
class Application(httputil.HTTPServerConnectionDelegate):
"""A collection of request handlers that make up a web application. Instances of this class are callable and can be passed directly to
HTTPServer to serve the application:: application = web.Application([
(r"/", MainPageHandler),
http_server = httpserver.HTTPServer(application)
ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() The constructor for this class takes in a list of `URLSpec` objects
or (regexp, request_class) tuples. When we receive requests, we
iterate over the list in order and instantiate an instance of the
first request class whose regexp matches the request path.
The request class can be specified as either a class object or a
(fully-qualified) name. Each tuple can contain additional elements, which correspond to the
arguments to the `URLSpec` constructor. (Prior to Tornado 3.2, this
only tuples of two or three elements were allowed). A dictionary may be passed as the third element of the tuple,
which will be used as keyword arguments to the handler's
constructor and `~RequestHandler.initialize` method. This pattern
is used for the `StaticFileHandler` in this example (note that a
`StaticFileHandler` can be installed automatically with the
static_path setting described below):: application = web.Application([
(r"/static/(.*)", web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": "/var/www"}),
]) We support virtual hosts with the `add_handlers` method, which takes in
a host regular expression as the first argument:: application.add_handlers(r"www\.myhost\.com", [
(r"/article/([0-9]+)", ArticleHandler),
]) You can serve static files by sending the ``static_path`` setting
as a keyword argument. We will serve those files from the
``/static/`` URI (this is configurable with the
``static_url_prefix`` setting), and we will serve ``/favicon.ico``
and ``/robots.txt`` from the same directory. A custom subclass of
`StaticFileHandler` can be specified with the
``static_handler_class`` setting. """
def __init__(self, handlers=None, default_host="", transforms=None,
if transforms is None:
self.transforms = []
if settings.get("compress_response") or settings.get("gzip"):
self.transforms = transforms
self.handlers = []
self.named_handlers = {}
self.default_host = default_host
self.settings = settings
self.ui_modules = {'linkify': _linkify,
'xsrf_form_html': _xsrf_form_html,
'Template': TemplateModule,
self.ui_methods = {}
self._load_ui_modules(settings.get("ui_modules", {}))
self._load_ui_methods(settings.get("ui_methods", {}))
if self.settings.get("static_path"):
path = self.settings["static_path"]
handlers = list(handlers or [])
static_url_prefix = settings.get("static_url_prefix",
static_handler_class = settings.get("static_handler_class",
static_handler_args = settings.get("static_handler_args", {})
static_handler_args['path'] = path
for pattern in [re.escape(static_url_prefix) + r"(.*)",
r"/(favicon\.ico)", r"/(robots\.txt)"]:
handlers.insert(0, (pattern, static_handler_class,
if handlers:
self.add_handlers(".*$", handlers) if self.settings.get('debug'):
self.settings.setdefault('autoreload', True)
self.settings.setdefault('compiled_template_cache', False)
self.settings.setdefault('static_hash_cache', False)
self.settings.setdefault('serve_traceback', True) # Automatically reload modified modules
if self.settings.get('autoreload'):
from tornado import autoreload
autoreload.start() def listen(self, port, address="", **kwargs):
"""Starts an HTTP server for this application on the given port. This is a convenience alias for creating an `.HTTPServer`
object and calling its listen method. Keyword arguments not
supported by `HTTPServer.listen <.TCPServer.listen>` are passed to the
`.HTTPServer` constructor. For advanced uses
(e.g. multi-process mode), do not use this method; create an
`.HTTPServer` and call its
`.TCPServer.bind`/`.TCPServer.start` methods directly. Note that after calling this method you still need to call
``IOLoop.instance().start()`` to start the server.
# import is here rather than top level because HTTPServer
# is not importable on appengine
from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
server = HTTPServer(self, **kwargs)
server.listen(port, address) def add_handlers(self, host_pattern, host_handlers):
"""Appends the given handlers to our handler list. Host patterns are processed sequentially in the order they were
added. All matching patterns will be considered.
if not host_pattern.endswith("$"):
host_pattern += "$"
handlers = []
# The handlers with the wildcard host_pattern are a special
# case - they're added in the constructor but should have lower
# precedence than the more-precise handlers added later.
# If a wildcard handler group exists, it should always be last
# in the list, so insert new groups just before it.
if self.handlers and self.handlers[-1][0].pattern == '.*$':
self.handlers.insert(-1, (re.compile(host_pattern), handlers))
self.handlers.append((re.compile(host_pattern), handlers)) for spec in host_handlers:
if isinstance(spec, (tuple, list)):
assert len(spec) in (2, 3, 4)
spec = URLSpec(*spec)
if spec.name:
if spec.name in self.named_handlers:
"Multiple handlers named %s; replacing previous value",
self.named_handlers[spec.name] = spec def add_transform(self, transform_class):
self.transforms.append(transform_class) def _get_host_handlers(self, request):
host = request.host.lower().split(':')[0]
matches = []
for pattern, handlers in self.handlers:
if pattern.match(host):
# Look for default host if not behind load balancer (for debugging)
if not matches and "X-Real-Ip" not in request.headers:
for pattern, handlers in self.handlers:
if pattern.match(self.default_host):
return matches or None def _load_ui_methods(self, methods):
if isinstance(methods, types.ModuleType):
self._load_ui_methods(dict((n, getattr(methods, n))
for n in dir(methods)))
elif isinstance(methods, list):
for m in methods:
for name, fn in methods.items():
if not name.startswith("_") and hasattr(fn, "__call__") \
and name[0].lower() == name[0]:
self.ui_methods[name] = fn def _load_ui_modules(self, modules):
if isinstance(modules, types.ModuleType):
self._load_ui_modules(dict((n, getattr(modules, n))
for n in dir(modules)))
elif isinstance(modules, list):
for m in modules:
assert isinstance(modules, dict)
for name, cls in modules.items():
if issubclass(cls, UIModule):
self.ui_modules[name] = cls
except TypeError:
pass def start_request(self, connection):
# Modern HTTPServer interface
return _RequestDispatcher(self, connection) def __call__(self, request):
# Legacy HTTPServer interface
dispatcher = _RequestDispatcher(self, None)
return dispatcher.execute() def reverse_url(self, name, *args):
"""Returns a URL path for handler named ``name`` The handler must be added to the application as a named `URLSpec`. Args will be substituted for capturing groups in the `URLSpec` regex.
They will be converted to strings if necessary, encoded as utf8,
and url-escaped.
if name in self.named_handlers:
return self.named_handlers[name].reverse(*args)
raise KeyError("%s not found in named urls" % name) def log_request(self, handler):
"""Writes a completed HTTP request to the logs. By default writes to the python root logger. To change
this behavior either subclass Application and override this method,
or pass a function in the application settings dictionary as
if "log_function" in self.settings:
if handler.get_status() < 400:
log_method = access_log.info
elif handler.get_status() < 500:
log_method = access_log.warning
log_method = access_log.error
request_time = 1000.0 * handler.request.request_time()
log_method("%d %s %.2fms", handler.get_status(),
handler._request_summary(), request_time)

这里贴上一个官方的文档 http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/web.html?highlight=application#tornado.web.Application 链接




    def __init__(self, handlers=None, default_host="", transforms=None,
**settings): """此处我们略去其他不需要分析的部分""" if self.settings.get('debug'):
self.settings.setdefault('autoreload', True)
self.settings.setdefault('compiled_template_cache', False)
self.settings.setdefault('static_hash_cache', False)
self.settings.setdefault('serve_traceback', True) # Automatically reload modified modules
if self.settings.get('autoreload'):
from tornado import autoreload


def person(name, age, **kw):
print 'name:', name, 'age:', age, 'other:', kw >>> person('Bob', 35, city='Beijing')
name: Bob age: 35 other: {'city': 'Beijing'}


handlers=[(r'/', IndexHandler)],
template_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates"),

settings 将为 {'debug': 'True'},


        if self.settings.get('debug'):
self.settings.setdefault('autoreload', True)
self.settings.setdefault('compiled_template_cache', False)
self.settings.setdefault('static_hash_cache', False)
self.settings.setdefault('serve_traceback', True)

它的意思就是当setting参数中有debug被设置且为True时,执行下面四条语句,将 autoreload、serve_traceback设置为True,而将compiled_template_cache、static_hash_cache设置为False,那么这四个参数是什么意思呢?


  • autoreload: If True, the server process will restart when any source files change, as described in Debug mode and automatic reloading. This option is new in Tornado 3.2; previously this functionality was controlled by the debug setting.
  • compiled_template_cache: Default is True; if False templates will be recompiled on every request. This option is new in Tornado 3.2; previously this functionality was controlled by the debug setting.
  • static_hash_cache: Default is True; if False static urls will be recomputed on every request. This option is new in Tornado 3.2; previously this functionality was controlled by the debug setting.
  • serve_traceback: If true, the default error page will include the traceback of the error. This option is new in Tornado 3.2; previously this functionality was controlled by thedebug setting.


        # Automatically reload modified modules
if self.settings.get('autoreload'):
from tornado import autoreload



4、serve_traceback:traceback是python的处理异常栈的模块,我们在写python代码的时候,如果出错的了话,可以看到爆出一大堆错误,例如错误中可以追溯到错误地调用python标准库的一些函数,我们在开发网站的时候如果遇到错误,一般浏览器只会返回404not found, 505等错误信息,而代码的错误将在服务器终端显示出来,当这个serve_traceback被设置为True之后,我们就可以发现代码的错误也在浏览器上显示出来了。



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