*** Test Cases ***
${time} GET TIME
${secs} GET TIME epoch
${year} GET TIME return year
${yyyy} ${mm} ${dd} GET TIME year,month,day
@{time} GET TIME year month day hour min sec
${y} ${s} GET TIME seconds and year
${date} set variable ${yyyy}${mm}${dd}
log ------------------------------------------------------
${time} get time \ 1177654467 # Time given as epoch seconds
${secs} get time sec 2007-04-27 09:14:27 # Time given as a timestamp
${year} get time year NOW # The local time of execution
${month} get time year month NOW
${yesterday} get time year month day NOW - 1 day
${tomorrow} get time year month day NOW + 1 day
@{time} get time hour min sec NOW + 1h 2min 3s # 1h 2min 3s added to the local time
@{utc} get time hour min sec UTC # The UTC time of execution
${hour} get time hour UTC-1 hour # 1h subtracted from the UTC time


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