Andy Tremayne, my esteemed colleague and fellow blogger, has published a new whitepaper that discusses the effects of network acceleration appliances on traffic optimization for E-Business Suite environments:

From Andy's crisp prologue:

Network appliances can be used to reduce bandwidth and latency effects through the use of data stream compression and object caching. The focus of this whitepaper is the deployment of Oracle E-Business Suite across an enterprise wide area network (WAN). Internet-facing applications may benefit from other specialized technologies such as Internet based Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and Internet-based network optimization strategies such as caching, route optimization, and protocol optimization.

The two main types of acceleration appliances are classed as Asymmetric and Symmetric. Asymmetric acceleration uses a centrally-located single appliance whereas Symmetric acceleration requires an appliance at either end of a network link, or in some cases, a single central appliance and corresponding software client on each remote computer.

As is Andy's wont, this whitepaper is packed with thoughtful analysis, architectural insights, recommendations, diagrams, in-depth quantitative benchmarks, and detailed charts that compare:

  • Traffic reduction improvements for different transaction types
  • Socket to servlet data transfer rates
  • Response times in optimized and unoptimized testbeds
  • Traffic reduction for low network bandwidth activities
  • Optimization results for high network bandwith activities

This whitepaper is critical reading for network architects grappling with the challenges of providing E-Business Suite access to geographically-diverse locations.

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