In Spring Security 3.0, the codebase has been sub-divided into separate jars which more clearly separate different functionality areas and third-party dependencies. If you are using Maven to build your project, then these are the modules you will add to your pom.xml. Even if you’re not using Maven, we’d recommend that you consult the pom.xml files to get an idea of third-party dependencies and versions. Alternatively, a good idea is to examine the libraries that are included in the sample applications.

在Spring Security 3.0中,代码库已被细分为单独的jar,这些jar更清楚地分隔了不同的功能区域和第三方依赖项。如果您使用Maven构建项目,那么这些是您将添加到pom.xml的模块。即使您没有使用Maven,我们也建议您查阅pom.xml文件以了解第三方依赖项和版本。或者,一个好主意是检查示例应用程序中包含的库。

Core - spring-security-core.jar

Contains core authentication and access-contol classes and interfaces, remoting support and basic provisioning APIs. Required by any application which uses Spring Security. Supports standalone applications, remote clients, method (service layer) security and JDBC user provisioning. Contains the top-level packages:

包含核心身份验证和access-contol类和接口,远程支持和基本配置API。任何使用Spring Security的应用程序都需要。支持独立应用程序,远程客户端,方法(服务层)安全性和JDBC用户配置。包含顶级包:

Remoting - spring-security-remoting.jar  (远程处理)

Provides intergration with Spring Remoting. You don’t need this unless you are writing a remote client which uses Spring Remoting. The main package is

提供与Spring Remoting的集成。除非您正在编写使用Spring Remoting的远程客户端,否则您不需要这样做。主要包是。

Config - spring-security-config.jar

Contains the security namespace parsing code & Java configuration code. You need it if you are using the Spring Security XML namespace for configuration or Spring Security’s Java Configuration support. The main package is None of the classes are intended for direct use in an application.

包含安全名称空间解析代码和Java配置代码。如果您使用Spring Security XML命名空间进行配置或Spring Security的Java配置支持,则需要它。主要包是。这些类都不打算直接用于应用程序。

LDAP - spring-security-ldap.jar

LDAP authentication and provisioning code. Required if you need to use LDAP authentication or manage LDAP user entries. The top-level package is


ACL - spring-security-acl.jar

Specialized domain object ACL implementation. Used to apply security to specific domain object instances within your application. The top-level package is


CAS - spring-security-cas.jar

Spring Security’s CAS client integration. If you want to use Spring Security web authentication with a CAS single sign-on server. The top-level package is

Spring Security的CAS客户端集成。如果要将CAS安全Web身份验证与CAS单一登录服务器一起使用。顶级包是。

OpenID - spring-security-openid.jar

OpenID web authentication support. Used to authenticate users against an external OpenID server. Requires OpenID4Java.

OpenID Web身份验证支持。用于针对外部OpenID服务器对用户进行身份验证。。需要OpenID4Java。

Test - spring-security-test.jar

Support for testing with Spring Security.

支持使用Spring Security进行测试。


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