Title: Figure skating(花样滑冰): Olympic(奥林匹克的) champion Hanyu says '100 percent' on(引出时机) return to ice(冰场,指花滑的赛场)

  figure n.身材,轮廓;(花样滑冰的)动作;花样 

  champion 冠军;捍卫者 

Yuzuru Hanyu(羽生结弦), the only man in more than 50 years to win back-to-back Olympic gold(金牌) in figure skating, said on Tuesday that his condition(状态) is "100 percent" ahead of([空间上的]在…前面,[时间上的]早于…) the world championships(冠军级别的比赛,锦标赛) after months out of competition with(指伴随) an ankle injury.

  back-to-back adj.连续的,一个接一个的

  condition n.状态;环境;健康状况;条款

  the world championships 世界锦标赛

  ankle n.踝关节;脚踝

Hanyu injured his right ankle in practice(练习) for a Grand Prix  event(事件,赛事) late last year and was forced to drop out of the Grand Prix Final(n.指体育比赛/电竞比赛的总决赛) as well as the Japanese nationals.

  grand prix n.国际大奖赛(尤指赛车比赛),锦标赛

  drop out 退出,停止;辍学

  nationals n.国家锦标赛

It has been roughly(adv.大概地,近似地) four months since his last competition—a situation similar to last year's Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, where he triumphed after a long gap(裂缝,时间上的间隔,间隙) due to a different injury to the same ankle.

  situation n.(人的)情况;局面,形势,处境;位置; [心理学] 情境

  be similar to 和…相似

  triumph v.取得巨大的成功,胜利  triumph over…+ 战胜的对象

  a long gap 很长一段时间的间隔

  due to 由于…,因为…  (一般接不太好的原因)


A day before the competition starts, a black-clad Hanyu landed(v.成功的做到某件事情,拿下) several clean(形容动作干净利落的) quad jumps at practice.

  black-clad adj.身穿黑色衣服的,一袭黑衣的   -clad 穿…衣服的,覆盖着…的

    leather-clad 一身皮衣   snow-clad hills 布满了皑皑白雪的小山坡

  quad jump (花样滑冰的)四周跳  quadruple adj.四倍的

"I can confidently say I am at 100 percent, " he later told a news conference.

  confidently adv.充满自信地

"Of course, that doesn't mean that every day I produce the same results, and if it's the ideal(完美的,理想的) of 100 percent I held before this season(赛季) began that's probably not quite true either, " said the 24-year-old, who skated on painkillers to win at Pyeongchang after he only began practising jumps again a month or so before the competition.

  painkiller n.止痛药

  a month or so  一个月左右  a year or so 一年左右

Hanyu, who has won two world championships himself, said he relished the competition(比赛)—which is taking place at the same arena just north of Tokyo(琦玉竞技场) where he won his first world title in 2014.

  relish v.期盼;憧憬

  arena n.竞技场,场地;竞争舞台  a sports arena 运动比赛的场地  political arena 政治斗争的舞台

  world title 世界冠军  title n.头衔,称号


"There's a special tension(氛围紧张) ahead of the worlds, " he said. "I'm definitely a bit more emotional that they're taking place in Japan."

  tension n.紧绷状态;紧张关系或局势   muscular tension 肌肉紧绷

  definitely adv.明确地; 确切地; 一定地; 肯定地

  emotional adj.表现强烈情感的;令人动情的;易动感情的;感情脆弱的


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