以下代码为调用 JAVA 调用Axis2 code generator 生成的webservice的代码。

package test;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;

import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;

import soap.*;
import type.*; public class soap
public static void main(String[] args) throws RemoteException
ScfMobileSoapStub stu = new ScfMobileSoapStub(null, "");
GetSubscriber inParam = new GetSubscriber();
SInSubscriberParaVO parm = new SInSubscriberParaVO();
SPccSubscriber par = new SPccSubscriber();
SAVP savap[] = new SAVP[1];
savap[0] = new SAVP();
inParam.setInPara(parm); GetSubscriberResponse resp = stu.getSubscriber(inParam); System.out.println(resp.getResult().getResultCode());
System.out.println(resp.getResult().getSubscriber()[0].getAttribute()[0].getValue()); }


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