./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config 路由类
final Yaf_Router {
protected array _routes ;
protected string _current_route ;
public Yaf_Router addRoute ( string $name路由协议的名字 , Yaf_Route_Interface $route );
class Bootstrap extends Yaf_Bootstrap_Abstract{
public function _initRoute(Yaf_Dispatcher $dispatcher) { $route = new Yaf_Route_Rewrite(
"controller" => "product",
"action" => "info",
); $router->addRoute('dummy', $route);
*/ public boolean addConfig ( Yaf_Config_Abstract $routes_config );
/* 例如:给路由器通过配置增加一簇路由协议
class Bootstrap extends Yaf_Bootstrap_Abstract{
public function _initRoute(Yaf_Dispatcher $dispatcher) {
$router = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter();
*/ public array getRoutes ( void );// 获取当前路由器中的所有路由协议 例 $routes = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter()->getRoutes(); public array getRoute ( string $name );//获取当前路由器的路由协议栈中名为$name的协议 public string getCurrentRoute ( void );//在路由结束以后, 获取路由匹配成功, 路由生效的路由协议名
public boolean route ( Yaf_Request_Abstract $request );//Yaf_Dispatcher::dispatch会自动调用本方法
public boolean isModuleName ( string $name );//判断一个Module名, 是否是申明存在的Module
} 控制器类
abstract Yaf_Controller_Abstract {
protected array actions ;
protected Yaf_Request_Abstract _request ;
protected Yaf_Response_Abstract _response ;
protected Yaf_View_Interface _view ;
protected string _script_path ;
private void __construct ( void );
public void init ( void ); //默认最开始执行
public string getModuleName ( void );
public Yaf_Request_Abstract getRequest ( void );
public Yaf_Response_Abstract getResponse ( void );
public Yaf_View_Interface getView ( void );
public Yaf_View_Interface initView ( void );//初始化视图引擎,因为Yaf采用延迟实例化视图引擎的策略, 所以只有在使用前调用此方法, 视图引擎才会被实例化
public boolean setViewPath ( string $view_directory );
public string getViewPath ( void );
public Yaf_Response_Abstract render ( string $action_name ,array $tpl_vars = NULL );//渲染视图模板, 得到渲染结果
public boolean display ( string $action_name ,array $tpl_vars = NULL );
public boolean forward ( string $action ,array $invoke_args = NULL );
public boolean forward ( string $controller ,string $action ,array $invoke_args = NULL );
public boolean forward ( string $module ,string $controller ,string $action ,array $invoke_args = NULL );
public boolean redirect ( string $url );
} Yaf_View_Simple extends Yaf_View_Interface {
protected array _tpl_vars ;
protected string _script_path ;
public string render ( string $view_path ,array $tpl_vars = NULL ); //渲染一个视图模板, 得到结果 echo $this->getView()->render($this->_script_path . "/test.phtml");
public boolean display ( string $view_path ,array $tpl_vars = NULL );//渲染一个视图模板, 并直接输出给请求端
public boolean setScriptPath ( string $view_directory );//设置模板的基目录, 默认的Yaf_Dispatcher会设置此目录为APPLICATION_PATH . "/views".
public string getScriptPath ( void );
public boolean assign ( string $name ,mixed $value ); //变量分配到了 _tpl_vars属性
public boolean __set ( string $name ,mixed $value = NULL );
public mixed __get ( string $name );
} 请求类
abstract Yaf_Request_Abstract {
protected string _method ;
protected string _module ;
protected string _controller ;
protected string _action ;
protected array _params ;
protected string _language ;
protected string _base_uri ;
protected string _request_uri ;
protected boolean _dispatched ;
protected boolean _routed ;
public string getModuleName ( void );
public string getControllerName ( void );
public string getActionName ( void );
public boolean setModuleName ( string $name );
public boolean setControllerName ( string $name );
public boolean setActionName ( string $name );
public Exception getException ( void );
public mixed getParams ( void );
public mixed getParam ( string $name ,mixed $dafault = NULL );
public mixed setParam ( string $name ,mixed $value );
public mixed getMethod ( void );
abstract public mixed getLanguage ( void );
abstract public mixed getQuery ( string $name = NULL );
abstract public mixed getPost ( string $name = NULL );
abstract public mixed getEnv ( string $name = NULL );
abstract public mixed getServer ( string $name = NULL );
abstract public mixed getCookie ( string $name = NULL );
abstract public mixed getFiles ( string $name = NULL );
abstract public bool isGet ( void );
abstract public bool isPost ( void );
abstract public bool isHead ( void );
abstract public bool isXmlHttpRequest ( void );
abstract public bool isPut ( void );
abstract public bool isDelete ( void );
abstract public bool isOption ( void );
abstract public bool isCli ( void );
public bool isDispatched ( void );
public bool setDispatched ( void );
public bool isRouted ( void );
public bool setRouted ( void );
[0] => getQuery
[1] => getRequest
[2] => getPost
[3] => getCookie
[4] => getFiles
[5] => get
[6] => isXmlHttpRequest
[7] => __construct
[8] => isGet
[9] => isPost
[10] => isPut
[11] => isHead
[12] => isOptions
[13] => isCli
[14] => getServer
[15] => getEnv
[16] => setParam
[17] => getParam
[18] => getParams
[19] => getException
[20] => getModuleName
[21] => getControllerName
[22] => getActionName
[23] => setModuleName
[24] => setControllerName
[25] => setActionName
[26] => getMethod
[27] => getLanguage
[28] => setBaseUri
[29] => getBaseUri
[30] => getRequestUri
[31] => setRequestUri
[32] => isDispatched
[33] => setDispatched
[34] => isRouted
[35] => setRouted
[module] =>
[controller] =>
[action] =>
[method] =>
) ///主类///
final Yaf_Application {
protected Yaf_Config _config ;
protected Yaf_Dispatcher _dispatcher ;
protected static Yaf_Application _app ;
protected boolean _run = FALSE ;
protected string _environ ;
protected string _modules ;
public void __construct ( mixed $config ,string $section = ap.environ );
public Yaf_Application bootstrap ( void );
public Yaf_Response_Abstract run ( void );
public Yaf_Dispatcher getDispatcher ( void );
public Yaf_Config_Abstract getConfig ( void );
public string environ ( void );
public string geModules ( void );
public static Yaf_Application app ( void );
public mixed execute ( callback $funcion ,mixed $parameter = NULL ,mixed $... = NULL );
} //分发类
final Yaf_Dispatcher {
protected static Yaf_Dispatcher _instance ;
protected Yaf_Router_Interface _router ;
protected Yaf_View_Abstract _view ;
protected Yaf_Request_Abstract _request ;
protected array _plugins ;
protected boolean _render ;
protected boolean _return_response = FALSE ;
protected boolean _instantly_flush = FALSE ;
protected string _default_module ;
protected string _default_controller ;
protected string _default_action ;
public static Yaf_Dispatcher getInstance ( void );
public Yaf_Dispatcher disableView ( void );
public Yaf_Dispatcher enableView ( void );
public boolean autoRender ( bool $flag );
public Yaf_Dispatcher returnResponse ( boolean $flag );
public Yaf_Dispatcher flushInstantly ( boolean $flag );
public Yaf_Dispatcher setErrorHandler ( mixed $callback ,int $error_type = E_ALL | E_STRICT );
public Yaf_Application getApplication ( void );
public Yaf_Request_Abstract getRequest ( void );
public Yaf_Router_Interface getRouter ( void );
public Yaf_Dispatcher registerPlugin ( Yaf_Plugin_Abstract $plugin );
public Boolean setAppDirectory ( string $directory );
public Yaf_Dispatcher setRequest ( Yaf_Request_Abstract $request );
public Yaf_View_Interface initView ( void );
public Yaf_Dispatcher setView ( Yaf_View_Interface $view );
public Yaf_Dispatcher setDefaultModule ( string $default_module_name );
public Yaf_Dispatcher setDefaultController ( string $default_controller_name );
public Yaf_Dispatcher setDefaultAction ( string $default_action_name );
public Yaf_Dispatcher throwException ( boolean $switch = FALSE );
public Yaf_Dispatcher catchException ( boolean $switch = FALSE );
public Yaf_Response_Abstract dispatch ( Yaf_Request_Abstract $request );
} abstract Yaf_Response_Abstract {
protected array _body ;
protected array _header ;
public boolean setBody ( string $body ,string $name = NULL ); 如: $this->getResponse()->setBody("Hello World");要响应的字符串, 一般是一段HTML, 或者是一段JSON(返回给Ajax请求)
public boolean prependBody ( string $body ,string $name = NULL ); 往已有的响应body前插入新的内容,
public boolean appendBody ( string $body , string $name = NULL );往已有的响应body后附加新的内容
public boolean clearBody ( void );
public string getBody ( void ); 获取已经设置的响应body
public boolean response ( void );
public boolean setRedirect ( string $url );
public string __toString ( void );


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