1.使用setup,然后一路安装到select package,选择需要的包即可,然后一路next。

2.setup.exe -q -P 包名, 详细用法如下:

Command Line Options:
-A --disable-buggy-antivirus Disable known or suspected buggy anti
virus software packages during execution.
-C --categories Specify entire categories to install
-D --download Download from internet
-d --no-desktop Disable creation of desktop shortcut
-h --help print help
-K --pubkey Path to extra public key file (gpg format)
-L --local-install Install from local directory
-l --local-package-dir Local package directory
-n --no-shortcuts Disable creation of desktop and start menu
-N --no-startmenu Disable creation of start menu shortcut
-O --only-site Ignore all sites except for -s
-P --packages Specify packages to install
-p --proxy HTTP/FTP proxy (host:port)
-q --quiet-mode Unattended setup mode
-r --no-replaceonreboot Disable replacing in-use files on next
-R --root Root installation directory
-S --sexpr-pubkey Extra public key in s-expr format
-s --site Download site
-U --keep-untrusted-keys Use untrusted keys and retain all
-u --untrusted-keys Use untrusted keys from last-extrakeys
-X --no-verify Don't verify setup.ini signatures




C:\Windows\System32>C:\Users\admin\Downloads\setup.exe -q -P wget,tar,qawk,bzip2,subversion,vim


$ svn --force export http://apt-cyg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ /bin/
$ chmod +x /bin/apt-cyg


"apt-cyg install <package names>" to install packages
"apt-cyg remove <package names>" to remove packages
"apt-cyg update" to update setup.ini
"apt-cyg show" to show installed packages
"apt-cyg find <pattern(s)>" to find packages matching patterns
"apt-cyg describe <pattern(s)>" to describe packages matching patterns
"apt-cyg packageof <commands or files>" to locate parent packages

(4) 举例

$ apt-cyg install rsync
Working directory is /setup
Mirror is ftp://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/cygwin
--2011-05-09 06:44:24-- ftp://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/cygwin/setup.bz2
=> `.listing'
Resolving mirror.mcs.anl.gov (mirror.mcs.anl.gov)... 2620:0:dc0:1800:214:4fff:fe7d:1b9,,
Connecting to mirror.mcs.anl.gov (mirror.mcs.anl.gov)|2620:0:dc0:1800:214:4fff:fe7d:1b9|:21... failed: Connection timed out.
Connecting to mirror.mcs.anl.gov (mirror.mcs.anl.gov)||:21... connected. !! Output Omitted !! 2011-05-09 06:45:16 (131 KB/s) - `rsync-3.0.8-1.tar.bz2' saved [272248] Unpacking...
Package rsync requires the following packages, installing:
libgcc1 libiconv2 libpopt0 cygwin
Package libgcc1 is already installed, skipping
Package libiconv2 is already installed, skipping
Package libpopt0 is already installed, skipping
Package cygwin is already installed, skipping
Package rsync installed


Usage: cygcheck [-v] [-h] PROGRAM
cygcheck -c [-d] [PACKAGE]
cygcheck -s [-r] [-v] [-h]
cygcheck -k
cygcheck -f FILE [FILE]...
cygcheck -l [PACKAGE]...
cygcheck -p REGEXP
cygcheck --delete-orphaned-installation-keys
cygcheck --enable-unique-object-names Cygwin-DLL
cygcheck --disable-unique-object-names Cygwin-DLL
cygcheck --show-unique-object-names Cygwin-DLL
cygcheck -h List system information, check installed packages, or query package database. At least one command option or a PROGRAM is required, as shown above. PROGRAM list library (DLL) dependencies of PROGRAM
-c, --check-setup show installed version of PACKAGE and verify integrity
(or for all installed packages if none specified)
-d, --dump-only just list packages, do not verify (with -c)
-s, --sysinfo produce diagnostic system information (implies -c -d)
-r, --registry also scan registry for Cygwin settings (with -s)
-k, --keycheck perform a keyboard check session (must be run from a
plain console only, not from a pty/rxvt/xterm)
-f, --find-package find the package to which FILE belongs
-l, --list-package list contents of PACKAGE (or all packages if none given)
-p, --package-query search for REGEXP in the entire cygwin.com package
repository (requires internet connectivity)
Delete installation keys of old, now unused
installations from the registry. Requires the right
to change the registry.
--enable-unique-object-names Cygwin-DLL
--disable-unique-object-names Cygwin-DLL
--show-unique-object-names Cygwin-DLL
Enable, disable, or show the setting of the
\"unique object names\" setting in the Cygwin DLL
given as argument to this option. The DLL path must
be given as valid Windows(!) path.
See the users guide for more information.
If you don't know what this means, don't change it.
-v, --verbose produce more verbose output
-h, --help annotate output with explanatory comments when given
with another command, otherwise print this help
-V, --version print the version of cygcheck and exit Note: -c, -f, and -l only report on packages that are currently installed. To
search all official Cygwin packages use -p instead. The -p REGEXP matches
package names, descriptions, and names of files/paths within all packages.

6. 官方帮助地址:




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