- byzanz
- kazam

*** byzanz

To launch a terminal
   >>> byzanz-record --help

which returns:

  byzanz-record [OPTION...] record your current desktop session

Help Options:
  -?, --help               Show help options
  --help-all               Show all help options
  --help-gtk               Show GTK+ Options

Application Options:
  -d, --duration=SECS      Duration of animation (default: 10 seconds)
  --delay=SECS             Delay before start (default: 1 second)
  -l, --loop               Let the animation loop
  -c, --cursor             Record mouse cursor
  -x, --x=PIXEL            X coordinate of rectangle to record
  -y, --y=PIXEL            Y coordinate of rectangle to record
  -w, --width=PIXEL        Width of recording rectangle
  -h, --height=PIXEL       Height of recording rectangle
  -v, --verbose            Be verbose
  --display=DISPLAY        X display to use

To record full screen on a 24 inch monitor:
   $ byzanz-record --duration=10  -c  --width=1920 --height=1080 test1.gif

- 1080p=1920*1080
- coordinates start from the left corner

Three shell scripts:
1. byzanz-record-window --> to select a window for recording
2. byzanz-record-region --> to select a part of the screen for recording
3. a simple GUI front-end for 1, by MHC



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