
轮廓的数学表达有隐式和显式两种表达。用曲面演化代替Front (C)演进。

C(t) = {(x, y)|φ(x, y, t) = 0}

∂φ/ ∂t + F|∇φ| =0 (1)

φ(x, y, 0) = φ0(x, y) 方程的本质是什么? 几何解释是什么

edge-based level set

∂φ /∂t = g(∇I)|∇φ| (div ( ∇φ /|∇φ| _ + ν ) (2)

φ(x, y, 0) = φ0(x, y) based on mean curvature motion by Caselles et 1993

∂φ /∂t = |∇φ| (−ν + ν/ (M1 − M2) )(|∇GI| − M2) (3)

φ(x, y, 0) = φ0(x, y)     Malladi et 1993


∂φ /∂t = |∇φ|div g(I) ∇φ /|∇φ| _ + νg(|∇I|) = g(I)|∇φ|div (
∇φ /|∇φ| _+∇g(I) · ∇φ + νg(|∇I|)

φ(x, y, 0) = φ0(x, y)
(4) Kichenassamy et 1995 and Caselles et 1995

An abstract representation common to all edge-based partial differential equation(PDE) is as follows:

∂φ /∂t = −αA(x) · ∇φ − βP(x)|∇φ| + γZ(x)κ|∇φ| (5)

φ(x, y, 0) = φ0(x, y) A is an advection term ; P is a propagation(expansion) term ; Z is a spatial modifier term for the mean curvature k.

region-based level-sets

Region-based level-sets segment the image into objects based on region statistics (rather than just object edges) of intensity, tex- ture, or color values.

F(c1, c2, φ) =
(I(x) − c1)2dx +
(I(x) − c2)2dx + ν · Area(C) +μ · Length(C) (6)


by Chan and Vese 2001


3.2 水平集函数

定义了一个抽象的水平集函数基类 itk::LevelSetBase

所有的水平集函数类实现具体的成员函数返回the level-set value [φ(x,y)], gradient(∇φ),Hessian(∇
φ),Laplacian(φ xx + φ
yy ),gradient norm(|∇φ|), and mean curvature (κ = div(∇φ/|∇φ| )) given its underlying representation (continuous or discrete image or mesh). Thus,the level-set equation, term, and evolution classes are independent of the underlying domain representation which facilitates the implementation of a wide variety of level-set methods.

图像的离散化表示itk::DiscreteLevlSetImage 被具体实现为Dense 和Sparse 情况。三种Sparse的表示:Whitaker 、Shif、Malcolm。(narrow-band)

3.2.1图像到水平集转换 BinaryImageToLevelSetAdaptorbase


在图像子集域内进行水平集演化,划分成不同子域。 A helper base class (LevelSetDomainPartitionBase) is used to define the location and size of the level-set domains relative to Ὼ (Figure3A).

Each grid point stores a list of the active level-set function ids. For the case when there are thousands of level-sets, populating a list image by checking overlap at each pixel is time-consuming. Therefore, we further specialized into a class itk::LevelSetDomainPartitionImageWithKdTree. This class uses a Kd-tree data structure that contains the centroids of the level-set domains. The Kd- tree is used to query nearby level-set functions at each pixel and check for overlap.This enables the simultaneous evolution of thousands of level-set functions thereby expanding the applicability of level-set procedures to tracking large numbers of objects and in large images. Note that there is an initial overhead associated with building the Kd-tree that can be avoided for cases involving a small number of level-set functions.

3.4 terms

水平集方程是各项的加权和。The term base class implements functions [Evaluate(.)] for computing the contribution from a term toward the level-set update.

3.5 container-based design

Container 是什么?

Different types of terms arising from edge-based and region-based level-set methods such as the propaga-

tion, Laplacian, advection, curvature, and region-based terms described in Equations 4 and 7 derive directly from LevelSetEquationTermBase:

we used containers to store level-set function objects, equation objects, and their constitutive terms。

Leve-set container term containers level-set equation container

3.6 Level-set evolution

3.7 stopping criterion


3.8 user-interaction

3.9 visualization


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