Debug GPU Overdraw Walkthrough

  This walkthrough shows how to visualize overdraw on your mobile device by color-coding interface elements based on how often they are drawn underneath.

  What it's good for:

    1. Showing where an app might be doing more rendering work than necessary.
    2. Helping you see where you might be able to reduce rendering overhead.


3.Visualizing Overdraw on your Mobile Device

  1. On your mobile device, go to Settings and tap Developer Options.
  2. In the Hardware accelerated rendering section, select Debug GPU Overdraw.
  3. In the Debug GPU overdraw popup, select Show overdraw areas.
    开发者选项->硬件加速渲染->调试 GPU 过度绘制->显示过度绘制区域


       Figure 1. Steps for turning on Debug GPU Overdraw.

  4. Don't panic as your screen turns into a delirium of colors. The coloring is provided to help you diagnose your app's display behavior.        
    打开开发选项中的 调试GPU过度绘制 后,可以通过颜色判断应用各部位view的绘制是否过度。 


      Figure 2. Example of Debug GPU Overdraw output.

  5. The colors are hinting at the amount of overdraw on your screen for each pixel, as follows:
    • True color: No overdraw        正常颜色,没有过度绘制
    • Blue: Overdrawn once       有1次
    • Green: Overdrawn twice         有2次
    • Pink: Overdrawn three times     有3次
    • Red: Overdrawn four or more times  4次以上

        Figure 3. Color key for Debug GPU Overdraw output.

  6. Some overdraw is unavoidable. As you are tuning your app's user interface, the goal is to arrive at a visualization that shows mostly true colors and 1X overdraw in blue.


      Figure 4. Examples of undesirable and desirable Debug GPU Overdraw output.


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