The C# Memory Model in Theory and Practice

Best Practices
  • All code you write should rely only on the guarantees made by the ECMA C# specification, and not on any of the implementation details explained in this article.
  • Avoid unnecessary use of volatile fields. Most of the time, locks or concurrent collections (System.Collections.Concurrent.*) are more appropriate for exchanging data between threads. In some cases, volatile fields can be used to optimize concurrent code, but you should use performance measurements to validate that the benefit outweighs the extra complexity.
  • Instead of implementing the lazy initialization pattern yourself using a volatile field, use the System.Lazy<T> and System.Threading.LazyInitializer types.
  • Avoid polling loops. Often, you can use a BlockingCollection<T>, Monitor.Wait/Pulse, events or asynchronous programming instead of a polling loop.
  • Whenever possible, use the standard .NET concurrency primitives instead of implementing equivalent functionality yourself.


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