



 发现了, 原来是小游戏里面获取不到 element.clientWidth, 要替换成 window.innerWidth

Mobile friendly three.js camera that mimics 2d maps navigation with pan and zoom.



  • Touch friendly. Drag scene around with single finger touch, or zoom it with standard pinch gesture.

  • Zoom into point. Use your mouse wheel to zoom into particular point on the scene.
  • Easing. When you pan around, the movement does not stop immediately. Smooth kinetic panning gives natural feel to it.

  • Tiny. It's less than 400 lines of documented code.


// let's say you have a standard THREE.js PerspectiveCamera:
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 40, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 3000 ); // To turn on a map-like navigation:
var createPanZoom = require(''); // We assume that three.js scene is hosted inside DOM element `container`
var panZoom = createPanZoom(camera, container); // That's it. panZoom wil now listen to events from `container`. You can pan and
// zoom with your mouse or fingers (on touch device) // If you want to dispose three.js scene, make sure to call:


// the panZoom api fires events when something happens,
// so that you can react to user actions:
panZoom.on('panstart', function() {
// fired when users begins panning (dragging) the surface
console.log('panstart fired');
}); panZoom.on('panend', function() {
// fired when user stpos panning (dragging) the surface
console.log('panend fired');
}); panZoom.on('beforepan', function(panPayload) {
// fired when camera position will be changed.
console.log('going to move camera.position.x by: ' + panPayload.dx);
console.log('going to move camera.position.y by: ' + panPayload.dy);
}); panZoom.on('beforezoom', function(panPayload) {
// fired when befor zoom in/zoom out
console.log('going to move camera.position.x by: ' + panPayload.dx);
console.log('going to move camera.position.y by: ' + panPayload.dy);
console.log('going to move camera.position.z by: ' +;




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