Appends a new file to the chain of files of a space. File must be closed. */
    const char*    name,    /*!< in: file name (file must be closed) */
    ulint        size,    /*!< in: file size in database blocks, rounded
                downwards to an integer */
    ulint        id,    /*!< in: space id where to append */
    ibool        is_raw)    /*!< in: TRUE if a raw device or
                a raw disk partition */
    fil_node_t*    node;
    fil_space_t*    space;



    node = mem_alloc(sizeof(fil_node_t));

    node->name = mem_strdup(name);
    node->open = FALSE;

    ut_a(!is_raw || srv_start_raw_disk_in_use);

    node->is_raw_disk = is_raw;
    node->size = size;
    node->magic_n = FIL_NODE_MAGIC_N;
    node->n_pending = ;
    node->n_pending_flushes = ;

    node->modification_counter = ;
    node->flush_counter = ;

    space = fil_space_get_by_id(id);

    if (!space) {

    space->size += size;

    node->space = space;

    UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(chain, space->chain, node);

    if (id < SRV_LOG_SPACE_FIRST_ID && fil_system->max_assigned_id < id) {

        fil_system->max_assigned_id = id;



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