全TM凉了,我TM饿疯了,真想抽你!

People often get hangry when their blood sugar level is low.  人们血糖降低时常会饿极而怒


这种由两个词的词义和读音合并组成的词在英文中叫做 portmanteau (word),中文叫做「混合词;合并词」。英文的混合词俯拾即是,如 motel 是由 motor 和 hotel 合并而成,而 smog 是由 smoke 和 fog 组合而成。

— end —



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