mongo-help功能 version:2.6.12

> help                     help on db methods              help on collection methods                    sharding helpers                    replica set helpers
    help admin                    administrative help
    help connect                 connecting to a db help
    help keys                    key shortcuts
    help misc                    misc things to know
    help mr                      mapreduce

show dbs                         show database names
    show collections                show collections in current database
    show users                       show users in current database
    show profile                     show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms
    show logs                        show the accessible logger names
    show log [name]               prints out the last segment of log in memory, 'global' is default
    use <db_name>                set current database                     list objects in collection foo { a : 1 } )        list objects in foo where a == 1
    it                                  result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate
    DBQuery.shellBatchSize = x    set default number of items to display on shell
    exit                               quit the mongo shell  //显示数据库操作命令
DB methods:
    db.adminCommand(nameOrDocument)         - switches to 'admin' db, and runs command [ just calls db.runCommand(...) ]
    db.auth(username, password)
    db.commandHelp(name)               - returns the help for the command
    db.copyDatabase(fromdb, todb, fromhost)
    db.createCollection(name, { size : ..., capped : ..., max : ... } )
    db.currentOp()                   - displays currently executing operations in the db
    db.eval(func, args)                - run code server-side
    db.fsyncLock()                   - flush data to disk and lock server for backups
    db.fsyncUnlock()                  - unlocks server following a db.fsyncLock()
    db.getCollection(cname)              - same as db['cname'] or db.cname
    db.getLastError()                 - just returns the err msg string
    db.getLastErrorObj()               - return full status object
    db.getMongo()                    - get the server connection object
    db.getMongo().setSlaveOk()           - allow queries on a replication slave server
    db.getProfilingLevel()              - deprecated
    db.getProfilingStatus()             - returns if profiling is on and slow threshold
    db.getSiblingDB(name)              - get the db at the same server as this one
    db.getWriteConcern()     - returns the write concern used for any operations on this db, inherited from server object if set
    db.hostInfo()                   - get details about the server's host
    db.isMaster()                   - check replica primary status
    db.killOp(opid)                  - kills the current operation in the db
    db.listCommands()                 - lists all the db commands
    db.loadServerScripts()              - loads all the scripts in db.system.js
    db.runCommand(cmdObj)                 - run a database command.  }
    db.setProfilingLevel(level,<slowms>)           - =off =slow =all
    db.setWriteConcern( <write concern doc> )    - sets the write concern for writes to the db
    db.unsetWriteConcern( <write concern doc> )    - unsets the write concern for writes to the db
    db.setVerboseShell(flag)                       - display extra information in shell output
    db.version()                     - current version of the server  //数据库的集合进行操作、管理和监控

function () {
    var shortName = this.getName();
    print("DBCollection help");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find().help() - show DBCursor help");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".count()");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".copyTo(newColl) - duplicates collection by copying all documents to newColl; no indexes are copied.");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".convertToCapped(maxBytes) - calls {convertToCapped:'" + shortName + "', size:maxBytes}} command");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".dataSize()");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".distinct( key ) - e.g. db." + shortName + ".distinct( 'x' )");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".drop() drop the collection");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".dropIndex(index) - e.g. db." + shortName + ".dropIndex( \"indexName\" ) or db." + shortName + ".dropIndex( { \"indexKey\" : 1 } )");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".dropIndexes()");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".ensureIndex(keypattern[,options]) - options is an object with these possible fields: name, unique, dropDups");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".reIndex()");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find([query],[fields]) - query is an optional query filter. fields is optional set of fields to return.");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find( {x:77} , {name:1, x:1} )");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find(...).count()");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find(...).limit(n)");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find(...).skip(n)");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".find(...).sort(...)");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".findOne([query])");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".findAndModify( { update : ... , remove : bool [, query: {}, sort: {}, 'new': false] } )");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getDB() get DB object associated with collection");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getPlanCache() get query plan cache associated with collection");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getIndexes()");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".group( { key : ..., initial: ..., reduce : ...[, cond: ...] } )");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".insert(obj)");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".mapReduce( mapFunction , reduceFunction , <optional params> )");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".aggregate( [pipeline], <optional params> ) - performs an aggregation on a collection; returns a cursor");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".remove(query)");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".renameCollection( newName , <dropTarget> ) renames the collection.");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".runCommand( name , <options> ) runs a db command with the given name where the first param is the collection name");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".save(obj)");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".stats()");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".storageSize() - includes free space allocated to this collection");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".totalIndexSize() - size in bytes of all the indexes");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".totalSize() - storage allocated for all data and indexes");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".update(query, object[, upsert_bool, multi_bool]) - instead of two flags, you can pass an object with fields: upsert, multi");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".validate( <full> ) - SLOW");;
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getShardVersion() - only for use with sharding");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getShardDistribution() - prints statistics about data distribution in the cluster");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getSplitKeysForChunks( <maxChunkSize> ) - calculates split points over all chunks and returns splitter function");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".getWriteConcern() - returns the write concern used for any operations on this collection, inherited from server/db if set");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".setWriteConcern( <write concern doc> ) - sets the write concern for writes to the collection");
    print("\tdb." + shortName + ".unsetWriteConcern( <write concern doc> ) - unsets the write concern for writes to the collection");
    return __magicNoPrint;

function () {
    print( "\tsh.addShard( host )                       server:port OR setname/server:port" )
    print( "\tsh.enableSharding(dbname)                 enables sharding on the database dbname" )
    print( "\tsh.shardCollection(fullName,key,unique)   shards the collection" );

    print( "\tsh.splitFind(fullName,find)               splits the chunk that find is in at the median" );
    print( "\tsh.splitAt(fullName,middle)               splits the chunk that middle is in at middle" );
    print( "\tsh.moveChunk(fullName,find,to)            move the chunk where 'find' is to 'to' (name of shard)");

    print( "\tsh.setBalancerState( <bool on or not> )   turns the balancer on or off true=on, false=off" );
    print( "\tsh.getBalancerState()                     return true if enabled" );
    print( "\tsh.isBalancerRunning()                    return true if the balancer has work in progress on any mongos" );

    print( "\tsh.addShardTag(shard,tag)                 adds the tag to the shard" );
    print( "\tsh.removeShardTag(shard,tag)              removes the tag from the shard" );
    print( "\tsh.addTagRange(fullName,min,max,tag)      tags the specified range of the given collection" );

    print( "\tsh.status()                               prints a general overview of the cluster" )

function () {
    print("\trs.status()                     { replSetGetStatus : 1 } checks repl set status");
    print("\trs.initiate()                   { replSetInitiate : null } initiates set with default settings");
    print("\trs.initiate(cfg)                { replSetInitiate : cfg } initiates set with configuration cfg");
    print("\trs.conf()                       get the current configuration object from local.system.replset");
    print("\trs.reconfig(cfg)                updates the configuration of a running replica set with cfg (disconnects)");
    print("\trs.add(hostportstr)             add a new member to the set with default attributes (disconnects)");
    print("\trs.add(membercfgobj)            add a new member to the set with extra attributes (disconnects)");
    print("\trs.addArb(hostportstr)          add a new member which is arbiterOnly:true (disconnects)");
    print("\trs.stepDown([secs])             step down as primary (momentarily) (disconnects)");
    print("\trs.syncFrom(hostportstr)        make a secondary to sync from the given member");
    print("\trs.freeze(secs)                 make a node ineligible to become primary for the time specified");
    print("\trs.remove(hostportstr)          remove a host from the replica set (disconnects)");
    print("\trs.slaveOk()                    shorthand for db.getMongo().setSlaveOk()");
    print("\trs.printReplicationInfo()       check oplog size and time range");
    print("\trs.printSlaveReplicationInfo()  check replica set members and replication lag");
    print("\tdb.isMaster()                   check who is primary");
    print("\treconfiguration helpers disconnect from the database so the shell will display");
    print("\tan error, even if the command succeeds.");
    print("\tsee also http://<mongod_host>:28017/_replSet for additional diagnostic info");


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