


  • Excel导入:通过对模板类标记特性自动校验数据(后期计划支持FluentApi,即传参决定校验行为),并将有效数据转换为指定类型,业务端只在拿到正确和错误数据后决定如何处理;
  • Excel导出:通过对模板类标记特性自动渲染样式(后期计划支持FluentApi,即传参决定导出行为);
  • Word根据模板生成:支持使用文本和图片替换,占位符只需定义模板类,制作Word模板,一行代码导出docx文档(后期计划支持转换为pdf);
  • Word根据Table母版生成:只需定义模板类,制作表格模板,传入数据,服务会根据数据条数自动复制表格母版,并填充数据;
  • Word从空白创建等功能:特别复杂的Word导出任务,支持从空白创建;




支持.net core自带依赖注入

// 注入Office基础服务
services.AddEasyOffice(new OfficeOptions());

IExcelImportService - Excel通用导入


 public class Car
[ColName("车牌号")] //对应Excel列名
[Required] //校验必填
[Regex(RegexConstant.CAR_CODE_REGEX)] //正则表达式校验,RegexConstant预置了一些常用的正则表达式,也可以自定义
[Duplication] //校验模板类该列数据是否重复
public string CarCode { get; set; } [ColName("手机号")]
public string Mobile { get; set; } [ColName("身份证号")]
public string IdentityNumber { get; set; } [ColName("姓名")]
[MaxLength(10)] //最大长度校验
public string Name { get; set; } [ColName("性别")]
public GenderEnum Gender { get; set; } [ColName("注册日期")]
[DateTime] //日期校验
public DateTime RegisterDate { get; set; } [ColName("年龄")]
[Range(0, 150)] //数值范围校验
public int Age { get; set; }


var _rows = _excelImportService.ValidateAsync<ExcelCarTemplateDTO>(new ImportOption()
FileUrl = fileUrl, //Excel文件绝对地址
DataRowStartIndex = 1, //数据起始行索引,默认1第二行
HeaderRowIndex = 0, //表头起始行索引,默认0第一行
MappingDictionary = null, //映射字典,可以将模板类与Excel列重新映射, 默认null
SheetIndex = 0, //页面索引,默认0第一个页签
ValidateMode = ValidateModeEnum.Continue //校验模式,默认StopOnFirstFailure校验错误后此行停止继续校验,Continue:校验错误后继续校验
}).Result; //得到错误行
var errorDatas = _rows.Where(x => !x.IsValid);
//错误行业务处理 //将有效数据行转换为指定类型
var validDatas = _rows.Where(x=>x.IsValid).FastConvert<ExcelCarTemplateDTO>();


      var dt = _excelImportService.ToTableAsync<ExcelCarTemplateDTO> //模板类型
fileUrl, //文件绝对地址
0, //页签索引,默认0
0, //表头行索引,默认0
1, //数据行索引,默认1
-1); //读取多少条数据,默认-1全部

IExcelExportService - 通用Excel导出服务


    [Header(Color = ColorEnum.BRIGHT_GREEN, FontSize = 22, IsBold = true)] //表头样式
[WrapText] //自动换行
public class ExcelCarTemplateDTO
[MergeCols] //相同数据自动合并单元格
public string CarCode { get; set; } [ColName("手机号")]
public string Mobile { get; set; } [ColName("身份证号")]
public string IdentityNumber { get; set; } [ColName("姓名")]
public string Name { get; set; } [ColName("性别")]
public GenderEnum Gender { get; set; } [ColName("注册日期")]
public DateTime RegisterDate { get; set; } [ColName("年龄")]
public int Age { get; set; }


    var bytes = await _excelExportService.ExportAsync(new ExportOption<ExcelCarTemplateDTO>()
Data = list,
DataRowStartIndex = 1, //数据行起始索引,默认1
ExcelType = ExcelTypeEnum.XLS,//导出Excel类型,默认xls
HeaderRowIndex = 0, //表头行索引,默认0
SheetName = "sheet1" //页签名称,默认sheet1
}); File.WriteAllBytes(@"c:\test.xls", bytes);

IExcelImportSolutionService - Excel导入解决方案服务(与前端控件配套的完整解决方案)


var templateBytes = await _excelImportSolutionService.GetImportTemplateAsync<DemoTemplateDTO>(); //获取导入配置
var importConfig = await _excelImportSolutionService.GetImportConfigAsync<DemoTemplateDTO>("uploadUrl","templateUrl"); //获取预览数据
var previewData = await _excelImportSolutionService.GetFileHeadersAndRowsAsync<DemoTemplateDTO>("fileUrl"); //导入
var importOption = new ImportOption()
FileUrl = "fileUrl",
ValidateMode = ValidateModeEnum.Continue
object importSetData = new object(); //前端传过来的映射数据
var importResult = await _excelImportSolutionService.ImportAsync<DemoTemplateDTO>
, importSetData
, BusinessAction //业务方法委托
, CustomValidate //自定义校验委托
); //获取导入错误消息
var errorMsg = await _excelImportSolutionService.ExportErrorMsgAsync(importResult.Tag);

IWordExportService - Word通用导出服务

CreateFromTemplateAsync - 根据模板生成Word

//step1 - 定义模板类
public class WordCarTemplateDTO
public string OwnerName { get; set; } [Placeholder("{Car_Type Car Type}")] //重写占位符
public string CarType { get; set; } //使用Picture或IEnumerable<Picture>类型可以将占位符替换为图片
public IEnumerable<Picture> CarPictures { get; set; } public Picture CarLicense { get; set; }
} //step2 - 制作word模板 //step3 - 导出word
string templateUrl = @"c:\template.docx";
WordCarTemplateDTO car = new WordCarTemplateDTO()
OwnerName = "刘德华",
CarType = "豪华型宾利",
CarPictures = new List<Picture>() {
new Picture()
PictureUrl = pic1, //图片绝对地址,如果设置了PictureData此项不生效
FileName = "图片1",//文件名称
Height = 10,//图片高度单位厘米默认8
Width = 3,//图片宽度单位厘米默认14
PictureData = null,//图片流数据,优先取这里的数据,没有则取url
PictureType = PictureTypeEnum.JPEG //图片类型,默认jpeg
new Picture(){
PictureUrl = pic2
CarLicense = new Picture { PictureUrl = pic3 }
}; var word = await _wordExportService.CreateFromTemplateAsync(templateUrl, car); File.WriteAllBytes(@"c:\file.docx", word.WordBytes);


//step1 - 定义模板类,参考上面

//step2 - 定义word模板,制作一个表格,填好占位符。

//step3 - 调用,如下示例,最终生成的word有两个用户表格
string templateurl = @"c:\template.docx";
var user1 = new UserInfoDTO()
Name = "张三",
Age = 15,
Gender = "男",
Remarks = "简介简介"
var user2 = new UserInfoDTO()
Name = "李四",
Age = 20,
Gender = "女",
Remarks = "简介简介简介"
}; var datas = new List<UserInfoDTO>() { user1, user2 }; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
} var word = await _wordExportService.CreateFromMasterTableAsync(templateurl, datas); File.WriteAllBytes(@"c:\file.docx", word.WordBytes);

CreateWordAsync - 从空白生成word

public async Task 导出所有日程()
var date1 = new ScheduleDate()
DateTimeStr = "2019年5月5日 星期八",
Addresses = new List<Address>()
}; var address1 = new Address()
Name = "会场一",
Categories = new List<Category>()
}; var cate1 = new Category()
Name = "分类1",
Schedules = new List<Schedule>()
}; var schedule1 = new Schedule()
Name = "日程1",
TimeString = "上午9:00 - 上午12:00",
Speakers = new List<Speaker>()
var schedule2 = new Schedule()
Name = "日程2",
TimeString = "下午13:00 - 下午14:00",
Speakers = new List<Speaker>()
}; var speaker1 = new Speaker()
Name = "张三",
Position = "总经理"
var speaker2 = new Speaker()
Name = "李四",
Position = "副总经理"
}; schedule1.Speakers.Add(speaker1);
date1.Addresses.Add(address1); var dates = new List<ScheduleDate>() { date1,date1,date1 }; var tables = new List<Table>(); //新建一个表格
var table = new Table()
Rows = new List<TableRow>()
}; foreach (var date in dates)
var rowDate = new TableRow()
Cells = new List<TableCell>()
}; //新增单元格
rowDate.Cells.Add(new TableCell()
Color = "lightblue", //设置单元格颜色
Paragraphs = new List<Paragraph>()
new Paragraph()
Run = new Run()
Text = date.DateTimeStr,//文本域文本,Run还可以
Color = "red", //设置文本颜色
FontFamily = "微软雅黑",//设置文本字体
FontSize = 12,//设置文本字号
IsBold = true,//是否粗体
Pictures = new List<Picture>()//也可以插入图片
Alignment = Alignment.CENTER //段落居中
table.Rows.Add(rowDate); //会场
foreach (var addr in date.Addresses)
foreach (var cate in addr.Categories)
var rowCate = new TableRow()
Cells = new List<TableCell>()
}; //会场名称
rowCate.Cells.Add(new TableCell()
Paragraphs = new List<Paragraph>{ new Paragraph()
Run = new Run()
Text = addr.Name,
}); rowCate.Cells.Add(new TableCell()
Paragraphs = new List<Paragraph>(){ new Paragraph()
Run = new Run()
Text = cate.Name,
table.Rows.Add(rowCate); //日程
foreach (var sche in cate.Schedules)
var rowSche = new TableRow()
Cells = new List<TableCell>()
}; var scheCell = new TableCell()
Paragraphs = new List<Paragraph>()
new Paragraph()
Run = new Run()
Text = sche.Name
new Paragraph()
Run = new Run()
Text = sche.TimeString
}; foreach (var speaker in sche.Speakers)
scheCell.Paragraphs.Add(new Paragraph()
Run = new Run()
Text = $"{speaker.Position}:{speaker.Name}"
} rowSche.Cells.Add(scheCell); table.Rows.Add(rowSche);
} tables.Add(table); var word = await _wordExportService.CreateWordAsync(tables); File.WriteAllBytes(fileUrl, word.WordBytes);

扩展功能 - Extensions

IWordConverter Word转换器


step1: Startup注入
serviceCollection.AddEasyOfficeExtensions(); step2:
构造函数注入IWordConverter _wordConverter step3:调用
var pdfBytes = _wordConverter.ConvertToPDF(docxBytes, "text");



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