
A beautifully FlatBox with different colors. You can upload your own logo & favicon, customizable colors and background, 8 nice theme color scheme, 3 different layout options, customize archive Posts (hide feature image, hide metadata and show post excerpt), single Post(hide feature image, hide related post and hide author box), and google fonts select for Customize: Body, Site Title, Heading, Sub-Heading. <a href=”http://www.wpbars.com/demo/four-years?theme=Flat+Design”>check theme demo</a>


  1. 8 Multiple Color Schemes
  2. Custom Widgets
  3. Translation ready
  4. Drop-down Menus
  5. Cross-browser compatibility
  6. Threaded Comments
  7. Gravatar ready
  8. Theme Options
  9. 3 layout options


Theme FlatBox offers custom Theme Options, which can be found under Appereance->Theme Options.

Theme customization options:

  1. Theme Scheme. You can choose from one of eight color scheme.
  2. Layout options. You can choose from one of three ways of displaying blog posts (Layout options).
  3. Custom Header Code. You can add your custom code at the header, such as HTML,CSS,JavaScript.
  4. Custom Footer Code. You can add your custom code at the fotter, such as HTML,CSS,JavaScript.

Under Appereance->customize, You aslo can custom:

  1. Logo upload. You can upload your own image to serve as website logo. If no image is uploaded website title and description will be used instead. Max logo width: 1000px;
  2. Favicon. You can upload your own custom favicon, whichis the small 16px by 16px picture you see beside URL in browser’s address bar. Image should be named favicon.ico
  3. Custom Background – you can set your own custom background using WordPress built in background option (Apperance->Background).
  4. Custom Font Family. You can set your own custom global font family, heading font family and sub-heading font familyy
  5. Archive Pages. You can hide feature image, hide metadata and show post excerpt
  6. Single Post. You can hide feature image, hide related post and hide author box


The best way to contact me with?support questions?and?bug reports?is via theWordPress support forums.

If you like this theme, I’d appreciate if you could?rate FlatBox at WordPress.org?.Thanks!


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