

A. A Prank
time limit per test
memory limit per test
standard input
standard output JATC and his friend Giraffe are currently in their room, solving some problems. Giraffe has written on the board an array a1
, a2, ..., an of integers, such that ≤a1<a2<…<an≤ , and then went to the bathroom. JATC decided to prank his friend by erasing some consecutive elements in the array. Since he doesn't want for the prank to go too far, he will only erase in a way, such that Giraffe can still restore the array using the information from the remaining elements. Because Giraffe has created the array, he's also aware that it's an increasing array and all the elements are integers in the range [1,103] . JATC wonders what is the greatest number of elements he can erase?
Input The first line of the input contains a single integer n
(≤n≤ ) — the number of elements in the array. The second line of the input contains n
integers ai (≤a1<a2<⋯<an≤ ) — the array written by Giraffe.
Output Print a single integer — the maximum number of consecutive elements in the array that JATC can erase. If it is impossible to erase even a single element, print .
Copy Output
Copy Input
Copy Output
Copy Input
Copy Output
Copy Note In the first example, JATC can erase the third and fourth elements, leaving the array [,,_,_,,] . As you can see, there is only one way to fill in the blanks. In the second example, JATC can erase the second and the third elements. The array will become [,_,_]
. Because all the elements are less than or equal to , the array is still can be restored. Note, that he can't erase the first 2 elements. In the third example, JATC can erase the first
elements. Since all the elements are greater than or equal to , Giraffe can still restore the array. Note, that he can't erase the last 4 elements.


  一个长度为n(1 ≤ n ≤ 100)的,在1-1000范围内的严格递增序列a[n]。






  ②:a1 = 1,a2 = 2时,a1可以删去,而a1 = 2,a2 = 3时不能删去a1

  ③:an-1 = 999,an = 1000时,an可以删去,而an-1 = 998,an = 999时不能删去an


  对于②③,不妨令a[0] = 0,a[n+1] = 1001,就可以直接求最长的连续序列长度了,答案为长度-2。


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;
const int MAX_N = 1e2 + ; int a[MAX_N]; int main()
int N;
cin >> N;
for (int i = ; i <= N; i++) {
scanf("%d", a+i);
a[++N] = ;
int pre = ;
int len = ;
int ans = ;
for (int i = ; i <= N; i++) {
if (a[i] == pre+) {
else {
ans = max(ans, len-);
len = ;
pre = a[i];
ans = max(ans, len-);
cout << ans << endl;
return ;


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